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Created June 29, 2022 23:08
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React code review checklist

State management

  • Is reactive state created & managed where it's needed, instead of further up the component tree?
  • Is prop drilling avoided, within reason? Further reading
  • Is state derived when possible, instead of synced? Further reading
  • Are persistent, non-reactive pieces of state (e.g. instances of third party libraries, resize/intersection/mutation observer instances, etc.) stored with useRef?

Common array iterations

  • Have iterations been avoided or simplified as often as possible for performance and/or readability?
  • Are .reduce() callbacks reasonably readable?

Find-in-page: .concat( .every( .filter( .find( .findIndex( .forEach( .includes( .indexOf( .join( .map( .reduce( .slice( .some( .sort( for(

Follow the reactive dependency chain

  • Is it obvious enough?
  • Can it be made more readable and/or efficient with memoized state?

Rendered lists

  • Are items keyed properly?

Effect timing

  • Are browser APIs always accessed after component mount (in useEffect or useLayoutEffect)?
  • Are effect dependency lists exhaustive?

Data fetching

  • Are errors & failed requests caught and tracked?
  • When appropriate, are loading animations and error messages rendered?

Type safety

  • Can any any types be narrowed?

Reusability and good code organization

  • Has lower level, commonly-needed UI logic & reactive state been extracted to hooks?
  • Are functions and side effects defined reasonably close to any reactive state they interact with?
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