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AddressSanitizer (aka ASan) is a memory error detector for C/C++, we extend it to support detecting memory errors in offload code as well.

Currently, it supports to detect out-of-bounds(buffer overflow & underflow) errors in

  • host/device/shared USM
  • local (static only)

It depends on the GPU driver:

AllanZyne /
Last active December 21, 2020 15:32
Build Qt 5.6 for Windows XP with Qt Webkit (VS 2017)

编译 Qt 5.6.3 Windows XP with Qt Webkit (VS 2017)


  • qt 5.6.3 的源码
  • qt webkit 的源码(从 github 上下载 5.6 分支,保存到 qt 源码的目录中)
  • python27
  • ruby24

Cross Compiling Xorg


i. 配置环境变量