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Last active December 22, 2021 13:25
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  • Save Alexandre-cibot/0e4a04ce7edcf32e8157cbee502a16fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alexandre-cibot/0e4a04ce7edcf32e8157cbee502a16fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Crack caesard encoded sentences.
// By find which letter is E.
// E is letter the most used in french.
function crack(caesarCode) {
const matrix = {};
const caesarCodeArray = caesarCode.toUpperCase().split('')
caesarCodeArray.filter(e => e !== " ").forEach(e => {
if(matrix[e]) {
matrix[e] += 1
} else {
matrix[e] = 1
console.log('matrix', matrix)
const maxValue = Object.values(matrix).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0]
console.log('maxValue', maxValue)
const E = Object.keys(matrix).find(e => matrix[e] === maxValue)
// console.log('E === ', E)
const decalage = alpha.indexOf(E) - alpha.indexOf('E')
// console.log('decalage', decalage)
let alphaShifted = alpha.slice(decalage, alpha.length)
alphaShifted.push(...alpha.slice(0, decalage))
// console.log('alphaShifted', alphaShifted)
const answer = caesarCodeArray.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (!alpha.includes(curr)) {
return acc + curr
return acc + alpha[alphaShifted.indexOf(curr)]
}, '')
return answer
crack("Cv tfuv Tvjri vjk le tyzwwivdvek srjv jli le uvtrcrxv uv c'rcgyrsvk (uvgcrtvdvek uvj cvkkivj gclj cfze urej c'rcgyrsvk), zc j'rxzk u'lev jlsjkzklkzfe dfefrcgyrsvkzhlv, t'vjk-r-uziv hl'lev dvdv cvkkiv e'vjk ivdgcrtvv hlv gri lev jvlcv rlkiv (kflaflij zuvekzhlv gfli le dvdv dvjjrxv). Cv uvtrcrxv cv gclj jflmvek lkzczjv vjk uv kifzj cvkkivj.")
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