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Created September 19, 2015 11:57
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Drupal settings constants
* @file
* Global constants.
* This file contains only site-wide, not module-related, constants.
* Module-related constants must stay with their modules.
* @defgroup constants_entity_types Entity types constants
* @{
* Entity types constants must be used in every entity type evaluation
* expression.
* Not sure how this did not get into Drupal core.
* Defines node entity type.
define('ENTITY_TYPE_NODE', 'node');
* Defines taxonomy term entity type.
define('ENTITY_TYPE_TAXONOMY_TERM', 'taxonomy_term');
* Defines user entity type.
define('ENTITY_TYPE_USER', 'user');
* Defines comment entity type.
define('ENTITY_TYPE_COMMENT', 'comment');
* Defines field_collection_item entity type.
define('ENTITY_TYPE_FIELD_COLLECTION_ITEM', 'field_collection_item');
* @} End of "Entity types constants"
* @defgroup constants_roles User role constants
* @{
* User role constants to be used in every user role evaluation expression.
* Defines Anonymous user.
define('USER_ANONYMOUS_ROLE_NAME', 'anonymous user');
* Defines Anonymous user.
define('USER_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE_NAME', 'authenticated user');
* Defines system_admin user role name.
define('USER_SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_NAME', 'system_admin');
* @} End of "User role constants"
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