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Re-implementation of @binding and @State (from SwiftUI) myself to better understand it
This is a concept re-implementation of the @Binding and @State property wrappers from SwiftUI
The only purpose of this code is to implement those wrappers myself
just to understand how they work internally and why they are needed,
⚠️ This is not supposed to be a reference implementation nor cover all
subtleties of the real Binding and State types.
The only purpose of this playground is to show how re-implementing
them myself has helped me understand the whole thing better
(especially the Property Wrappers, their projectedValue,
the relationship between State and Binding, and the magic behind
the @dynamicMemberLookup + @propertyWrapper combination which allows
`$` to work magically)
//: ## A Binding is just something that encapsulates getter+setter to a property
struct XBinding<Value> {
var wrappedValue: Value {
get { return getValue() }
nonmutating set { setValue(newValue) }
private let getValue: () -> Value
private let setValue: (Value) -> Void
init(getValue: @escaping () -> Value, setValue: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
self.getValue = getValue
self.setValue = setValue
var projectedValue: Self { self }
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ### Simple Int example
//: We need a storage to reference first
private var x1Storage: Int = 42
//: (Note: Creating a struct because top-level property wrappers don't work well at global scope in a playground – globals being lazy and all)
struct Example1 {
@XBinding(getValue: { x1Storage }, setValue: { x1Storage = $0 })
var x1: Int
/*: The propertyWrapper translates this to:
private var _x1 = XBinding<Int>(getValue: { x1Storage }, setValue: { x1Storage = $0 })
var x1: Int {
get { _x1.wrappedValue } // which in turn ends up using the getValue closure
set { _x1.wrappedValue = newValue } // which in turn ends up using the setValue closure
var $x1: XBinding<Int> {
get { _x1.projectedValue } // which in our case is just the same as _x1 since a XBinding's projectedValue has been defined to return itself; but at least $x1 is internal, not private like _x1
set { _x1.projectedValue = newValue }
func run() {
print("Before:", "x1Storage =", x1Storage, "x1 =", x1) // Before: x1Storage = 42 x1 = 42
x1 = 37 // calls `x1.set` which calls `_x1.wrappedValue = 42` which calls `_x1.setValue(42)` (via its `nonmutating set`) which ends up doing `x1Storage = 42` under the hood. Pfew.
print("After:", "x1Storage =", x1Storage, "x1 =", x1) // After: x1Storage = 37 x1 = 37
// ok not that useful so far, but now you know the basics of how a Binding works. Now let's see why they can be useful.
//: This works, but as you can see, we had to create the storage ourself in order to then create a @Binding
//: Which is not ideal, since we have to create some property in one place (x1Storage),
//: then create a binding to that property separately to reference and manipulate it via the Binding
//: We'll see later how we can solve that.
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ### Manipulating compound types
//: In the meantime, let's play a little with Bindings. Let's create a Binding on a more complex type:
struct Address: CustomStringConvertible {
var number: Int
var street: String
var description: String { "\(number), \(street)" }
struct Person {
var name: String
var address: Address
var personStorage = Person(name: "Olivier", address: Address(number: 13, street: "Playground Street"))
struct Example2 {
@XBinding(getValue: { personStorage }, setValue: { personStorage = $0 })
var person: Person
/*: Translated by the compiler to:
var _person = XBinding<Person>(getValue: { personStorage }, setValue: { personStorage = $0 })
var person: Person { get { _person.wrappedValue } set { _person.wrappedValue = newValue } }
var $person: Person { get { _person.projectedValue } set { _person.projectedValue = newValue } }
func run() {
print( // "Olivier"
print( // Basically the same as above, just more verbose
let example2 = Example2()
//: Ok, still not so useful so far, be now… what if we could now `map` to inner properties of the `Person`?
//: i.e. what if I now want to transform the `Binding<Person>` to a `Binding<String>` now pointing to the `.name` inner property?
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ## Transform Bindings
//: Usually in monad-land, we could declare a `map` method on XBinding for that
//: Except that here we need to be able to both get the name from the person... and be able to set it too
//: So instead of using a `transform` like classic `map`, we're gonna use a WritableKeyPath to be able to go both directions
extension XBinding {
func map<NewValue>(_ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Value, NewValue>) -> XBinding<NewValue> {
return XBinding<NewValue>(
getValue: { self.wrappedValue[keyPath: keyPath] },
setValue: { self.wrappedValue[keyPath: keyPath] = $0 }
let nameBinding = example2.$\.name) // We now have a binding to the name property inside the Person
nameBinding.wrappedValue = "NewName"
print( // "NewName"
//: But why stop there? Instead of having to call `$\.name)`, wouldn't it be better to call `$` directly?
//: Let's do that using `@dynamicMemberLookup`. (We'll add that via protocol conformance so we can reuse this feature easily on other types later too)
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ## `@dynamicMemberLoopup`
//: Add dynamic member lookup capability (via protocol conformance) to forward any access to a property to the inner value
@dynamicMemberLookup protocol XBindingConvertible {
associatedtype Value
var binding: XBinding<Self.Value> { get }
subscript<Subject>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Self.Value, Subject>) -> XBinding<Subject> { get }
extension XBindingConvertible {
public subscript<Subject>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Self.Value, Subject>) -> XBinding<Subject> {
return XBinding(
getValue: { self.binding.wrappedValue[keyPath: keyPath] },
setValue: { self.binding.wrappedValue[keyPath: keyPath] = $0 }
//: `XBinding` is one of those types on which we want that `@dynamicMemberLookup` feature:
extension XBinding: XBindingConvertible {
var binding: XBinding<Value> { self } // well for something already a `Binding`, just use itself!
//: And now `e2.$` just access the `e2.$person: XBinding<Person>` first, then use the magic of
//: `@dynamicMemberLookup` when trying to access `.name` on it (using `subscript(dynamicMember: \.name)` under the hood)
//: to return a new `XBinding<String>` – which is now representing the access to the `.name` property of the `Person` (instead of the `Person` itself).
//: That's how it's made possible to have `e2.$` "propagate" the `Binding` from one parent property to be a new `Binding`
//: to the child properties. `$` is not some magic compiler operator interpreting the whole expression as a `Binding` like I first thought – and maybe you too –
//: when I saw the SwiftUI call site code samples at WWDC. No, it's just using `@dynamicMemberLookup` to make the magic happen instead.
print(example2.person) // Person(name: "NewName", address: 13, Playground Street))
print(type(of: example2.$ // XBinding<String>
let streetNumBinding = example2.$person.address.number // XBinding<Int>
streetNumBinding.wrappedValue = 42
print(example2.person) // Person(name: "NewName", address: 42, Playground Street))
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ## We don't want to declare storage ourselves: introducing `@State`
//: Ok this is all good and well, but remember our issue from the beginning? We still need to declare the storage for the value ourselves
//: Currently we had to declare `personStorage` and had to explicitly say how to get/set that storage when defining our `XBinding`.
//: That's no fun, so let's abstract this and wrap that one level further
//: `XState` will wrap both the storage for the value, and a `XBinding` to it
class XStateV1<Value>: XBindingConvertible {
var wrappedValue: Value // the storage for the value
var binding: XBinding<Value> {
// the binding to get/set the stored value
XBinding(getValue: { self.wrappedValue }, setValue: { self.wrappedValue = $0 })
init(wrappedValue value: Value) {
self.wrappedValue = value
var projectedValue: XBinding<Value> { binding }
//: > _This is a simplistic implementation to show the relationship between `State` and `Binding`.
//: > In practice there's more to it, especially in SwiftUI there's some more things to notify when the state has changed to redraw the UI that
//: > I didn't go into details here. See the comments on that gist to discuss more about it._
//: And now we don't need to declare both the `personStorage` and the `@Binding var person` property – we can use `@State var person` and have it all at once.
struct Example3 {
@XStateV1 var person = Person(name: "Bob", address: Address(number: 21, street: "Builder Street"))
/*: This is translated by the compiler to:
var _person: XStateV1(wrappedValue: Person(name: "Bob", address: Address(number: 21, street: "Builder Street")))
var person: Person { get { _person.wrappedValue } set { _person.wrappedValue = newValue } }
var $person: XBinding { get { _person.projectedValue } set { _person.projectedValue = newValue } }
> Note that since `projectedValue` of `XStateV1` exposes an `XBinding`, `$person` will be a `XBinding` (and not an `XState`) here.
func run() {
print( // Person(name: "Bob", address: __lldb_expr_17.Address(number: 21, street: "Builder Street"))
let streetBinding: XBinding<String> = $person.address.street
person = Person(name: "Crusty", address: Address(number: 1, street: "WWDC Stage"))
streetBinding.wrappedValue = "Memory Lane"
print(person) // Person(name: "Crusty", address: __lldb_expr_17.Address(number: 1, street: "Memory Lane"))
It's important to note that `$foo` does not just always return a binding to `foo` in all cases – this $ is not
a magic token that turns a property into a binding as some might have thought at first.
Instead, `$foo` is to access the `projectedValue` of the PropertyWrapper attached to `foo`.
True, it so happens that:
- the `projectedValue` of `XBinding` is indeed an `XBinding` (it returns `self`)
- the `projectedValue` of `XState` is also an `XBinding` (built on the fly to return a binding to the `wrappedValue`)
But this is just a coincidence of those two types both returning `XBindings` for their `projectedValue`, given the way
that we decided to implement `projectedValue` on `XBinding` and `XState`.
For other Property Wrappers, the `projectedValue` might be of another type and `$` would mean something else depending
on the wrapper (e.g. the `projectedValue` exposed by a `@Published` in Combine is a `Publisher`, not a `Binding`)
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: # The End
//: …or almost.
//: > _Continue reading if you want more info about some advanced questions which came later in my journey or via Gist comments below._
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ## How XState breaks if you happen to have a type with a property coincidentally named `wrappedValue` (very unlikely though)
There's a tricky edge case which can happen if you use `@XState var model: SomeModel` but`SomeModel` has a property coincidentally named `wrappedValue`
In that case, `$model.wrappedValue` will not give you a new binding to that wrappedValue like you might expect, but return the object the binding is pointing to instead.
This is because `XBinding` itself also have a real `wrappedValue` property (so that it can be declared as `@propertyWrapper`). Which means that even if
`$model` returns an `XBinding` as you expect, since `XBinding` has a proper `wrappedValue` property itself, then `$model.wrappedValue` will
return the value of that real `wrappedValue` property, and won't go thru the `subscript(dynamicMember:)`/`@dynamicMemberLookup` route.
This is not really an issue since `wrappedValue` should be rarely used as a name for properties in your regular types in practice.
But this caused issues with early implentations of Property Wrappers (called propertyDelegates back then) – as the magic property name required to make a type a `@propertyDelegate` was named `value` back then before they renamed those to `@propertyWrapper` and `wrappedValue`.
Since `value` was a way more common property name in other types like `SomeModel`, that was more likely to cause hidden bugs. But thankfully, they renamed this before the last revision, so the special case should be way less likely now.
_I'm still keeping this contrieved example around since that's one step I had to go thru when understanding how the @propertyWrapper + State + @dynamicMemberLookup magic came together back when I initially went thru those discovery path_
struct Expression {
var wrappedValue: Int
var nonSpecialProp: Int
struct Example4 {
@XStateV1 var expr = Expression(wrappedValue: 42, nonSpecialProp: 1337)
func run() {
let bindingToExprValue2 = $expr.nonSpecialProp
type(of: bindingToExprValue2) // XBinding<Int>
let notABindingToExprValue = $expr.wrappedValue
type(of: notABindingToExprValue) // Expression
let bindingToExprValue = $expr[dynamicMember: \.wrappedValue]
type(of: bindingToExprValue) // XBinding<Int>
//: -----------------------------------------------------------------
//: ## nonmutating set
//: Ok, but in Apple's API, State is a struct with a nonmutating setter. How did they achieve that then?
//: Well, just with one additional level of indirection, wrapping the class into a struct allows that trick:
@propertyWrapper struct XState<Value>: XBindingConvertible {
class Storage {
var value: Value
init(initialValue: Value) { self.value = initialValue }
private var storage: Storage
var wrappedValue: Value {
get { }
nonmutating set { = newValue }
var binding: XBinding<Value> {
XBinding(getValue: { self.wrappedValue }, setValue: { self.wrappedValue = $0 })
init(wrappedValue value: Value) { = Storage(initialValue: value)
var projectedValue: XBinding<Value> { binding }
//: And now we can use the same example as before, except `@XState` is now backed by a struct
struct Example5 {
@XState var expr = Expression(wrappedValue: 42, nonSpecialProp: 1337)
func run() {
let bindingToExprValue2 = $expr.nonSpecialProp
type(of: bindingToExprValue2) // XBinding<Int>
let notABindingToExprValue = $expr.wrappedValue
type(of: notABindingToExprValue) // Expression
let bindingToExprValue = $expr[dynamicMember: \.wrappedValue]
type(of: bindingToExprValue) // XBinding<Int>
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So it uses the Hello.init(_ _text: Binding<String>)...

This is the part I was missing, thank you! From what I understand I cannot call such constructor manually from my code, does this mean that SwiftUI uses some API which is not available to other developers?

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I haven't tried it in practice, but since you have a struct Hello: View with no init declared explicitly, it should synthesise a member-wise init for you, as Swift does for every struct (not something specific to SwiftUI there), and since the only member of that struct is text and is a Binding, I'm guessing such an init taking a Binding<String> as parameter is synthesised by Swift here too

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In any case, in Hello(text: $text), the $text – being the projectedValue of the State text property – is a Binding, so this expression calls the Hello.init(text: Binding<String>) method. For this to work, such an init(text: Binding<String>) has to exist on Hello and since you didn't explicitly write it, it's likely synthesised by the compiler, which makes sense since Swift already does that for any other struct.

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Yes, you're correct, just tried to mimic this with custom property wrapper and all works just as you described. Did not work previously because of my mistake.

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EfraimB commented Aug 21, 2020

Hello, one other things @State in swift ui does is that it keeps the same values across multiple instantiations of the same View. What piece of code from your gist helps you achieve this behavior?

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Good point. I'm not entirely sure this part is possible to reproduce with manual code though. It might be a part of SwiftUI where some magic is handled by the compiler and the runtime for us 🤔

(tbh I've written this gist a while ago when SwiftUI and property wrappers were brand new; my goal was to understand what those new State/Binding beasts were — as they were completely new concepts back then — but never intended to try and recreate the full exact implementation. So there's probably plenty more details and other behaviors of Binding/State missing on that gist compared to the real deal 😅)

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mikkelse commented May 3, 2022

Thanks for the writeup, it really helped me understand Binding and State.

I know my comment comes a little late, but one thing I still don't understand is how a struct with a binding property can be initialised with a binding, although that same property, when accessed within the struct, is still considered its underlying type, i.e.

struct MasterView: View {
    @State private var message: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        // Here I pass in message as a binding, which works.
        DetailView(message: $message)

struct DetailView: View {
    @Binding var message: String

    // But if I create a custom initializer and do the same, I get a compile error
    init(message: Binding<String>) {
        // Compile error: Cannot assign value of type 'Binding<String>' to type 'String'
        self.message = message

    var body: some View {
        TextField("Message", text: $message)

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AliSoftware commented May 3, 2022

@mikkelse This is not specific to Bindings and States, but to how Property Wrappers work in general.

Here by annotating your instance variable message with any property wrapper (like @State or @Binding in your specific example), the compiler will actually generate:

  • A private _message instance variable which will point to the Property Wrapper itself (i.e. the instance of Binding or State here)
  • A message computed property which will return the wrappedValue exposed by that property wrapper (i.e. compiler will basically generate var message: String { get { _message.wrappedValue } set { _message.wrappedValue = newValue } }).
  • A $message computed variable, which will return to the projectedValue exposed by the Property Wrapper.
    • In many cases when you implement your own @propertyWrapper type and provide a projectedValue for it, you implement it to just return self, aka the Property Wrapper itself. In such cases, when you then annotate a foo instance with that property wrapper, then $foo and _foo ends up being the same (except that _foo is private only accessible from within the enclosing type where foo is also declared, while $foo would have the same accessibility level as the foo instance variable itself), but that's because for that specific PW, the projectedValue of the PW returns the PW itself.
    • But in some cases the projectedValue of a @propertyWrapper is implemented to return something else. That's the case for the @propertyWrapper struct State, which returns the binding as its projected value. In that case, _message is still the instance of State, but $message is an instance of Binding exposed by that State

Here in your case:

  • For DetailView(message: $message), $message is the projectedValue of the _message: State property wrapper, and a State's projectedValue is implemented in such a way that it projects a Binding. So $message is the projectedValue of your State, and as such is of type Binding, so that works with that DetailView(message:) expects
  • But for self.message = message in your DetailView.init implementation, your message: Binding<String> is (rightfully) of type Binding, but the left-hand side self.message of your expression accesses the compiler-generated message: String computed property, the one that exposes the Binding (from the @Binding var message: String) declaration)'s wrappedValue, so the String itself.
    • That's what makes Property Wrappers nice and kind of magic, because the whole point of using @ThePropertyWrapper annotations (i.e. @Binding var message: String) instead of declaring your variable being directly of the type of the wrapper (i.e. var message: Binding<String>) is that it makes it transparent when you call self.message, and makes self.message directly return a String which makes it niced to manipulate the wrapped value in a more natural way — as opposed to having to use self.message.wrappedvalue if you had declared it var message: Binding<String>
    • The way you declared that instance variable — @Binding var message: String — on your DetailView is still the proper and expected way to declare Binding instance vars in SwiftUI Views, so that part is totally correct
    • But then when you want to initialize all the stored variables of your DetailView in your init, what you actually need to initialize is not the self.message (which is a compiler-generated computed property, remember, even if that is meant to be as transparent as possible by the compiler when you use property wrappers and makes us tend to forget it is), but the self._message instead — which is the actual, private instance variable that the compiler would generate with the Binding<String> type

In other words, when you write @Binding var message: String to declare your instance variable in DetailView, the compiler will actually generate the following code:

struct DetailView: VIew {
  // The underlying storage for the Binding property wrapper instance itself
  private var _message: Binding<String>
  // Convenience computed property to easily access the propertyWrapper's `wrappedValue` transparently in your code
  var message: String {
    get { _message.wrappedValue }
    set { _message.wrappedValue = newValue }
  // Convenience computed property to easiliy access the propertyWrapper's `projectedValue` transparently in your code
  // Note that this is pseudo-code as you wouldn't be allowed to declare an instance variable starting with `$` manually yourself (but the compiler allows itself to do it for code it generates for a propertyWrapper)
  // Also note that for the `@propertyWrapper struct Binding`, it happens that the type of `projectedValue` (denoted here by `Binding.ProjectedValue` type) is itself also `Binding` (and a `Binding`'s `projectedValue` value returns `self`)
  // But that's not always the case (e.g. `State.ProjectedValue` is `Binding`), hence why I've made this more generic to make it clear what this relies on
  var $message: Binding.ProjectedValue<String> {
    get { _message.projectedValue }
    set { _message.projectedValue = newValue }

Which is why DetailView's init needs to initialize _message (its only non-computed instance variable), not message (which is a computed one, which you wouldn't be able to access at that point anyway given _message would not yet be fully initialized at that point in the code, so neither would self._message.wrappedValue (which self.message is merly kind of an "alias" for)

Hope that clarifies things!

If you want to learn more about Property Wrappers in general, I suggest you watch my various talk I gave about the concept in a past FrenchKit conference here 🙂

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mikkelse commented May 3, 2022

Hey man, thank you so much for putting in the effort to spell it out for me, truly appreciate it. I was with you all of the way, but actually your last paragraph is what brings me almost home, namely that _message of cause is the only non-computed variable that init needs to initialise. So I guess a memberwise initialiser is created that accepts a Binding<String> to initialise _message, but, still _message is private and under normal circumstances such an initialiser would not be possible. Seems like there's still some compiler synthesization magic here?

For example, a struct like this, does not result in a valid memberwise initialiser due to _message being inaccessible due to private protection level.

struct DetailView {
    private var _message: Binding<String>

I will check out your talks, thanks!

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AliSoftware commented May 3, 2022

@mikkelse This is correct, there is also compiler magic for memberwise initializers. The compiler knows when it auto-generates those memberwise inits to treat instance variables annotated with property wrappers specially, having the parameter of the init(…) be without the _ but still initialize those _message instance variables (even though they are private)!

See this dedicated paragraph in the original Swift Evolution Proposal if you're curious about the details 🙂

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mikkelse commented May 3, 2022

Cool, the puzzle is now solved for me!

Again, thanks so much for the effort, it's been a great resource for me trying to understand how it works.

Will check out your links 🙏

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I am wondering how SwiftUI is able to detect when a @State variable has been changed and the corresponding view needs to be updated. Does the @State propertyWrapper gets a reference to some sort of manager and notifies it when its setValue gets called?

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I am wondering how SwiftUI is able to detect when a variable has been changed and the corresponding view needs to be updated. Does the propertyWrapper gets a reference to some sort of manager and notifies it when its setValue gets called?

@donaldbeebi That I am not sure either to be honest. I think that's a bit more magic handled internally by SwiftUI.

My guess is that in practice, the @State propertyWrapper might be implemented not using the usual wrappedValue property, but by using the (private/non-official) "static subscript" accessor for implementing a Property Wrapper.

Basically, usually to implement a @propertyWrapper, you have to implement a wrappedValue property, and that's what gets used when the call site uses the property with its original name (not prefixing it with _ or $).
But there's an alternative way of implementing the getter/setter of a property wrapper, which is mentioned here in the Swift Evolution Proposal. In theory that alternative way is under "Future Directions" and thus is not officially supported yet… but in practice, it is already implemented (it's just that, it not being official and kinda "under the table" API, there's no guarantee that its syntax won't change before it gets turned official, similar to internal underscored methods).

That "static subscript" implementation of a property wrapped allows you to access the "enclosing instance" of the property annotated with the property wrapper. In essence that means that if you declare a @State private var myProp inside a struct MyView: View, then the @State property wrapper would be able to access the MyView instance that encloses / contains your state variable declaration thanks to that static subscript implementation. This can be very powerful and is probably how the @State property wrapper is telling the enclosing View about the existence of the State variable, and "registers" itself with the View to tell it to refresh itself when the State changes. You can read more about this on SwiftBySundell and SwiftLee's blogs.

So, my guess is that they might have taken advantage of this (non-official, internal) thing to implement the View refresh mechanism in what might look something like this?

@propertyWrapper struct State<Value>: BindingConvertible {
    class Storage {
        var value: Value
        init(initialValue: Value) { self.value = initialValue }
    private var storage: Storage

    // wrappedValue is not used when we also provide a static subscript, as the static subscript implementation takes precedence
    var wrappedValue: Value {
        get { fatalError("In theory this will never be called, as the static subscript will be used instead") }
        nonmutating set { fatalError("In theory this will never be called, as the static subscript will be used instead") }

    static subscript<ContainerView: View>(
        _enclosingInstance viewInstance: ContainerView,
        wrapped wrappedKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ContainerView, Value>,
        storage storageKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ContainerView, Self>
    ) -> Value {
        get { viewInstance[keyPath: storageKeyPath].storage.value }
        set {
            viewInstance[keyPath: storageKeyPath].storage.value = newValue
            // Signal the View instance in some way that it needs to be redrawn
            viewInstance._setNeedsRefresh() // hypothetical internal method, no idea if that's how its done in practice or what such method would be called if it even exists

To be honest I'm not sure that's really how they do it (and I'm starting to have doubts now because I think when you implement a @propertyWrapper using the static subscript, it then can only be applied to reference types and not value types… but View subclasses are typically struct… so maybe that wouldn't work after all…). There's definitively some more magic and internals going on there 😉

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I am wondering how SwiftUI is able to detect when a @State variable has been changed and the corresponding view needs to be updated. Does the @State propertyWrapper gets a reference to some sort of manager and notifies it when its setValue gets called?

The OpenCombine relies on ABI stability to detect the object change. See the discussion here

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@haifengkao Interesting, thanks for the find!

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