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Last active March 9, 2019 18:10
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  • Save AliciaSchep/f4287a4797d15d2b7923f12d5d9cc93d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AliciaSchep/f4287a4797d15d2b7923f12d5d9cc93d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Deploy a pkgdown site to gh_pages branch
## Adapted from r-lib/pkgdown source code from RStudio
## Helper functions, directly from pkgdown code --------------------------------
git <- function(...) {
processx::run("git", c(...), echo_cmd = TRUE, echo = TRUE)
github_clone <- function(dir, repo_slug) {
remote_url <- sprintf("", repo_slug)
cli::rule("Cloning existing site", line = 1)
"--single-branch", "-b", "gh-pages",
"--depth", "1",
github_push <- function(dir, commit_message) {
# force execution before changing working directory
cli::rule("Commiting updated site", line = 1)
withr::with_dir(dir, {
git("add", "-A", ".")
git("commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", commit_message)
cli::rule("Deploying to GitHub Pages", line = 1)
git("remote", "-v")
git("push", "--force", "origin", "HEAD:gh-pages")
## Deploy function, adapted from deploy_local ----------------------------------
deploy_site_github_local <- function(repo, preview = TRUE, delete_previous = FALSE, ...) {
# repo is the github repository, e.g. "username/repo"
# preview is to whether to first preview the site before pushing
# delete_previous is a flag to delete previous gh_pages branch content
# ... are additional parameters to build_site
dest_dir <- fs::dir_create(fs::file_temp())
github_clone(dest_dir, repo)
if (delete_previous) {
# This may be necessary if the branch has stuff not built by pkgdown
fs::dir_map(dest_dir, fs::file_delete)
override = list(destination = dest_dir),
document = FALSE,
preview = FALSE,
if (preview) {
browseURL(fs::path(dest_dir, "index.html"))
push <- utils::menu(c("Yes","No"), title = "Push site?") == 1
} else {
push <- TRUE
if (push) {
github_push(dest_dir, "Building new version of pkgdown website")
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