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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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/* Simulate Swiss tournament
* Usage: pipe
* into the script's standard input */
import scala.util.Random
object Tournament {
type ScoreMx = Array[Array[Array[Int]]]
def bonusify(baseScore: Int)(implicit random: Random) = {
baseScore + random.nextInt(11) - 5
def matchResult()(implicit random: Random) = {
val win = random.nextInt(3) - 1 // [-1, 1]
List(10 + (5 * win), 10 - (5 * win)).map { bonusify(_) }
class Tournament(player_n: Int, round_n: Int) {
assert(player_n > 1 && round_n > 1)
import Tournament._
val scores: ScoreMx = Array.fill(player_n, player_n, round_n)(0)
val players = (0 until player_n)
val rounds = (0 until round_n)
implicit val random = new Random
def hasPlayedEachOther(p1: Int, p2: Int): Boolean = {
def scoresInRounds(p: Int): List[Int] = { { r => { p2 => scores(p)(p2)(r) }
def totalScore(p: Int): Int = scoresInRounds(p).sum
def randomPairing(): List[Int] = random.shuffle(players.toList)
def scoreBasedPairing: List[Int] = {
val sorted = players.toArray.sortBy(totalScore(_)).reverse
for (i <- players by 2) {
var j = i + 1
while (hasPlayedEachOther(sorted(i), sorted(j))) { j = j + 1 }
val tmp = sorted(j)
sorted(j) = sorted(i + 1)
sorted(i + 1) = tmp
def matchUp(p1: Int, p2: Int, round: Int): Unit = {
val res = matchResult()
scores(p1)(p2)(round) = res(0)
scores(p2)(p1)(round) = res(1)
def play(): Unit = {
rounds.drop(1).foreach { r => normalRound(r) }
def firstRound(): Unit = {
randomPairing().grouped(2).foreach { case p1 :: p2 :: _ =>
matchUp(p1, p2, 0)
def normalRound(round: Int): Unit = {
scoreBasedPairing.grouped(2).foreach { case p1 :: p2 :: _ =>
matchUp(p1, p2, round)
def printCell(values: Seq[Seq[String]]) {
val maxLength = values.flatMap( row =>
values.foreach { row => println( + 1, ' ')).mkString) }
val firsts = io.Source.stdin.getLines.drop(1)
.map(_.split("\"*,\"*").apply(1)) // assume specific format. see notes above
val names = (new Random).shuffle(firsts.toList).take(32)
val tourney = new Tournament(32, 6)
val rows = tourney.players.toList
.map { p => p :: tourney.scoresInRounds(p) ::: List(tourney.totalScore(p)) }
val taggedRows = (1 to 32) {
case ((rank, name), scores) => rank.toString :: name :: scores }
val headers = List("Rank", "Player", "ID", "Rnd1", "Rnd2", "Rnd3", "Rnd4", "Rnd5", "Rnd6", "Total")
printCell(headers :: taggedRows)
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