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Last active January 17, 2021 16:24
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Python Virtual Environment

To install in linux :

pip install virtualenv

To create virtual environment (a folder will be created)

virtualenv <--name-->

Virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.6 <--name--> (if you want to use different version of python than default)

To activate virtual environment( from the root of created folder)

source <--name-->/bin/activate

<--name-->/Scripts/activate.bad (windows)

To check whether it is activated (will show the created folder path/bin/pip or /bin/python):

Which python

which pip

To see what packages are currently in Global/Virtual pip:

pip list

To install packages in virtual environment:

pip install <--packagename-->

To export current local package versions (will create file with version requirements of packages):

pip freeze --local > <--path_to_filename-->.txt

To exit virtual environment:


To remove venv completely:

rm -rf <--path_to_venv_folder-->

To import from requirement file :

pip install -r <--filename.txt-->

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