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Created January 21, 2014 18:34
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Save AlfredoCasado/8545531 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Groovy script that fetch all feeds with comments and 2nd level comments from a facebook page, using the library RestFB.
@Grab(group='com.restfb', module='restfb', version='1.6.12')
import com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
import com.restfb.Parameter
import com.restfb.types.*
def page_id = "PAGE_ID"
this.facebook = new DefaultFacebookClient(token)
def topicsInPage = facebook.fetchConnection("${page_id}/feed", Post.class, Parameter.with("since", "1389984915")); // this operation allows "since" parameter
println "==============PAGE (${page_id})======================" { topic ->
if (topic.message) println "Topic -> Body[${topic.message}] created at ${topic.createdTime.time / 1000}"
findComments(, " Comment ->")
def findComments(id, head) {
def comments = facebook.fetchConnection("${id}/comments", Comment.class, Parameter.with("since", "1390313487")) // in this operation "since" its not working { comment ->
println "${head}Body[${comment.message}] created at ${comment.createdTime.time / 1000}"
findComments(, " Response ->")
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