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Last active January 4, 2024 11:49
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Save Alexanderallenbrown/e315b52a32dbebece7f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simply python/numpy Dugoff tire model
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# A Dugoff Tire model implementation in python/numpy
#Alexander Brown, Ph.D.
class DugoffTire:
""" This python class implements the Dugoff tire model based on friction coefficients, cornering stiffnesses.
Forces are applied in same sign as slip angle, so be aware of this when you implement.
Units are SI """
def __init__(self,Ca=100000,Ck=1000000,mu=0.8,Fz = 4500):
""" init(self,Ca=100000,Ck=1000000,mu=0.8,Fz=4500):
Ca is cornering stiffness in Nm/rad
Ck is longitudinal stiffness
mu is the (single) Dugoff friction coefficient
Fz is an initial vertical load, guessing 50/50 even weight on a 4000 lb car
self.Ca = Ca
self.Ck = Ck = mu
self.Fz = Fz
def calcSlipxy(self,Vr,Vx,Vy,Ty):
""" calcSlipxy(self,Vr,Vx,Vy)
returns: kappa, alpha
kappa is longitudinal slip fraction
alpha is lateral slip angle
takes into account whether cornering or braking. SAE axis system on wheel center. z down, x forward, y right.
Vr is the "omega*r_effective" velocity where omega is the rotational velocity of the wheel. positive is forward velocity.
Therefore, if Vr>Vx, it means that the tire is accelerating. If Vr<Vx, it is braking. Thus, kappa>0 is acceleraing.
driving (Ty>0 in SAE):
k = -(1+k)*Vx/Vr
k(1+Vx/Vr) = -1
k = -1/(1+Vx/Vr)
braking (Ty<0 in SAE):
k = -Vx/Vr for brake """
if Ty>0:
kappa = -1/(1+Vx/Vr)
alpha = arctan((1+kappa)*-Vy/Vr)
kappa = (Vr-Vx)/Vx
alpha = arctan(-Vy/Vx)
return kappa,alpha
def calcFxFy(self,Fz,kappa,alpha,mu,Ca,Ck,Ty=0):
""" calcFxFy(Fz,kappa,alpha,mu,Ca,Ck,Ty=0):
returns: Fx,Fy
-Uses Dugoff tire model with isotropic friction (one mu)
-Does not explicitly account for changes in cornering stiffness with load
-Does not account for changes in Mu with load. You can program these in or maybe we'll add them.
if Ty<=0:
sigy = tan(alpha)
sigx = kappa
sigy = tan(alpha)/(1+kappa)
sigx = kappa/(1+kappa)
Fxlin = Ck*sigx
Fylin = Ca*sigy
if sqrt(Fxlin**2+Fylin**2)<=(mu*Fz/2):
Fx = Fxlin
Fy = Fylin
lam = (mu*Fz/2)/sqrt(Fxlin**2+Fylin**2) #lambda parameter
Fx = Fxlin*(2*lam-lam**2)
Fy = Fylin*(2*lam-lam**2)
return Fx,Fy
def main():
""" you have chosen to run the demo
This just plots tire forces (Fy, Fz) for a range of slip angles and ratios.
#initialize tire model.
tire = DugoffTire()
#produce an array of slip values
alpha = arange(0,15*pi/180,.001)
#initialize output array of Fy values
Fy_array = array([])
#loop through and fill up array
for ind in range(0,len(alpha)):
Fx,Fy = tire.calcFxFy(4500,0,alpha[ind],0.9,100000,100000)
Fy_array = append(Fy_array,Fy)
#now do the same for longitudinal force
kappa = arange(0,.2,.0001)
#initialize output array of Fx values
Fx_array = array([])
#loop through and fill up array
for ind in range(0,len(kappa)):
Fx,Fy = tire.calcFxFy(4500,kappa[ind],0,0.9,100000,100000)
Fx_array = append(Fx_array,Fx)
title('Dugoff Tire Model')
xlabel('slip angle (deg)')
ylabel('Lateral Force (N)')
xlabel('slip ratio')
ylabel('Longitudinal Force (N)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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