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Created June 10, 2013 06:59
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This is example of using STArray for Dijkstra algorithm implementation in Haskell.
Author: Alexander Savochkin
This is example of using STArray for Dijkstra algorithm implementation in Haskell.
module Main where
import Data.Char
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import System.Environment
infinity = 1e+10
--Graph arc (directed edge). It points to other node of graph (int value is index of other node)
data GraphArc payload = GraphArc Int payload deriving Show
data GraphNode nodePayload arcPayload = GraphNode {nodePayload :: nodePayload, arcs :: [GraphArc arcPayload] } deriving Show
data Graph ix nodePayload arcPayload = Graph (Array ix (GraphNode nodePayload arcPayload) ) deriving Show
numberOfNodes (Graph nodesArray) = let (from, to) = bounds nodesArray in to - from + 1
getNeighbors (Graph nodesArray) nodesFrom = concat [ [(n,nodeTo,arcLength) | (GraphArc nodeTo arcLength) <- arcs (nodesArray!n) ] | n <- nodesFrom ]
--shortestPathDijkstra :: (Floating a, Ix ix) => Graph ix b a -> ix -> ix -> [ix] - compile error
-- Actual type is shortestPathDijkstra :: Graph Int b Double -> Int -> Int -> [Int] because of getNeighbors and
shortestPathDijkstra graph from to =
markDijkstra marks [] currentStep = return ()
markDijkstra marks activeNodes currentStep = do
arcsToUpdate <- filterM ( \(arcNodeFrom, arcNodeTo, arcLength) -> do
(currentDistance, _, _) <- readArray marks arcNodeFrom
(neighborDistance, neighborModifiedStep, cameFrom) <- readArray marks arcNodeTo
if (currentDistance + arcLength < neighborDistance) then do
writeArray marks arcNodeTo (currentDistance + arcLength, currentStep, arcNodeFrom)
return (neighborModifiedStep < currentStep)
return False)
(getNeighbors graph activeNodes)
markDijkstra marks [nodeToIndex | (_,nodeToIndex,_) <- arcsToUpdate ] (currentStep + 1)
unwindDijkstraMarks accumulatedNodesList to marks =
if (\(_,second,_)->second) (marks!to) == 0 then to:accumulatedNodesList --we have found start node
let (_,_,cameFrom) = marks!to in
unwindDijkstraMarks (to:accumulatedNodesList) cameFrom marks
dijkstraMarks = runSTArray $ do
marks <- newArray (1,numberOfNodes graph) (infinity, -1, -1) --Initialize distances to all nodes as infinity
writeArray marks from (0.0,0,-1) --initialize distance to "from" node as 0
markDijkstra marks [from] 1 --process dijkstra iterations recursively
return marks
in ( (unwindDijkstraMarks [] to dijkstraMarks), dijkstraMarks )
Example of graph creation:
let g = Graph (array (1,2) [(1,GraphNode 1 [GraphArc 2 1.0]), (2,GraphNode 2 [GraphArc 1 1.0])])
3-4 6
/ |/ \
1 5 7
\ / \ /
2 8
let g2 = Graph (array (1,7) [ (1, GraphNode () [GraphArc 2 1.0, GraphArc 3 1.0]),
(2, GraphNode () [GraphArc 5 1.0] ),
(3, GraphNode () [GraphArc 4 1.0] ),
(4, GraphNode () [GraphArc 5 1.0] ),
(5, GraphNode () [GraphArc 6 1.0, GraphArc 8 1.0] ),
(6, GraphNode () [GraphArc 7 1.0)]
(7, GraphNode () [] ),
(8, GraphNode () [GraphArc 7 1.0] )] )
parseGraph lines =
let nonEmptyLine [] = False
nonEmptyLine s = not $ and $ map isSpace s
parseArcs [] arcs = arcs
parseArcs (to:weight:restWords) arcs = parseArcs restWords ( (GraphArc (read to) (read weight) ):arcs )
parseNode s =
let (nodeNumber:arcsWords) = words s in
(read nodeNumber::Int, GraphNode () (parseArcs arcsWords []) )
let nodesList = map parseNode (filter nonEmptyLine lines)
in Graph (array (1, length nodesList) nodesList )
Loads graph from file:
nodeid1 edge11 edge12 ...
nodeid2 edge21 ...
Where edge is space separated pair: other node (id,weight) (see example below)
1 2 0.4 3 1.0
2 3 0.4
(1) -0.4->- (2)
| |
v v
1.0 0.4
+-->-- (3)-<--+
loadGraphFromFile :: String -> IO (Graph Int () Double)
loadGraphFromFile fileName = do
fileContent <- (readFile fileName)
let fileLines = lines fileContent
return $ parseGraph fileLines
main :: IO ()
main = do
--Get graph file name from cmdline args
(inputFilename:from:to:_) <- getArgs
putStrLn ("Reading graph file: " ++ inputFilename)
graph <- loadGraphFromFile inputFilename
print graph
putStrLn "Calculating shortest path"
print (shortestPathDijkstra graph (read from) (read to) )
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