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Last active February 9, 2023 16:17
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function Get-AzureOpenAIToken{
Get an azure token for user or managed identity thats required to authenticate to Azure OpenAI with Rest API.
Also construct the header if you are using an Azure OpenAI API key instead of Azure AD authentication.
.PARAMETER ManagedIdentity
Use this parameter if you want to use a managed identity to authenticate to Azure OpenAI.
Use this parameter if you want to use a user to authenticate to Azure OpenAI.
Use this parameter if you want to use an API key to authenticate to Azure OpenAI.
# Manually specify username and password to acquire an authentication token:
Get-AzureOpenAIToken -APIKey "ghgkfhgfgfgkhgh"
Get-AzureOpenAIToken -ManagedIdentity $true
Get-AzureOpenAIToken -User $true
Author: Alexander Holmeset
Twitter: @AlexHolmeset
Created: 09-02-2023
Version history:
1.0.0 - (09-02-2023) Function created
param (
Process {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Az.Accounts) {
# Write-Host "You have the Az.Accounts module installed"
else {
Write-Host "You need to install the Az.Accounts module";
If($ManagedIdentity -eq $true){
try {
Connect-AzAccount -Identity
$MyTokenRequest = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl ""
$MyToken = $MyTokenRequest.token
Write-Warning "Failed to get API access token!"
Exit 1
$Global:MyHeader = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $MyToken" }
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Warning "Failed to get Access Token, Error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"; break
If($User -eq $true){
try {
$MyTokenRequest = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl ""
$MyToken = $MyTokenRequest.token
Write-Warning "Failed to get API access token!"
Exit 1
$Global:MyHeader = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $MyToken" }
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Warning "Failed to get Access Token, Error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"; break
$Global:MyHeader = @{"api-key" = $apikey }
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