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Created November 11, 2023 06:22
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OTEL Attribute Decorator
import { ATTR_METADATA_KEY } from './constants';
import { AttrKey, AttrMetadata } from './types';
* Sets a custom attribute key on a parameter so that it can be picked up
* by the Span decorator and mapped to the args values.
export function Attr(key: AttrKey): ParameterDecorator {
return function (
target: NonNullable<unknown>,
propertyKey: string | symbol | undefined, // method name
parameterIndex: number,
) {
if (!propertyKey) {
console.log('propertyKey is undefined');
const existingMetadata: AttrMetadata[] =
Reflect.getMetadata(ATTR_METADATA_KEY, target, propertyKey) || [];
const metadata: AttrMetadata = {
type: 'attr',
const newMetadata = [...existingMetadata, metadata];
Reflect.defineMetadata(ATTR_METADATA_KEY, newMetadata, target, propertyKey);
export const ATTR_METADATA_KEY = Symbol('span:attr');
export class ExampleService {
async whatchamacallit(
@Attr('') companyId: number,
@Attr('data') data: SomeDataDto,
) {
/* Your awesome code in here */
import { SpanOptions, trace } from '@opentelemetry/api';
import {
} from './utils';
interface ExtendedSpanOptions extends SpanOptions {
name?: string;
ignoreOutcomeAttr?: boolean;
* A modified version of the Span decorator from
export function Span(options: ExtendedSpanOptions = {}) {
return (
target: NonNullable<unknown>,
propertyKey: string,
propertyDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor,
) => {
const originalFunction = propertyDescriptor.value;
const wrappedFunction = function PropertyDescriptor(
this: NonNullable<unknown>,
...args: unknown[]
) {
const tracer = trace.getTracer('default');
const spanName = || `${}.${propertyKey}`;
return tracer.startActiveSpan(spanName, options, (span) => {
setParameterAttributes(span, target, propertyKey, args);
if ( === 'AsyncFunction') {
return originalFunction
.apply(this, args)
.then((result: unknown) => {
if (!options.ignoreOutcomeAttr) {
setAttribute(propertyKey, span, 'outcome', result);
return result;
.catch((error: unknown) => {
recordException(span, error);
// Throw error to propagate it further
throw error;
.finally(() => {
try {
const result = originalFunction.apply(this, args);
if (!options.ignoreOutcomeAttr) {
setAttribute(propertyKey, span, 'outcome', result);
return result;
} catch (error) {
recordException(span, error);
// Throw error to propagate it further
throw error;
} finally {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
propertyDescriptor.value = wrappedFunction;
copyMetadataFromFunctionToFunction(originalFunction, wrappedFunction);
export interface AttrMetadata {
type: 'attr';
key: AttrKey;
parameterIndex: number;
export type AttrKey =
/* ---------------------- Frequent ---------------------- */
| 'outcome'
| ''
/* ----------------------- PubSub ----------------------- */
| 'pubsub.event'
/* ------------------------ Redis ----------------------- */
| 'redis.key'
| 'redis.value'
| 'redis.ttl.seconds'
| 'redis.score'
| 'redis.min.score'
| 'redis.max.score'
/* ----------------------- General ---------------------- */
| 'str'
| 'data'
| 'reason';
import { Span, SpanStatusCode } from '@opentelemetry/api';
import { AttrKey, AttrMetadata } from './types';
import { ATTR_METADATA_KEY } from './constants';
export function recordException(span: Span, error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
span.setStatus({ code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: error.message });
export function getAttrs(
target: NonNullable<unknown>,
propertyKey: string,
): AttrMetadata[] {
try {
const metadata: AttrMetadata[] =
Reflect.getMetadata(ATTR_METADATA_KEY, target, propertyKey) || [];
const filteredMetadata = metadata.filter((item) => item.type === 'attr');
return filteredMetadata;
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error });
return [];
export function setAttribute(
propertyKey: string,
span: Span,
key: AttrKey,
value: unknown,
) {
const serialized = (() => {
try {
if (
typeof value === 'boolean' ||
typeof value === 'number' ||
typeof value === 'string'
) {
return value;
} else {
// circular objects will fail to stringify
return JSON.stringify(value) || 'null';
} catch (e) {
const error =
typeof e === 'object' && e !== null && 'message' in e ? e.message : e;
`Failed to stringify value for span ${propertyKey}. Error ${error}`,
return 'un-json-stringify-able';
try {
span.setAttribute(key, serialized);
} catch (error) {
export function setParameterAttributes(
span: Span,
targetClass: NonNullable<unknown>,
propertyKey: string,
args: unknown[],
) {
try {
const attrs = getAttrs(targetClass, propertyKey);
attrs.forEach((attr) => {
const value = args?.[attr.parameterIndex];
setAttribute(propertyKey, span, attr.key, value);
} catch (error) {
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