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Created September 21, 2017 11:18
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Execute SQL statement with timeout
private void RegisterCommandCancelOnToken(CancellationTokenSource cts, TdCommand command)
if (cts == null)
var innerCommand = command;
cts.Token.Register(() =>
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
var query = command.CommandText;
Logger?.Log(LogLevel.Warn, $"Teradata data access command cancel for: {query}");
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
// do nothing if object was already disposed
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100")]
public int ExecuteNonQuery(string query, Params parameters, int? runTimeout = null, bool useTransaction = false)
var cts = runTimeout.HasValue ? new CancellationTokenSource(runTimeout.Value * 1000) : null;
using (var command = CreateTdCommand(GetConnection(), useTransaction))
ConstructCommandParameters(command, parameters);
RegisterCommandCancelOnToken(cts, command);
command.CommandTimeout = runTimeout ?? Constants.Db.DefaultCommandTimeout;
command.CommandText = query;
var ret = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (cts?.IsCancellationRequested ?? false)
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout exception while executing non query");
return ret;
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