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AliTopal89 / password_strength.css
Last active July 28, 2021 07:13
customization with zxcvbn
/*all these color hex below are 508 approved and have atleast 4.5:1 color contrast*/
$very-weak: #800020;
$weak: #DC2A2A;
$so-so: #AA5D00;
$good: #458600;
$great: #006D00;
#pswd-strength-cntnr { margin-top: -.75rem; }
#pswd-strength-txt {
# W04D03 Quiz
Your solutions to all the problems below (except for Problem 1) should be included in this file.
Assuming the database "quiz" mentioned in Problem 3 has been created, this file should be able to be executed in the command line (`ruby d03_quiz.rb`) without throwing any errors.
## Problem 1
As you would with a regular homework assignment, please pull this file to your homework repository, make the necessary edits, push it, and then make a pull request.
puts(" Hi I'm C-3P0, human-cyborg relations." " What is your name? ")
name = gets().chomp()
puts("It is a pleasure to meet you, #{name}. Have you ever met a protocol droid before?")
user_answer = gets().chomp()
puts("#{user_answer}? How interesting, for someone from around these parts.")
puts("I'm terribly sorry for prying, but you don't by any chance go by the alias of Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you? (Answer 'I do' or 'I don't')")
user_answer = gets().chomp()
if user_answer == "I do" || user_answer == "i do" || user_answer == "I DO" || user_answer == "i Do"
puts("Oh, marvelous! Simply marvelous! Say hello to R2-D2; he's been looking all over for you.")