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Last active December 26, 2019 11:37
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Upload, download code to AWS Lambda

install and configure aws-cli (the actual version is available in Python)

pip3 install awscli
aws configure

add and check another user

aws configure --profile new-name-name
aws --profile new-name-name sts get-caller-identity


prepare .zip file with a code

cd my-function-name; zip -r ../ .; cd ..

upload code as a zip

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name my-function-name --zip-file fileb://

download code as a zip

aws lambda get-function --function-name my-function-name --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O

Node aws-sdk

Set user configuration inline

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
  accessKeyId: 'XXX',
  secretAccessKey: 'XXXXXXX',
  region: 'eu-west-1'
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