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Last active January 13, 2022 13:32
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Callback to track time when last event occured. Written in Rust for referential transparency.
use std::boxed::Box;
type Callback<U, T> = Box<dyn Fn(&mut U, &T)>;
type Condition<U, T> = Box<dyn Fn(&U, &T) -> bool>;
type Effect<U, T> = Box<dyn Fn(&mut U, &T)>;
fn make_callback<U: 'static, T: 'static>(
condition: Condition<U, T>,
effect: Effect<U, T>,
) -> Callback<U, T> {
let cb = move |u: &mut U, t: &T| {
if condition(u, t) {
effect(u, t)
fn step(u: &mut [f64; 2], t: &mut f64, callback: &Callback<[f64; 2], f64>) {
callback(u, t);
*t += 1.;
u[0] *= 1.5;
fn main() {
let u = &mut [1., 0.];
let t = &mut 0.;
let condition: Condition<[f64; 2], f64> = Box::new(|u: &[f64; 2], t: &f64| u[0] >= 3.);
let effect: Effect<[f64; 2], f64> = Box::new(|u: &mut [f64; 2], t: &f64| {
u[1] = *t;
u[0] = 0.1
let cb = make_callback(condition, effect);
for i in 1..20 {
step(u, t, &cb);
println!("u: [{0:.2}, {1:.2}], t: {2:.2}", u[0], u[1], t);
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