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Last active August 8, 2016 07:55
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Basit bir string formatlama işlemi.
package com.wora.formatter;
public class StringFormatter {
public static synchronized String format(String text, Object... parameters) {
try {
int beginIndex = 0;
String delimeter = "{" + beginIndex + "}";
//params yok veya null ise gelen text'i geri gönder.
if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
//en az bir tane format karekter icerdiginden emin ol.
if(text.indexOf(delimeter) > -1){
//tüm {XXX} formatlarını bulup replace et.
while (text.indexOf(delimeter) > -1) {
String formatParam = (String) parameters[beginIndex];
text = text.replace(delimeter, formatParam);
delimeter = "{" + beginIndex + "}";
throw new RuntimeException("No matched any format in text!");
return text;
} catch (Exception e) {
// logger.error(e, e);
return text;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text = "Hello, {0}. How {1} are you?";
System.out.println(StringFormatter.format(text, "Alican", "old"));//Hello, Alican. How old are you?
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