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Last active August 30, 2016 20:33
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  • Save AlexeyAkhunov/2014fae5802d78a48cb73666b8975b72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlexeyAkhunov/2014fae5802d78a48cb73666b8975b72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# In order for this to work, you need to install parity (of version at least 1.3.0)
# and run it like this:
# parity --tracing on --pruning=archive
# Allow it to sync to at least the hard fork block before running this script
import httplib
import json
import sys
import os.path
filename = 'my_extrabalance.json'
THE_DAO_ADDRESS = 'bb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'
START_BLOCK = 1429038
END_BLOCK = 1599205
DAO_CREATED_TOKEN_TOPIC = '0xdbccb92686efceafb9bb7e0394df7f58f71b954061b81afb57109bf247d3d75a'
function divisor() constant returns (uint divisor) {
// The number of (base unit) tokens per wei is calculated
// as `msg.value` * 20 / `divisor`
// The fueling period starts with a 1:1 ratio
if (closingTime - 2 weeks > now) {
return 20;
// Followed by 10 days with a daily creation rate increase of 5%
} else if (closingTime - 4 days > now) {
return (20 + (now - (closingTime - 2 weeks)) / (1 days));
// The last 4 days there is a constant creation rate ratio of 1:1.5
} else {
return 30;
# Open connection to parity JSON RPC
http = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost:8545')
def get_created_tokens(connection):
params = [{"address": "0x" + THE_DAO_ADDRESS,
"fromBlock": str(START_BLOCK),
"toBlock": str(END_BLOCK),
body=json.dumps({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_getLogs", "params": params, "id": 0}),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
response = http.getresponse()
if response.status != httplib.OK:
print 'Could not read CreatedToken events', response.status, response.reason
return json.load(response)
def get_dao_closing_time(connection):
params = [{"to": "0x" + THE_DAO_ADDRESS, "data": "0x4b6753bc"}] # 4b6753bc is prefix of closingTime()
body=json.dumps({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_call", "params": params, "id": 0}),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
response = http.getresponse()
if response.status != httplib.OK:
print 'Could not read childDAO closing time', response.status, response.reason
return long(json.load(response)['result'][2:], 16)
def get_block_timestamp(connection, block_number):
params = [str(block_number), "false"]
body=json.dumps({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": params, "id": 0}),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
response = http.getresponse()
if response.status != httplib.OK:
print 'Could not read block information', response.status, response.reason
return long(json.load(response)['result']['timestamp'][2:], 16)
DAO_CLOSING_TIME = get_dao_closing_time(http)
ONE_DAYS = 3600*24
print 'Reading block timestamps from blocks from %d to %d...' % (START_BLOCK, END_BLOCK)
block_timestamps = {}
for b in xrange(START_BLOCK, END_BLOCK+1):
block_timestamps[b] = get_block_timestamp(http, b)
if b % 10000 == 0:
print b
print 'Reading DAO CreatedToken events via Parity JSON RPC...'
created_tokens = get_created_tokens(http)
class Extra:
""" Represent part of the extraBalanced with the owner """
def __init__(self, address_, wei_):
self.address = address_
self.wei = wei_
extras = []
for r in created_tokens['result']:
owner = r['topics'][1][26:]
tokens = long(r['data'][2:], 16)
timestamp = block_timestamps[int(r['blockNumber'][2:], 16)]
if DAO_CLOSING_TIME - TWO_WEEKS > timestamp:
divisor = 20;
elif DAO_CLOSING_TIME - FOUR_DAYS > timestamp:
divisor = (20 + (timestamp - (DAO_CLOSING_TIME - TWO_WEEKS)) / (ONE_DAYS));
divisor = 30
msg_value = tokens * divisor / 20
extra = msg_value - tokens
if extra > 0:
extras.append(Extra(address_=owner, wei_=extra))
from itertools import groupby
# Aggregate extras by address
extras = [Extra(address, sum(map(lambda e: e.wei, group))) for address, group in groupby(sorted(extras,key=lambda e: e.address), lambda e: e.address)]
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump([['0x' + e.address, str(e.wei)] for e in extras], f)
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