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Created February 9, 2018 19:15
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Gets a list of long running processes
select * from sys.sysprocesses
where hostname <> ''
order by hostname asc
-- Table variable to hold InputBuffer data
declare @Inputbuffer table
EventType nvarchar(30) NULL,
Parameters int NULL,
EventInfo nvarchar(4000) NULL
declare @BusyProcess table
SPID int,
Status varchar(100),
Login varchar(100),
HostName varchar(100),
DBName varchar(100),
Command varchar(200),
CPUTime int,
DiskIO int,
LastBatch datetime,
ProgramName varchar(200),
EventInfo nvarchar(4000), -- extra column to hold actual stored procedure or batch call text
EventTime int -- time in minutes, a process is running
-- Insert all running processes information to table variable
insert @BusyProcess ( SPID, Status, Login, HostName, DBName, Command, CPUTime,
DiskIO, LastBatch, ProgramName )
select spid, status, loginame, hostname, DB_NAME(dbid), cmd, cpu, physical_io, last_batch, program_name
from sys.sysprocesses
1 = case
when Status in ( 'RUNNABLE', 'SUSPENDED' ) then 1
--Transactions that are open not yet committed or rolledback
when Status = 'SLEEPING' and open_tran > 0 then 1
else 0
and cmd not like 'BACKUP%'
-- Cursor to add actuall Procedure or Batch statement for each process
declare cur_BusyProcess Cursor FOR
open cur_BusyProcess
declare @SPID int
fetch next from cur_BusyProcess into @SPID
while ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )
insert @Inputbuffer
exec ( 'DBCC INPUTBUFFER(' + @SPID + ')'
update @BusyProcess
set EventInfo = I.EventInfo,
EventTime = DATEDIFF(MI,LastBatch,GETDATE())
from @BusyProcess b
cross join @Inputbuffer i
where B.SPID = @SPID
delete from @Inputbuffer
FETCH NEXT from cur_BusyProcess into @SPID
close cur_BusyProcess
deallocate cur_BusyProcess
select * from @BusyProcess
where EventTime > 4
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