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Created November 23, 2013 12:22
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | Merging of indexed types
module MergeIx (
) where
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.IxSet as IX
data Col = Col Int deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable)
data Row = Row Int deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable)
data Val = Val Int deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable)
data SV = SV Col Row Val deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
getIxCol :: SV -> [Col]
getIxCol (SV col _ _) = [col]
getIxRow :: SV -> [Row]
getIxRow (SV _ row _) = [row]
instance IX.Indexable SV where
empty = IX.ixSet [IX.ixFun getIxCol, IX.ixFun getIxRow]
instance Ord SV where
compare (SV acol arow aval) (SV bcol brow bval) =
case ccol of
LT -> LT
EQ -> crow
GT -> GT
ccol = compare acol bcol
crow = compare arow brow
compareVal :: SV -> SV -> Ordering
compareVal a@(SV ac ar av) b@(SV bc br bv) = (compare av bv)
mergeSV :: SV -> IX.IxSet SV -> IX.IxSet SV
mergeSV el@(SV col row val) svset = do
case ex of
Nothing -> IX.insert el svset
Just ex -> case (compareVal ex el) of
LT -> IX.insert el $ IX.delete ex svset
EQ -> svset
GT -> svset
ex = IX.getOne $ (IX.getEQ col . IX.getEQ row) svset
mergeIxSV :: [SV] -> IX.IxSet SV -> IX.IxSet SV
mergeIxSV newSV@(x:xs) currentSV = mergeIxSV xs $ mergeSV x currentSV
mergeIxSV [] currentSV = currentSV
main = do
let seq0 = IX.fromList [(SV (Col 1) (Row 2) (Val 3)),
(SV (Col 1) (Row 3) (Val 3)),
(SV (Col 1) (Row 3) (Val 5)),
(SV (Col 1) (Row 5) (Val 3))] :: IX.IxSet SV
print $ seq0
let el = (SV (Col 1) (Row 2) (Val 7))
print $ mergeSV el seq0
let seq1 = IX.fromList [(SV (Col 2) (Row 2) (Val 3)),
(SV (Col 1) (Row 3) (Val 7)),
(SV (Col 1) (Row 5) (Val 0))] :: IX.IxSet SV
print seq1
print $ mergeIxSV (IX.toList seq1) seq0
print (IX.stats seq1)
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