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Last active May 4, 2017 14:40
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Sql queries for migrating WP to https

Update any embedded attachments/images that use http. This one updates the src attributes that use double quotes:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'src="', 'src="') WHERE post_content LIKE '%src="';

This one takes care of any src attributes that use single quotes:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'src='', 'src='') WHERE post_content LIKE '%src='';

Update any hard-coded URLs for links. This one updates the URL for href attributes that use double quotes:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'href="', 'href="') WHERE post_content LIKE '%href="';

This one updates the URL for href attributes that use single quotes:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'href='', 'href='') WHERE post_content LIKE '%href='';

Update any “pinged” links:

UPDATE wp_posts SET pinged = REPLACE(pinged, '', '') WHERE pinged LIKE '%';

This step is just a confirmation step to make sure that there are no remaining http URLs for your site in the wp_posts table, except the GUID URLs. You must replace WP_DB_NAME, near the beginning of the query, with the name of your database.

This will confirm that nowhere in the wp_posts table is there a remaining http URL, outside of the GUID column. This ignores URLs in the GUID column.

This query only searches; it does not replace anything, nor make any changes. So, this is safe to run. It’s a safe and quick way to check the wp_posts table while ignoring the guid column.

This SQL query should return an empty set. That would mean that it found no http URLs for your site. (This is all just 1 query. It’s 1 very, very long line.)

Remember to replace WP_DB_NAME, near the beginning of the query, with the name of your database.

SELECT * FROM WP_DB_NAME.wp_posts WHERE (CONVERT(ID USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_author USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_date USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_date_gmt USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_content USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_title USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_excerpt USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_status USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(comment_status USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(ping_status USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_password USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_name USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(to_ping USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(pinged USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_modified USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_modified_gmt USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_content_filtered USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_parent USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(menu_order USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_type USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(post_mime_type USING utf8) LIKE '%%' OR CONVERT(comment_count USING utf8) LIKE '%%');

Now, we move to the wp_comments table. This changes any comment author URLs that point to the http version of your site. This is in case you’ve ever replied to a comment while your URL was pointing to http.

UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_author_url = REPLACE(comment_author_url, '', '') WHERE comment_author_url LIKE '%';

This updates the content of the comments on your site. If there are any links in the comments that are linking to an http URL on your site, they will be updated to https.

UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_content = REPLACE(comment_content, '', '') WHERE comment_content LIKE '%';

Now we move to the wp_postmeta table. This takes care of any custom post meta that points to the http version of your site.

UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, '', '') WHERE meta_value LIKE '%';

Now we move to the wp_options table. Update the “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL).” You can simply change these in the WordPress dashboard –> Settings page, rather than with these queries. You can just go to the Settings page and change both of these fields so that they start with https. But, here are the queries if you prefer to do it this way.

For the WordPress Address URL, you may have to modify If you have WordPress installed in some other directory, then modify this according to your own WordPress URL. For example, some people have WordPress installed in a subdirectory named “blog” and so their WordPress Address would be

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = "" WHERE wp_options.option_name = 'siteurl';

This one will update the Site Address URL (this is the home page of your site):

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = "" WHERE wp_options.option_name = 'home';


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