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Last active April 28, 2020 15:54
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Hyperband experiment
from math import ceil
from functools import partial
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
import numpy as np
from decimal import Context
plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
ctx = Context(prec=20)
eta = 3
# Using math.log leads to imprecision sometimes
# log(243, 3) = 4.9999999999
# Using decimal is more precise
def logeta(value):
return float(ctx.divide(ctx.ln(value), ctx.ln(eta)))
def hyperband(max_iter, eta, paper_version=False):
s_max = int(logeta(max_iter)) # number of unique executions of Successive Halving (minus one)
B = (s_max + 1) * max_iter # total number of iterations (without reuse) per execution of Succesive Halving (n,r)
hb_lines = []
#### Begin Finite Horizon Hyperband outlerloop. Repeat indefinetely.
for s in reversed(range(s_max+1)):
n = int(ceil(int(B / max_iter / (s+1)) * eta ** s)) # initial number of configurations
if paper_version:
n = int(ceil(B / max_iter / (s+1) * eta ** s)) # initial number of configurations
r = max_iter * eta ** (-s) # initial number of iterations to run configurations for
lines = []
#### Begin Finite Horizon Successive Halving with (n,r)
for i in range(s+1):
# Run each of the n_i configs for r_i iterations and keep best n_i/eta
n_i = n*eta**(-i)
r_i = r*eta**(i)
lines.append((int(n_i), int(r_i)))
#### End Finite Horizon Successive Halving with (n,r)
return hb_lines
def our_hyperband(max_iter, eta, n_follows_eta=True, transfer_unused_budget=False):
s_max = int(logeta(max_iter))
B = (s_max + 1) * max_iter
hb_lines = []
unused_budget = 0
for s in range(s_max + 1):
# Compute all decreasing costs
n_i = 0
r_i = [max_iter // eta ** i for i in range(s + 1)]
available_budget = B + unused_budget
lines = []
for i in range(s + 1):
cost = sum([c * eta ** j for j, c in enumerate(r_i[i:])])
while (available_budget >= cost # There is enough budget
and (i == 0 # No constraint related to eta on first iter
or (not n_follows_eta or (n_i + 1) % eta != 0))):
n_i += 1
available_budget -= cost
lines.append((n_i, r_i[i]))
n_i *= eta
if transfer_unused_budget:
unused_budget = available_budget
return hb_lines
def compute_cost(hb_lines):
cost = 0
for line in hb_lines:
cost += sum([n * r for (n, r) in line])
return cost
def estimate_ideal_budget(max_iter, eta):
s_max = int(logeta(max_iter))
return (s_max + 1) ** 2 * max_iter
methods = [
('Blog HB', hyperband),
('Paper HB', partial(hyperband, paper_version=True)),
('Our HB v1', our_hyperband),
('Our HB v2', partial(our_hyperband, n_follows_eta=False)),
('Our HB v3', partial(our_hyperband, n_follows_eta=False,
# Nice colors from seaborn
muted = ["#4878D0", "#EE854A", "#6ACC64", "#D65F5F", "#956CB4",
"#797979", "#8C613C", "#DC7EC0", "#D5BB67", "#82C6E2"]
max_iters = np.arange(81, 278) # Ideal cost from 2000 to 10000
ideal_costs = [estimate_ideal_budget(max_iter.item(), eta) for max_iter in max_iters]
best = sum(ideal_costs)
plt.plot(ideal_costs, ideal_costs, label='Budget', color='gray', alpha=50)
for m_name, m_fun in methods:
costs = []
for max_iter in max_iters:
costs.append(compute_cost(m_fun(max_iter.item(), eta)))
plt.scatter(ideal_costs, costs, marker='.', label=m_name, s=50)
print('{}:\t{}'.format(m_name, sum(costs) / best))
'5 brackets\nR=1210', xy=(6156, 5546), xytext=(7000, 4500), color='r',
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color='r', connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.5"))
'6 brackets\nR=1458', xy=(8750, 8328), xytext=(8500, 6000), color='r',
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color='r', connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.5"))
plt.xlabel('Budget available')
plt.ylabel('Budget spent')
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