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Created March 25, 2022 14:15
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "";
contract RepeatedWords {
//using library
using strings for *;
// //for returning first word in string
// function smt(string memory _str) public pure returns(string memory){
// strings.slice memory s = _str.toSlice();
// strings.slice memory delim = "".toSlice();
// string[] memory parts = new string[](s.count(delim));
// for (uint i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// parts[i] = s.split(delim).toString();
// //toDo
// //make an inner loop
// }
// return parts[0];
// }
// string what = "s";
// where = solidity
modifier contains (string memory what, string memory where) {
//converting to bytes array
bytes memory whatBytes = bytes (what);
bytes memory whereBytes = bytes (where);
require(whereBytes.length >= whatBytes.length,"lenght of what shoule be greater than where");
bool found = false;
for (uint i = 0; i <= whereBytes.length - whatBytes.length; i++) {
bool flag = true;
for (uint j = 0; j < whatBytes.length; j++)
if (whereBytes [i + j] != whatBytes [j]) {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
found = true;
require (found,"not found" );
// it will return true if str contains 's'
function check(string memory str) public pure contains ("s", str) returns(bool,string memory) {
bytes memory a = new bytes(1);
a[0] = bytes(str)[0];
return (true,string(a));
// returns number of repeated characters
// main function
function HowManyRepeated(string memory what, string memory where) public pure returns(uint, string memory){
uint times = 0;
if( ContainWord( what, where ) ){
uint whatLen = CountUTF8String(what);
uint whereLen = CountUTF8String(where);
for (uint i = 0; i < whereLen - whatLen + 1 ; i++) {
if( ContainWord( what, Substring( where, i , i + whatLen) ) ){
bytes memory a = new bytes(1);
a[0] = bytes(what)[0];
return (times,string(a));
//counting number of characters
function CountUTF8String(string memory str) internal pure returns (uint256 length){
uint i=0;
bytes memory string_rep = bytes(str);
// >> is shift operator
while (i<string_rep.length){
if (string_rep[i]>>7==0)
else if (string_rep[i]>>5==bytes1(uint8(0x6)))
else if (string_rep[i]>>4==bytes1(uint8(0xE)))
else if (string_rep[i]>>3==bytes1(uint8(0x1E)))
//For safety
// same like contains modifier
function ContainWord (string memory what, string memory where) internal pure returns (bool found){
bytes memory whatBytes = bytes (what);
bytes memory whereBytes = bytes (where);
//require(whereBytes.length >= whatBytes.length);
if(whereBytes.length < whatBytes.length){ return false; }
found = false;
for (uint i = 0; i <= whereBytes.length - whatBytes.length; i++) {
bool flag = true;
for (uint j = 0; j < whatBytes.length; j++)
if (whereBytes [i + j] != whatBytes [j]) {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
found = true;
return found;
function Substring(string memory str, uint startIndex, uint endIndex) internal pure returns (string memory ) {
bytes memory strBytes = bytes(str);
bytes memory result = new bytes(endIndex-startIndex);
for(uint i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
result[i-startIndex] = strBytes[i];
return string(result);
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