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Last active January 3, 2024 07:51
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  • Save AllanChain/fa7557f7c36d04033631528f84a3b929 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AllanChain/fa7557f7c36d04033631528f84a3b929 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My Logseq Live Math plugin settings
"triggerSettings": null,
"dollarTrigger": false,
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"selectModifier": "Shift",
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"preferMultiline": true,
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"smartFence": false,
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"keybindings": [
"key": "ctrl+b",
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"command": [
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"command": [
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"command": [
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"command": [
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"command": [
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"command": "nextSuggestion"
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"command": null
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"command": [
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"command": [
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"command": [
"inlineShortcuts": {
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"@A": "\\alpha",
"@b": "\\beta",
"@B": "\\beta",
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"@C": "\\chi",
"@d": "\\delta",
"@D": "\\Delta",
"@e": "\\epsilon",
"@E": "\\epsilon",
":e": "\\varepsilon",
":E": "\\mathcal{E}",
"@f": "\\phi",
"@F": "\\Phi",
":f": "\\varphi",
"@g": "\\gamma",
"@G": "\\Gamma",
"@h": "\\eta",
"@H": "\\eta",
"@k": "\\kappa",
"@K": "\\kappa",
"@l": "\\lambda",
"@L": "\\Lambda",
"@m": "\\mu",
"@M": "\\mu",
"@n": "\\nu",
"@N": "\\nu",
"@o": "\\omega",
"@O": "\\Omega",
"@r": "\\rho",
"@R": "\\rho",
"@s": "\\sigma",
"@S": "\\Sigma",
"@t": "\\tau",
"@T": "\\tau",
"@u": "\\upsilon",
"@U": "\\Upsilon",
"ome": "\\omega",
"Ome": "\\Omega",
"@v": "\\theta",
"@V": "\\Theta",
"@y": "\\psi",
"@Y": "\\Psi",
"@x": "\\xi",
"@X": "\\Xi",
"@z": "\\zeta",
"@Z": "\\zeta",
"//": "\\frac{#?}{#?}",
"sqrt": "\\sqrt{#?}",
"<>": "\\langle #?\\rangle",
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"<<": "\\ll",
">=": "\\ge",
"<=": "\\le",
"{": "\\{#?\\}",
"[": "[#?]",
"(": "(#?)",
"*": "\\cdot",
"...": "\\cdots",
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"oo": "\\infty",
"ii": "\\imaginaryI",
"ee": "\\exponentialE^{#?}",
"ei": "\\exponentialE^{\\imaginaryI #?}",
"kbt": "k_B T",
"hba": "\\hbar",
"d3k": "\\int \\frac{\\mathrm{d}^3 \\mathbf{k}}{(2\\pi)^3}",
"d3x": "\\int \\mathrm{d}^3 \\mathbf{x}",
"d3y": "\\int \\mathrm{d}^3 \\mathbf{y}",
"d4k": "\\int \\frac{\\mathrm{d}^4 \\mathbf{k}}{(2\\pi)^4}",
"dome": "\\int \\frac{\\mathrm{d}\\omega}{2\\pi}",
"align": "\\begin{align*}\n#? &= #? \\\\\n #? &= #?\\end{align*}",
"cases": "\\begin{cases}\n#? & #? \\\\\n #? & #?\\end{cases}"
"disableDefaultShortcuts": true,
"disabled": false
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