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Last active October 23, 2021 01:36
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CountedSet custom implementation in Swift
struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable> {
private var storage: [Element: Int] = [:]
/// Creating a CountedSet from a Dictionary or DictionaryLiteral
/// let example: CountedSet = ["a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 42]
extension CountedSet: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Element, Int)...) { = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: elements)
init(_ dictionary: [Element: Int]) { = dictionary
/// Creating a CountedSet from an Array or ArrayLiteral
/// let example: CountedSet = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
extension CountedSet: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) {
init(_ elements: [Element]) { = elements.reduce(into: [:]) { acc, e in acc[e, default: 0] += 1 }
/// Debug Description
extension CountedSet: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String {
/// SetAlgebra conformance
extension CountedSet: SetAlgebra {
func contains(_ member: Element) -> Bool {
storage[member, default: 0] > 0
mutating func insert(_ newMember: __owned Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: Element) {
storage[newMember, default: 0] += 1
return (true, newMember)
mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Element? {
if let count = storage[member], count > 0 {
storage[member] = count == 1 ? nil : count - 1
return member
} else {
return nil
mutating func update(with newMember: __owned Element) -> Element? {
if let count = storage[newMember], count > 0 {
storage[newMember] = count + 1
return newMember
} else {
storage[newMember] = 1
return nil
__consuming func union(_ other: __owned CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var copy = self
return copy
__consuming func intersection(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var copy = self
return copy
__consuming func symmetricDifference(_ other: __owned CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var copy = self
return copy
mutating func formUnion(_ other: __owned CountedSet<Element>) {
storage.merge(, uniquingKeysWith: +)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) {
for pair: (key: Element, value: Int) in storage {
if let otherCount =[pair.key] {
storage[pair.key] = pair.value + otherCount
} else {
storage[pair.key] = nil
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: __owned CountedSet<Element>) {
for pair: (key: Element, value: Int) in {
if storage.keys.contains(pair.key) {
storage[pair.key] = nil
} else {
storage[pair.key] = pair.value
/// Collection-like Views into the storage, e.g. for iteration
extension CountedSet {
subscript(element: Element) -> Int {
storage[element, default: 0]
/// Collection of unique Elements – each element listed once, regardless of their count in the Set
var uniquedElements: some Collection /* where .Element = Self.Element */ {
/// Sequence of Elements, each Element emited as many times as their count in the Set
var allElements: some Sequence /* where .Element = Self.Element */ {
return AnySequence<Element> { () -> AnyIterator<Element> in
var pairsIterator = storage.makeIterator()
var currentPair: (key: Element, value: Int)? = nil
return AnyIterator {
if currentPair?.value ?? 0 == 0 {
currentPair =
currentPair?.value -= 1
return currentPair?.key
/// Lazy Collection of (element: Element, count: Int) pairs
var pairs: some Collection /* where .Element = (element: Self.Element, count: Int) */ { { (element: $0.key, count: $0.value) }
var dictionaryRepresentation: [Element: Int] { storage }
/// Total count of elements in the set, including multiple occurrences
var count: Int {
storage.reduce(0) { acc, pair in acc + pair.value }
var s1: CountedSet = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
print("s1 =", s1)
print(#"s1.contains("x") ="#, s1.contains("x"))
print(#"s1["x"] ="#, s1["x"])
print(#"s1.contains("a") ="#, s1.contains("a"))
print(#"s1["a"] ="#, s1["a"])
print(#"s1 after 3 inserts ("d","b","b"):"#, s1)
s1.update(with: "d")
print(#"s1 after update(with: "d"):"#, s1)
print(#"s1 after 2x insert("e"):"#, s1)
print(#"s1 after one remove("e"):"#, s1)
print(#"s1 after another remove("e"):"#, s1)
let s2: CountedSet = ["b": 7, "x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 5]
print("s2 =", s2)
print("s1.union(s2) =", s1.union(s2))
assert(s1.union(s2) == s2.union(s1))
print("s1.intersection(s2) =", s1.intersection(s2))
assert(s1.intersection(s2) == s2.intersection(s1))
print("s1.symmetricDifference(s2) =", s1.symmetricDifference(s2))
assert(s1.symmetricDifference(s2) == s2.symmetricDifference(s1))
print("s1.uniquedElements =", s1.uniquedElements)
print("s1.allElements =", Array(s1.allElements))
print("Iterating on s1.pairs:")
for e in s1.pairs {
print("-", e)
print("s1.dictionaryRepresentation =", s1.dictionaryRepresentation)
print("s1.count =", s1.count)
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