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Created January 13, 2016 02:06
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os, cmd
from collections import namedtuple
PowerballTicket = namedtuple("PowerballTicket",
["ticket_number", "white_balls", "powerball"])
class PowerballChecker(cmd.Cmd):
intro_lines = []
intro_lines.append("💸💸💸 Welcome to the Powerball Checker! 💸💸💸")
intro_lines.append("⚪ ️⚪ ️⚪ ️⚪ ️⚪ ️🔴".center(len(intro_lines[0]), ' '))
intro_lines.append("Type start to begin, help or ? to list commands, or exit to stop at any time")
steps = ['Step 1: Load tickets from a valid CSV file',
'Step 2: Load Powerball drawing numbers',
'Step 3: Enjoy your results!']
intro = '\n'.join(intro_lines + steps)
prompt = "(🐻 )" # alternatives: 💩, 🔴, 💰
def __init__(self, args):
self.ticket_file = None
self.tickets_loaded = False = []
self.white_balls = None
self.powerball = None
self.won = False
self.winning_tickets = []
# Cmd aliases
self.do_tickets = self.do_load
self.do_quit = self.do_exit
self.do_end = self.do_exit
def do_load(self, arg):
'''Loads tickets from a file. File should be CSV format, first line is ignored, and columns formatted like:
Ticket Number\t| WB 1\t| WB 2\t| WB 3\t| WB 4\t| WB 5\t| Powerball
-------------\t| ----\t| ----\t| ----\t| ----\t| ----\t| ---------
12345-6789\t| 32\t| 16\t| 19\t| 57\t| 34\t| 13
filename = arg
if not filename:
print "Ticket file name: ",
filename = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print "... Filename \"%s\" is invalid! Cannot open." % filename
self.ticket_file = filename
def do_reload(self, arg):
'''Reloads the given tickets file'''
print "... loading" = []
line_num = 0
error_num = 0
with open(self.ticket_file) as f:
header = f.readline()
for line in f:
line_num += 1
cols = line.rstrip().split(',')
if len(cols) < 7:
error_num += 1
ticket = PowerballTicket(cols[0].strip(),
[int(cols[1]), int(cols[2]), int(cols[3]), int(cols[4]), int(cols[5])],
error_num += 1
print "Read %d tickets, %d of them had errors" % (line_num, error_num)
if line_num > 0 and error_num < line_num:
self.tickets_loaded = True
print "Too many errors, please try again"
if self.tickets_loaded:
print "✅ Tickets loaded from file \"%s\"" % (self.ticket_file)
def do_balls(self, arg):
'''Loads the Powerball drawing numbers'''
print "Time to input the balls! First enter the 5 white balls, followed by the red Powerball:"
wb = []
for i in range(5):
print "\t⚪ :️",
ball = int(sys.stdin.readline())
print "\t🔴 :",
pb = int(sys.stdin.readline())
self.white_balls = sorted(wb)
self.powerball = pb
print "Error inputing drawing numbers, please try again"
print "✅ Powerball drawing numbers entered!"
def do_check(self, arg):
'''Checks your Powerball winnings!'''
if self.ready_to_check():
print "Not all inputs are loaded. Still needed:\n---"
if not self.tickets_loaded:
print "tickets\t\tLoad tickets from a CSV file with the `load` command."
if not self.white_balls or len(self.white_balls != 5):
print "white balls\tLoad white balls drawn with the `balls` command."
if not self.powerball:
print "powerball\tLoad Powerball with the `balls` command."
def ready_to_check(self):
return (self.tickets_loaded and self.white_balls and
len(self.white_balls) == 5 and self.powerball)
def check_winnings(self):
self.won = False
self.winning_tickets = []
for ticket in
wb = ticket.white_balls
wb_matches = self.matching_whites(ticket.white_balls, list(self.white_balls))
prize = self.calculate_prize(wb_matches, ticket.powerball == self.powerball)
if prize:
self.winning_tickets.append((ticket, prize))
if self.won > 0:
print "💰 GRAND PRIZE WON! 💰"
elif len(self.winning_tickets) > 0:
print "💸 Some winning tickets found..."
print "Ticket \t\t| Winnings"
print "----------\t| ---------"
for ticket in self.winning_tickets:
print ticket[0].ticket_number, "\t|", ticket[1]
def matching_whites(self, selected, drawn):
match = 0
for number in selected:
if number in drawn:
match += 1
return match
def calculate_prize(self, white_matches, powerball_matched):
if powerball_matched and white_matches == 5:
self.won = True
return "💸💸💸 GRAND PRIZE 💸💸💸"
elif white_matches == 5:
return "$1,000,000"
elif powerball_matched and white_matches == 4:
return "$50,000"
elif white_matches == 4 or (powerball_matched and white_matches == 3):
return "$100"
elif white_matches == 3 or (powerball_matched and white_matches == 2):
return "$7"
elif powerball_matched:
return "$4"
return None
def do_start(self, arg):
'''Starts Powerball checker from the beginning'''
if self.tickets_loaded:
if self.ready_to_check():
def do_steps(self, arg):
'''Prints program steps'''
for step in PowerballChecker.steps:
print step
def do_exit(self, arg):
'''Quits program'''
return self.end_program()
def end_program(self):
print "Thank you for playing Powerball!"
if self.won:
print "Congratulations on winning! 💸"
elif len(self.winning_tickets) > 0:
print "Some congrats are in order..."
print "Sorry that you lost! 😭"
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
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