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Created November 30, 2017 04:54
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  • Save AliciaSchep/625282c146fabfafc787ce8aaab2259c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Compute aggregate footprint around position
# Footprint does not include +/- 4 correction for ATAC-seq
# Modified tabulate funcion ----------------------------------------------------
tabulate2 <- function(x, min_val, max_val) {
if (max_val <= min_val) {
stop("max_val must be greater than min_val")
if (min_val < 0 && max_val > 0) {
n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[1:(-min_val)])
p <- tabulate(x)[1:max_val]
z <- length(which(x == 0))
out <- c(n, z, p)
out[which(] <- 0
names(out) <- min_val:max_val
} else if (min_val == 0 && max_val > 0) {
p <- tabulate(x)[1:max_val]
z <- length(which(x == 0))
out <- c(z, p)
out[which(] <- 0
names(out) <- min_val:max_val
} else if (min_val > 0 && max_val > 0) {
out <- tabulate(x)[min_val:max_val]
out[which(] <- 0
names(out) <- min_val:max_val
} else if (min_val < 0 && max_val == 0) {
n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[1:(-min_val)])
z <- length(which(x == 0))
out <- c(n, z)
out[which(] <- 0
names(out) <- min_val:max_val
} else if (min_val < 0 && max_val < 0) {
n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[1:(-min_val)])
out <- n
out[which(] <- 0
names(out) <- min_val:max_val
} else {
stop("something may be amiss with min_val or max_val")
# motif_pos should be GenomicRanges of positions of motifs.
# Motif positions can be found using motifmatchr
# Internal chromVAR function, chromVAR:::bamToFragments, can be used to read in
# 'ends' argument (which should be genomic ranges with fragment ends)
get_footprint <- function(motif_pos, ends, flank = 250){
tmp = resize(motif_pos, width = 1, fix = "center", ignore.strand = FALSE)
o = findOverlaps(motif_pos, ends, maxgap = flank, ignore.strand = TRUE)
d = ifelse(as.character(strand(tmp[queryHits(o)])) == "-",
start(ends[subjectHits(o)]) - start(tmp[queryHits(o)]),
start(tmp[queryHits(o)]) - start(ends[subjectHits(o)]))
out = tabulate2(d, min_val = -flank, max_val = flank)
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