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Last active January 19, 2019 16:23
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Toomasv's Rich Text Scroller
context [
rt: scr: i2: none
select-line: function [line][
pos: rt/text
loop line - 1 [pos: find/tail pos newline]
i1: index? pos
if not i2: find next pos lf [i2: tail rt/text]
i2: index? i2
rt/data/1: as-pair i1 i2 - i1
view [
rt: rich-text 100x150 "one^/two^/three^/four^/five^/six^/seven^/eight"
with [flags: 'scrollable]
on-created [
put get-scroller face 'horizontal 'visible? no
scr: get-scroller face 'vertical
scr/max-size: rich-text/line-count? face
scr/page-size: 1
i2: index? find face/text newline
face/data: compose [(as-pair 1 i2) 255.255.255 backdrop 0.120.215 ]
on-scroll [
unless event/key = 'end [
select-line scr/position: min max 1 switch event/key [
track [event/picked]
up page-up [scr/position - 1]
down page-down [scr/position + 1]
] scr/max-size
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