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Forked from corlinp/1brc_corlinp.go
Created January 4, 2024 22:55
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1BRC in Go - corlinp
Corlin Palmer's Go solution to the 1BRC coding challenge:
- This solution reads the file sequentially as fast as possible (reader)
- It passes off the job of ensuring that each chunk ends with a complete line to another goroutine (lineSupervisor)
- The lineSupervisor sends valid chunks to a pool of worker goroutines (worker) which parse the data and calculate the results
- The results from the workers are collected in a map and then sorted before printing the final results
A fair amount of optimization has been done to reduce memory allocations.
Still, it's currently 2X faster than the best Java implementation (on my machine, a Macbook M3 Pro).
Script Time (s) 5.092 8.183 (Go) 10.183 11.625 11.970 14.114 (Go) 15.038 15.359 16.350 20.214 22.460 22.496 23.166 23.378 25.741 41.079 45.390 50.250 162.420
For some fun comparisons, it's even faster than wc -l, but still slower than piping it to /dev/null:
cat measurements.txt > /dev/null 3.522
wc -l measurements.txt 11.892
package main
import (
// reader reads raw chunks from the file and sends them to the rawChunks channel.
func reader(file *os.File, rawChunks chan<- []byte) {
const chunkSize = 256 * 1024
buf := make([]byte, chunkSize)
for {
bytesRead, err := file.Read(buf)
if bytesRead > 0 {
chunk := make([]byte, bytesRead)
copy(chunk, buf[:bytesRead])
rawChunks <- chunk
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
fmt.Printf("Error reading file: %v\n", err)
// processChunk processes a single chunk and returns the valid part and the leftover part.
func processChunk(chunk, leftover []byte) (validPart, newLeftover []byte) {
// Find the first and last newline to determine the valid part of the chunk
firstNewline := bytes.Index(chunk, []byte{'\n'})
lastNewline := bytes.LastIndex(chunk, []byte{'\n'})
if firstNewline != -1 {
// There's a complete line at the beginning of the chunk
validPart = append(leftover, chunk[:firstNewline+1]...)
leftover = leftover[:0] // Clear the leftover
} else {
// No complete line at the start, append the whole chunk to the leftover
leftover = append(leftover, chunk...)
if lastNewline != -1 && firstNewline != lastNewline {
// There's at least one complete line in this chunk
// Include the middle part of the chunk, which contains only complete lines
validPart = append(validPart, chunk[firstNewline+1:lastNewline+1]...)
// Store the dangling end (if any) in newLeftover for the next chunk
newLeftover = append(newLeftover, chunk[lastNewline+1:]...)
} else {
// No complete lines or only one complete line in this chunk
newLeftover = leftover
return validPart, newLeftover
// lineSupervisor takes raw chunks, ensures they end with complete lines, and sends valid chunks to the workers.
func lineSupervisor(rawChunks <-chan []byte, validChunks chan<- []byte) {
buffer := make([]byte, 0) // Buffer to hold the dangling ends
for chunk := range rawChunks {
validPart, newBuffer := processChunk(chunk, buffer)
if len(validPart) > 0 {
validChunks <- validPart
buffer = newBuffer
// Handle any data left in the buffer after all chunks have been processed
if len(buffer) > 0 {
validChunks <- buffer
type CityName [64]byte
// [0] = sum of all temperatures
// [1] = number of temperatures
// [2] = min temperature
// [3] = max temperature
type CityTemp *[4]int64
// worker parses the lines in a chunk and performs some calculations
func worker(validChunks <-chan []byte, results chan<- map[CityName]CityTemp) {
cityTemps := make(map[CityName]CityTemp, 512)
var city CityName
cityLen := 0
var temp int64
var isNegative bool
for chunk := range validChunks {
for _, b := range chunk {
switch b {
case ';': // Delimiter between city and temperature
cityLen = 64
isNegative = false
case '\n':
if isNegative {
temp = -temp
ct := cityTemps[city]
if ct == nil {
minMaxTemp := temp
if isNegative {
minMaxTemp = -minMaxTemp
cityTemps[city] = &[4]int64{temp, 1, minMaxTemp, minMaxTemp}
} else {
ct[0] += temp
if temp < ct[2] {
ct[2] = temp
if temp > ct[3] {
ct[3] = temp
// Reset for the next line
city = CityName{}
cityLen = 0
temp = 0
isNegative = false
case '.':
continue // Skip the decimal point, we know all numbers have 1 decimal place
case '-':
isNegative = true // Next number will be negative
if cityLen < 44 {
city[cityLen] = b
} else {
// Inline parsing of temperature
temp = temp*10 + int64(b-'0')
results <- cityTemps
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Error: First arg should be the measurements.txt file path")
filePath := os.Args[1]
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening file: %v\n", err)
defer file.Close()
numWorkers := 256
rawChunks := make(chan []byte, 16384) // buffered channel for raw chunks from the file
validChunks := make(chan []byte, 16384) // buffered channel for valid chunks ending with a complete line
results := make(chan map[CityName]CityTemp, numWorkers) // buffered channel for results from the workers
// Start the reader
go reader(file, rawChunks)
// Start the line supervisor
go lineSupervisor(rawChunks, validChunks)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Start worker goroutines
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
worker(validChunks, results)
// Collect results
go func() {
finalResults := make(map[CityName]CityTemp)
for cityTemps := range results {
for city, ct := range cityTemps {
finalCt := finalResults[city]
if finalCt == nil {
finalCt = new([4]int64)
finalCt[0] += ct[0]
finalCt[1] += ct[1]
if ct[2] < finalCt[2] {
finalCt[2] = ct[2]
if ct[3] > finalCt[3] {
finalCt[3] = ct[3]
finalResults[city] = finalCt
// Sort results
allCities := make([]CityName, 0, len(finalResults))
for city := range finalResults {
allCities = append(allCities, city)
sort.Slice(allCities, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(allCities[i][:], allCities[j][:]) < 0
// Calculate and print the final results
for i, city := range allCities {
ct := finalResults[city]
fmt.Printf("%s=%.1f/%.1f/%.1f", city[:], float64(ct[2])/10, float64(ct[0])/float64(ct[1])/10, float64(ct[3])/10)
if i < len(allCities)-1 {
fmt.Print(", ")
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