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Created October 6, 2016 18:00
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  • Save AlexTiTanium/b1f866585ccf242509aa88768bb621bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Point.prototype.getSum = function() {
return this.x + this.y;
function functionOne(a, b, c, d) {
return {
x: a.x + b.x + c.x + d.x,
y: a.y + b.y + c.y + d.y
function functionTwo(ax, bx, cx, dx, ay, by, cy, dy, resultObject) {
resultObject.x = ax + bx + cx +dx;
resultObject.y = ay + by + cy +dy;
return resultObject;
function functionThree(ax, bx, cx, dx, ay, by, cy, dy) {
return new Point(ax + bx + cx + dx, ay + by + cy + dy);
var iterations = 10000000;
console.time('Function Object creation #1');
for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
var a = { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() };
var b = { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() };
var c = { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() };
var d = { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() };
var result = functionOne(a, b, c, d);
console.timeEnd('Function Object creation #1')
console.time('Function re-used obejct result #2');
var resultObject = { x: null, y: null };
for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
var ax = Math.random();
var bx = Math.random();
var cx = Math.random();
var dx = Math.random();
var ay = Math.random();
var by = Math.random();
var cy = Math.random();
var dy = Math.random();
var result = functionTwo(ax, bx, cx, dx, ay, by, cy, dy, resultObject);
console.timeEnd('Function re-used obejct result #2')
console.time('Function new Point creation #3');
for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
var ax = Math.random();
var bx = Math.random();
var cx = Math.random();
var dx = Math.random();
var ay = Math.random();
var by = Math.random();
var cy = Math.random();
var dy = Math.random();
var result = functionThree(ax, bx, cx, dx, ay, by, cy, dy);
console.timeEnd('Function new Point creation #3');
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