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Created June 7, 2017 15:29
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How to: build OpenCV x64 with Qt on Visual Studio 2015 Community Preview and Windows 10 Preview (build 10162)

Note: since I switched to free software (aka GNU+Linux), I don't maintain this tutorial anymore.

How to: build OpenCV x64 with Qt on Visual Studio 2015 Community Preview and Windows 10 Preview (build 10162)


As I'm an update addict, I like to try preview software. Or I'm an update addict because I like preview software. I don't know. Anyway, before my holiday started, I used OpenCV for a project in college. I like the library, because it's possible to achieve fun things with it and it makes vision easy. So when my holiday began, I started using OpenCV for some fun projects. And then I upgraded Windows 10. It wasn't stable back then, but I didn't need my pc for a while, so I could try it. Also I installed Visual Studio 2015 and I started to make OpenCV project.

Unfortunately, the pre-build binaries currently don't support Visual Studio 2015 (or, more precisely, msvc 14). The only option was to build OpenCV myself. So here is my tutorial of building OpenCV. As stated in the title, this is a x64 build with Qt. I found out that Qt is pretty amazing, but I'm sure you can use this tutorial to build OpenCV without Qt. Just use your brains. Same with the x64 stuff; if you want x86, you should be able to do that. Furthermore, I use some version numbers. Don't take that too serious. If there's a newer version available, you probably want the newer version.

Sorry for spelling and grammar errors; English is not my mother tongue.



  • Basic knowledge of C++. At least you should be able to compile hello world.
  • Basic knowledge of Visual Studio 2012 or later.
  • Basic knowledge of Git. git clone and git checkout are enough. Learn git here.
  • Know how to change system variables.
  • Be able to use an installer.
  • Be able to ask your fellow programmers or search on the internet.
  • Be able to work with preview software.
  • Be able to read instructions carefully.


Qt has the following prerequisites:

I recommend you install the latest version of each. Be sure to install the x64 version!

Since we are going to use git to download (and update!) the source code, we need... git. I use the GitHub windows client (command line), but any other will do, too.

Finally, you need CMake 3.3.0-rc3 for building OpenCV.


I made the following directory structure:

  • D:\
    • opencv
      • source
      • build
      • dep

Later on, we will add a directory Qt. For now, clone the OpenCV repo to opencv\source. It's about ~430 MB. Now checkout the version you want. I recommend to use the latest stable, with was 3.0.0 at time of writing, so I use git checkout 3.0.0.

Now, let's download some dependencies.

Put the downloads in D:\opencv\dep and extract them there. Put D:\opencv\dep\tbb43_20150611oss_win\tbb43_20150611oss\bin\intel64\vc12 or similar to your PATH.

Now move on to download QT. Go to and download the SOURCE. DO NOT DOWNLOAD INSTALLER! I downloaded a zip with this name: Inside that zip, there is a directory with the same name. Copy that to D:. For some reason, both actions took some time at my pc. Finished? Now rename that directory to qt.



Go to your system variables and add a variable named INCLUDE. Set it's content to your python directory, in my case C:\Python34. Search in your start menu for VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. DO NOT USE ANOTHER COMMAND PROMPT! Navigate to D:\qt and run the following command: configure.bat -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -c++11 -mp. Concerning the options, use -help to see what's possible. You are free to use other options, it doesn't really matter for this tutorial, I think. This could take a minute. As the output states, if you did something wrong, run nmake confclean and run configure again.

Do not close that command line!

So you think you build Qt now? Nope, you only made some preparations. Now you have to run nmake (no arguments necessary). This will build Qt. THIS COULD TAKE A LONG TIME! In my case about two hours. Popcorn time!

OK, done? Now excute the following: setx -m QTDIR D:\qt (you could get an error, because you need administrator privileges). Don't worry, it's a matter of milliseconds. Now add the following to your PATH: %QTDIR%\qtbase\bin.

Restart your computer.


Now, start CMake (cmake-qui). The upper fields ask for source code and where to build binaries. That's respectively D:/opencv/source and D:/opencv/build. I believe you should use forward slashes. Press configure. It ask you for the generator. Use Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64. There's some radio buttons below the drop-down. Leave it to Use default native compilers. Click finish. Every entry in the list box in the middle will be red. Don't worry.

You probably want to check the Grouped-checkbox. Now you have various groups. WITH and BUILD are the most important ones for now. Check the following checkboxes:


Disable the following:


Click configure again (it won't ask for a generator this time). Still some entries will be red. Still don't worry. One of that entries will be TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS. Type your TBB include directory there. In my case, that's D:\opencv\dep\tbb43_20150611oss_win\tbb43_20150611oss\include. Set TBB_LIB_DIR to your TBB lib directory, in my case D:\opencv\dep\tbb43_20150611oss_win\tbb43_20150611oss\lib\intel64\vc12_ui.

Click configure again. Still some entries will be red. Still don't worry. You don't have to change something now (although you may).

Click configure again. Still some red entries? Now you have to worry, because there shouldn't be any. Check the red entries and use your brain.

Notice that when clicking configure, the output below will spit out some warnings. You can safely ignore them.

When you're done configuring, click Generate. Again you could see some warnings. Now close CMake and head over to D:\opencv\source. You should see a file named OpenCV.sln. Open it. Since there are a lot of projects in there, give Visual Studio some time.

Make sure that your current configuration is Debug. Now, right click on the project ALL_BUILD and choose Build. On my pc, it took about 3 minutes to complete. Now build again with configuration Release (again about 3 minutes). Do not close Visual Studio.


Building is done, but we need some extra steps to use it. In the open solution, there should be a folder called CMakeTargets. In there, a project called INSTALL. Build it. It will make the include directory. Open a command prompt and execute setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\opencv\build\install\x64\vc14. Add %OPENCV_DIR%\bin to your PATH.

Restart your computer. You're done.


Let's make hello world. If you're lazy, I've made a template project, which include all following settings and code: download.

  • Open Visual Studio
  • Click new project
  • Choose Win32 Console Application
  • Choose a project name and a solution name
  • Click OK
  • Click Next
  • Check Empty project
  • Disable Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) checks (I've no idea what it does)
  • Click Finish
  • Open the Configuration Manager
  • Under Active solution platform, click New
  • Select x64 and copy settings from x86
  • Make sure Create new project platforms is checked
  • Click OK
  • Under Active solution platform, click Edit
  • Select x86 and click Remove
  • Click Close and click Close again
  • Go to Property Manager and right click and remove both Debug | Win32 and Release | Win32
  • Right click on Debug | x64 and choose to add a new property sheet
  • Name it whatever you want. You are going to use this as settings file for all of your OpenCV projects
  • I choose opencv_debug as a name. Right click it and click Properties
  • In C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories type this: $(OPENCV_DIR)\..\..\include
  • In Linker > General > Additional Library Directories type this: $(OPENCV_DIR)\lib
  • In Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies click Edit
  • Add the following:
    • opencv_calib3d300d.lib
    • opencv_core300d.lib
    • opencv_features2d300d.lib
    • opencv_flann300d.lib
    • opencv_highgui300d.lib
    • opencv_imgcodecs300d.lib
    • opencv_imgproc300d.lib
    • opencv_ml300d.lib
    • opencv_objdetect300d.lib
    • opencv_photo300d.lib
    • opencv_shape300d.lib
    • opencv_stitching300d.lib
    • opencv_superres300d.lib
    • opencv_ts300d.lib
    • opencv_video300d.lib
    • opencv_videoio300d.lib
    • opencv_videostab300d.lib
  • Click OK and OK
  • Make another property sheet for Release
  • Enter NEARLY the same values: in Additional dependencies you have to use the libs WITHOUT that trailing d! So opencv_calib3d300.lib instead of opencv_calib3d300d.lib
  • Edit the property sheet named Microsoft.Cpp.x64.User. Use the one listed in Release | x64!
  • In C/C++ > General set Warning Level to Level3. The compiler is your friend, it will warn you before your fellow programmers see you've written bad code. (Recommended)
  • In Multi-processor Compilation set to Yes (/MP) (Recommended)
  • In C/C++ > Optimization set Enable Intrinsic Functions to Yes (Recommended)
  • In Favor Size Or Speed, choose Favor fast code (/Ot) (Recommended)
  • In C/C++ > Code Generation set Enable Parallel Code Generation to Yes (/Qpar) (Recommended)
  • In C/C++ > Language set Open MP Support to Yes (/openmp) (Recommended. Learn about OpenMP)
  • Save and close the property page shizzle
  • Make a new source file. I named mine main.cpp
  • Add the following code:
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>

using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    VideoCapture cap(0);
        std::cout << "Sorry, can't use webcam" << std::endl;
        Mat frame;
        cap >> frame;
        imshow("Frame", frame);
        if(waitKey(30) == 'q')
  • It should compile and run. A nice window with a live-stream of your webcam should appear.
  • Try to zoom in. If you zoom in close enough (about x30), you will see individual pixel values. Perfect for debugging!


  • Install or build a x86 version of one of the dependencies and build a x64 version of OpenCV.
  • Something is not added to the PATH or another system variable.
  • You added something to the PATH, but you used the user PATH instead of the system PATH.
  • Sometimes you need to restart after you add something to the PATH.


OK, you're ready to build your own applications. There are a few notes I'd like to share with you:

  • I tried to build with CUDA, since GPU acceleration can be very useful when processing images. But I couldn't find a solution to use CUDA with msvc 14. Please let me know if you found a solution.
  • There's a nice Qt add-in for Visual Studio with will aid you when making Qt projects. It isn't doesn't work with Visual Studio 2015, even when compiling the add-in from source (compiling fails). Please let me know if you found a solution.
  • I used x64 because I think that's the future. It has better performance too: our programs only need one step to handle 64-bit numbers instead of two. I don't understand why so much programs default to x86. x64 just works, it isn't preview software. Let's change the world and use x64 all over the place!
  • Tip: in our test project we've made a property sheet. Notice you can reuse them in other OpenCV projects. Actually, that's why we made them!
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