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Last active November 13, 2023 01:47
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Validador de CNPJ usando Kotlin
data class CNPJ(val value: String)
fun CNPJ.isValid(): Boolean {
val cnpj = value
return validateCNPJLength(cnpj) && validateCNPJRepeatedNumbers(cnpj)
&& validateCNPJVerificationDigit(true, cnpj)
&& validateCNPJVerificationDigit(false, cnpj)
* Verifies if the CNPJ has 14 digits.
* @return True if valid.
private fun validateCNPJLength(cnpj: String) = cnpj.length == 14
* Verifies if the CNPJ is not repeated numbers.
* A CNPJ with repeated is considered invalid, ex:
* '00000000000000'
* '11111111111111'
* '22222222222222'
* ...
* '88888888888888'
* '99999999999999'
* @return True if valid.
private fun validateCNPJRepeatedNumbers(cnpj: String): Boolean {
return (0..9)
.map { it.toString().repeat(14) }
.map { cnpj == it }
.all { !it }
* Verifies the CNPJ verification digit.
* This algorithm checks the verification digit (dígito verificador) do CNPJ.
* This was based from:
* @param[firstDigit] True when checking the first digit. False to check the second digit.
* @return True if valid.
private fun validateCNPJVerificationDigit(firstDigit: Boolean, cnpj: String): Boolean {
val startPos = when (firstDigit) {
true -> 11
else -> 12
val weightOffset = when (firstDigit) {
true -> 0
false -> 1
val sum = (startPos downTo 0).fold(0) { acc, pos ->
val weight = 2 + ((11 + weightOffset - pos) % 8)
val num = cnpj[pos].toString().toInt()
val sum = acc + (num * weight)
val result = sum % 11
val expectedDigit = when (result) {
0, 1 -> 0
else -> 11 - result
val actualDigit = cnpj[startPos + 1].toString().toInt()
return expectedDigit == actualDigit
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