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Last active November 8, 2020 15:44
A simple API response helper. Formats API responses in a consistent manner. Concepts and format borrowed from the telegram API.
/** Get an API response
* @param {String} message Message to return as part of the response
* @param {Object} data An object representing data returned as part of the API response. Default: `null`
* @param {Number} statusCode HTTP status code to be returned with this response. Default: `200`
* @return {Object} An API response object
const getResponse = (ok, message, data = null, statusCode = 200) => {
let response = {
return response;
/** Get an error response
* @param {String} message The error message to return as part of the response
* @param {Object<Error>} error The error object containing the error's data
* @param {Number} statusCode HTTP status code to be returned with this response
* @return {Object} An API response object
const getError = (message, error, statusCode = 500) => {
statusCode = statusCode;
let response = this.getResponse(false, message, null, statusCode);
response.error = error;
return response;
/** Get an unauthorized error response.Ideally used when a user does not have permission to access a resource.
* @param {String} message The error message to return as part of the response
* @param {Object<Error>} error The error object containing the error's data
* @return {Object} An API response object
const getUnauthorizedError = (
message = "Permission denied! You are not authorized to do that.",
error = Error("Permission denied! You are not authorized to do that.")
) => {
let response = getError(message, error, 401);
response.error = error;
return response;
/** Attaches an error handler to an `async` function
* @param {Object} res A HTTP resource object. Usually the first parameter of an Express middleware function
* @param {Function} fn The `async` function to attach the error message to
* @return A promise with an error handler attached to it
const attachErrorHandler = (res, fn) => { //? Intended to be called in middleware
return fn.catch(err => {
let apiResponse = this.getError(err.message, err);
/** Prints an API response. Used to return the API response to the client.
* @param {Object} res Express result. Usually the first parameter in an express middleware function
* @param {Object} apiResponse An API response generated by the API util. Expects a specific format
* @param {Function} next A next function, passes over execution to the next middleware if set.
const printApiResponse = (res, apiResponse, next = null) => {
// Only run the next function if an actual function is provided
if (next && typeof next === 'function') {
module.exports = {
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