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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Amanatides DDA Traversal Implemented in Python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 10.0)
class Ray:
def __init__(self):
self.origin = np.zeros((2))
self.direction = np.zeros((2))
def norm(self):
self.direction = self.direction / np.linalg.norm(self.direction)
def plot(self,axes,t_min,t_max, color=(0, 0, 0), zorder=10):
x0 = self.origin[0]+t_min*self.direction[0]
y0 = self.origin[1]+t_min*self.direction[1]
d0 = self.direction[0]*(t_max-t_min)
d1 = self.direction[1]*(t_max-t_min)
axes.quiver(x0, y0, d0, d1, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, width=0.003, zorder=zorder, color=color)
class AABB:
def __init__(self, low, high):
self.low = low
self.high = high
def intersects(self, ray):
r_t_min = 0
r_t_max = 0
t_min = 0
t_max = 0
ty_min = 0
ty_max = 0
size = self.high - self.low;
bounds_x1 = self.low[0];
bounds_x2 = self.low[0];
bounds_y1 = self.low[1];
bounds_y2 = self.low[1];
irayd = 1./ray.direction
if (irayd[0] >= 0):
bounds_x2 += size[0];
bounds_x1 += size[0];
if (irayd[1] >= 0):
bounds_y2 += size[1];
bounds_y1 += size[1];
t_min = (bounds_x1 - ray.origin[0]) * irayd[0];
t_max = (bounds_x2 - ray.origin[0]) * irayd[0];
ty_min = (bounds_y1 - ray.origin[1]) * irayd[1];
ty_max = (bounds_y2 - ray.origin[1]) * irayd[1];
t_min = fmax(t_min, ty_min);
t_max = fmin(t_max, ty_max);
if (t_min < t_max) and (t_max > 0):
r_t_min = t_min;
r_t_max = t_max;
return (True,r_t_min,r_t_max)
return (False,-1,-1)
class Grid:
def __init__(self, aabb):
self.width = aabb.high[0]-aabb.low[0]
self.height = aabb.high[1]-aabb.low[1]
self.grid = np.zeros((self.width+1,self.height+1))
self.aabb = aabb
def plot(self, axes):
for ix in range(self.aabb.low[0],self.aabb.high[0]):
for iy in range(self.aabb.low[1], self.aabb.high[1]):
low_x = ix
low_y = iy
high_x = (ix+1)
high_y = (iy+1)
verts = [
(low_x, low_y), # left, bottom
(low_x, high_y), # left, top
(high_x, high_y), # right, top
(high_x, low_y), # right, bottom
(0., 0.), # ignored
codes = [Path.MOVETO,
path = Path(verts, codes)
patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='white', lw=1)
# Find the distance between "frac(s)" and "1" if ds > 0, or "0" if ds < 0.
def diff_distance(s,ds):
if s < 0:
s = s - int(-1+s)
s = s - int(s)
if ds > 0:
return (1.-s)/ds
ds = -ds
return s/ds
class AmanatidesTraversal:
def __init__(self, grid, ray):
self.grid = grid
self.ray = Ray()
self.ray.origin = ray.origin.copy()
self.ray.direction = ray.direction.copy()
if self.ray.direction[0] == 0:
self.ray.direction[0] = sys.float_info.min
if self.ray.direction[1] == 0:
self.ray.direction[1] = sys.float_info.min
self.t_min = 0
def initialize(self):
(cube_result, cube_hit_t_min, cube_hit_t_max) = self.grid.aabb.intersects(self.ray)
if cube_result:
cube_hit_point = self.ray.origin + (cube_hit_t_min) * self.ray.direction
self.t_min = cube_hit_t_min
self.cube_hit_t_min = cube_hit_t_min
print "DDA: Cube Hit Point:", cube_hit_point
self.step_x = copysign(1., self.ray.direction[0])
self.step_y = copysign(1., self.ray.direction[1])
self.t_delta_x = (self.step_x / self.ray.direction[0])
self.t_delta_y = (self.step_y / self.ray.direction[1])
self.t_max_x = diff_distance(cube_hit_point[0], self.ray.direction[0])
self.t_max_y = diff_distance(cube_hit_point[1], self.ray.direction[1])
if cube_hit_point[0] < 0:
cube_hit_point[0] -= 1
if cube_hit_point[1] < 0:
cube_hit_point[1] -= 1
self.voxel = np.array(cube_hit_point, dtype=int)
print "DDA: Initial Voxel:", self.voxel
this conditional solves the problem where the "cube_hit_point" is just
outside the grid because of floating point imprecision.
while self.voxel[0] < self.grid.aabb.low[0] or self.voxel[1] < self.grid.aabb.low[1]\
or self.voxel[0] >= self.grid.aabb.high[0] or self.voxel[1] >= self.grid.aabb.high[1]:
print "DDA: Skyping:", self.voxel
if not self.step():
return False
return True
return False
def step(self):
self.t_min = (min(self.t_max_x,self.t_max_y) + self.cube_hit_t_min)
if (self.t_max_x < self.t_max_y):
self.t_max_x += self.t_delta_x
self.voxel[0] += self.step_x
if self.voxel[0] >= self.grid.aabb.high[0] or self.voxel[0] < self.grid.aabb.low[0]:
return False
self.t_max_y += self.t_delta_y
self.voxel[1] += self.step_y
if self.voxel[1] >= self.grid.aabb.high[1] or self.voxel[1] < self.grid.aabb.low[1]:
return False
return True
def get_voxel(self):
return self.voxel.copy()
def get_t_interval(self):
# transform to unit space again
return (self.t_min,(min(self.t_max_x,self.t_max_y) + self.cube_hit_t_min))
class Voxel:
def __init__(self, grid):
self.grid = grid
def plot(self, axes, x, y):
low_x = x
low_y = y
high_x = (x+1)
high_y = (y+1)
verts = [
(low_x, low_y), # left, bottom
(low_x, high_y), # left, top
(high_x, high_y), # right, top
(high_x, low_y), # right, bottom
(0., 0.), # ignored
codes = [Path.MOVETO,
path = Path(verts, codes)
patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='white', edgecolor='r', lw=1)
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ray = Ray()
ray.origin = np.array([-7.65,3.27])
ray.direction = np.array([+0.8001,-0.29])
gridaabb = AABB(np.array([-3,-2]), np.array([6,3]))
grid = Grid(gridaabb)
print "Grid N. Quadrants: (", grid.width, ",", grid.height, ")"
#ray.plot(axes, 0, 1.5, zorder=2)
traversal = AmanatidesTraversal(grid, ray)
voxel = Voxel(grid)
if traversal.initialize():
# this ray should be plotted outside the grid
ray.plot(axes, 0, traversal.get_t_interval()[0])
cube_hit = ray.origin + traversal.get_t_interval()[0]*ray.direction
axes.plot(cube_hit[0],cube_hit[1], 'og', ms=10)
# Ignore while t_max is negative.
if traversal.get_t_interval()[1] < 0:
if not traversal.step():
ray.plot(axes, traversal.get_t_interval()[0], traversal.get_t_interval()[1], color=random.random(3))
ray_tmax_y = ray.origin + traversal.get_t_interval()[1]*ray.direction
axes.plot(ray_tmax_y[0],ray_tmax_y[1], 'or', ms=10);
print "voxel:", traversal.get_voxel()
voxel.plot(axes, traversal.get_voxel()[0],traversal.get_voxel()[1])
#vv = np.array(zip(traversal.get_voxel()), dtype=float)
#axes.plot(vv[0]/grid.max_size(), vv[1]/grid.max_size(), 'sy')
if not traversal.step():
# increase plot limits by 10%
xlim = np.array(axes.get_xlim())
ylim = np.array(axes.get_ylim())
xlim[0] -= np.linalg.norm(xlim)/10.0
xlim[1] += np.linalg.norm(xlim)/10.0
ylim[0] -= np.linalg.norm(ylim)/10.0
ylim[1] += np.linalg.norm(ylim)/10.0
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