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Created March 20, 2022 19:06
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import math
import random
from rsoccer_gym.Utils.Utils import OrnsteinUhlenbeckAction
from typing import Dict
import gym
import numpy as np
from rsoccer_gym.Entities import Frame, Robot, Ball
from rsoccer_gym.vss.vss_gym_base import VSSBaseEnv
from rsoccer_gym.Utils import KDTree
class VSSEnvTest(VSSBaseEnv):
"""This environment controls a single robot in a VSS soccer League 3v3 match
Type: Box(40)
Normalized Bounds to [-1.25, 1.25]
Num Observation normalized
0 Ball X
1 Ball Y
2 Ball Vx
3 Ball Vy
4 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot X
5 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot Y
6 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot sin(theta)
7 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot cos(theta)
8 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot Vx
9 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot Vy
10 + (7 * i) id i Blue Robot v_theta
25 + (5 * i) id i Yellow Robot X
26 + (5 * i) id i Yellow Robot Y
27 + (5 * i) id i Yellow Robot Vx
28 + (5 * i) id i Yellow Robot Vy
29 + (5 * i) id i Yellow Robot v_theta
Type: Box(2, )
Num Action
0 id 0 Blue Left Wheel Speed (%)
1 id 0 Blue Right Wheel Speed (%)
Sum of Rewards:
Ball Potential Gradient
Move to Ball
Energy Penalty
Starting State:
Randomized Robots and Ball initial Position
Episode Termination:
5 minutes match time
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(field_type=0, n_robots_blue=1, n_robots_yellow=0,
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1,
shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32)
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-self.NORM_BOUNDS,
shape=(10, ), dtype=np.float32)
# Initialize Class Atributes
self.previous_ball_potential = None
self.actions: Dict = None
self.reward_shaping_total = None
self.v_wheel_deadzone = 0.05
self.ou_actions = []
for i in range(self.n_robots_blue + self.n_robots_yellow):
OrnsteinUhlenbeckAction(self.action_space, dt=self.time_step)
print('Environment initialized')
def reset(self):
self.actions = None
self.reward_shaping_total = None
self.previous_ball_potential = None
for ou in self.ou_actions:
return super().reset()
def step(self, action):
observation, reward, done, _ = super().step(action)
return observation, reward, done, self.reward_shaping_total
def _frame_to_observations(self):
observation = []
for i in range(self.n_robots_blue):
return np.array(observation, dtype=np.float32)
def _get_commands(self, actions):
commands = []
self.actions = {}
self.actions[0] = actions
v_wheel0, v_wheel1 = self._actions_to_v_wheels(actions)
commands.append(Robot(yellow=False, id=0, v_wheel0=v_wheel0,
return commands
def _calculate_reward_and_done(self):
reward = 0
goal = False
w_move = 0.2
w_ball_grad = 0.8
w_energy = 2e-4
if self.reward_shaping_total is None:
self.reward_shaping_total = {'goal_score': 0, 'move': 0,
'ball_grad': 0, 'energy': 0,
'goals_blue': 0, 'goals_yellow': 0}
# Check if goal ocurred
if self.frame.ball.x > (self.field.length / 2):
self.reward_shaping_total['goal_score'] += 1
self.reward_shaping_total['goals_blue'] += 1
reward = 10
goal = True
elif self.frame.ball.x < -(self.field.length / 2):
self.reward_shaping_total['goal_score'] -= 1
self.reward_shaping_total['goals_yellow'] += 1
reward = -10
goal = True
if self.last_frame is not None:
# Calculate ball potential
grad_ball_potential = self.__ball_grad()
# Calculate Move ball
move_reward = self.__move_reward()
# Calculate Energy penalty
energy_penalty = self.__energy_penalty()
reward = w_move * move_reward + \
w_ball_grad * grad_ball_potential + \
w_energy * energy_penalty
self.reward_shaping_total['move'] += w_move * move_reward
self.reward_shaping_total['ball_grad'] += w_ball_grad \
* grad_ball_potential
self.reward_shaping_total['energy'] += w_energy \
* energy_penalty
return reward, goal
def _get_initial_positions_frame(self):
'''Returns the position of each robot and ball for the initial frame'''
field_half_length = self.field.length / 2
field_half_width = self.field.width / 2
def x(): return random.uniform(-field_half_length + 0.1,
field_half_length - 0.1)
def y(): return random.uniform(-field_half_width + 0.1,
field_half_width - 0.1)
def theta(): return random.uniform(0, 360)
pos_frame: Frame = Frame()
pos_frame.ball = Ball(x=x(), y=y())
min_dist = 0.1
places = KDTree()
places.insert((pos_frame.ball.x, pos_frame.ball.y))
for i in range(self.n_robots_blue):
pos = (x(), y())
while places.get_nearest(pos)[1] < min_dist:
pos = (x(), y())
pos_frame.robots_blue[i] = Robot(x=pos[0], y=pos[1], theta=theta())
return pos_frame
def _actions_to_v_wheels(self, actions):
left_wheel_speed = actions[0] * self.max_v
right_wheel_speed = actions[1] * self.max_v
left_wheel_speed, right_wheel_speed = np.clip(
(left_wheel_speed, right_wheel_speed), -self.max_v, self.max_v
# Deadzone
if -self.v_wheel_deadzone < left_wheel_speed < self.v_wheel_deadzone:
left_wheel_speed = 0
if -self.v_wheel_deadzone < right_wheel_speed < self.v_wheel_deadzone:
right_wheel_speed = 0
# Convert to rad/s
left_wheel_speed /= self.field.rbt_wheel_radius
right_wheel_speed /= self.field.rbt_wheel_radius
return left_wheel_speed , right_wheel_speed
def __ball_grad(self):
'''Calculate ball potential gradient
Difference of potential of the ball in time_step seconds.
# Calculate ball potential
length_cm = self.field.length * 100
half_lenght = (self.field.length / 2.0)\
+ self.field.goal_depth
# distance to defence
dx_d = (half_lenght + self.frame.ball.x) * 100
# distance to attack
dx_a = (half_lenght - self.frame.ball.x) * 100
dy = (self.frame.ball.y) * 100
dist_1 = -math.sqrt(dx_a ** 2 + 2 * dy ** 2)
dist_2 = math.sqrt(dx_d ** 2 + 2 * dy ** 2)
ball_potential = ((dist_1 + dist_2) / length_cm - 1) / 2
grad_ball_potential = 0
# Calculate ball potential gradient
# = actual_potential - previous_potential
if self.previous_ball_potential is not None:
diff = ball_potential - self.previous_ball_potential
grad_ball_potential = np.clip(diff * 3 / self.time_step,
-5.0, 5.0)
self.previous_ball_potential = ball_potential
return grad_ball_potential
def __move_reward(self):
'''Calculate Move to ball reward
Cosine between the robot vel vector and the vector robot -> ball.
This indicates rather the robot is moving towards the ball or not.
ball = np.array([self.frame.ball.x, self.frame.ball.y])
robot = np.array([self.frame.robots_blue[0].x,
robot_vel = np.array([self.frame.robots_blue[0].v_x,
robot_ball = ball - robot
robot_ball = robot_ball/np.linalg.norm(robot_ball)
move_reward =, robot_vel)
move_reward = np.clip(move_reward / 0.4, -5.0, 5.0)
return move_reward
def __energy_penalty(self):
'''Calculates the energy penalty'''
en_penalty_1 = abs(self.sent_commands[0].v_wheel0)
en_penalty_2 = abs(self.sent_commands[0].v_wheel1)
energy_penalty = - (en_penalty_1 + en_penalty_2)
return energy_penalty
env = VSSEnvTest()
# Run for 1 episode and print reward at the end
for i in range(1):
done = False
while not done:
# Step using random actions
action = env.action_space.sample()
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action )
print(next_state, reward, done, _)
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