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Created June 5, 2011 23:04
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Delaunay Triangulation and Relative Network Graph
Delaunay Triangulation Code, by Joshua Bell
Ported to Lua by Daniel Levy
Inspired by:
This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. To view a copy of the public
domain dedication, visit or send
a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,
California, 94105, USA.
local EPSILON = 1.0e-6
-- Vertex class
local vertex_mt = {__eq = function(a, b) return a.x and b.x and (a.x == b.x) and a.y and b.y and (a.y == b.y) end
,__lt = function(a, b) return a.x and b.x and a.y and b.y and (a.x < b.x or a.x == b.x and a.y < b.y) end}
function Vertex( x, y )
local this = {}
this.x = x
this.y = y
setmetatable(this, vertex_mt)
return this
end -- Vertex
-- Triangle class
local triangle_mt = {__eq = function(a, b)
if not (a.v0 and b.v0 and a.v1 and b.v1 and a.v2 and b.v2) then return false end
return (a.v0 == b.v0 and a.v1 == b.v1 and a.v2 == b.v2) or
(a.v0 == b.v0 and a.v1 == b.v2 and a.v2 == b.v1) or
(a.v0 == b.v1 and a.v1 == b.v0 and a.v2 == b.v2) or
(a.v0 == b.v1 and a.v1 == b.v2 and a.v2 == b.v0) or
(a.v0 == b.v2 and a.v1 == b.v0 and a.v2 == b.v1) or
(a.v0 == b.v2 and a.v1 == b.v1 and a.v2 == b.v0)
function Triangle( v0, v1, v2 )
local this = {}
this.v0 = v0
this.v1 = v1
this.v2 = v2
setmetatable(this, triangle_mt)
return this
end -- Triangle
function CalcCircumcircle(this)
-- From:
local A = this.v1.x - this.v0.x
local B = this.v1.y - this.v0.y
local C = this.v2.x - this.v0.x
local D = this.v2.y - this.v0.y
local E = A*(this.v0.x + this.v1.x) + B*(this.v0.y + this.v1.y)
local F = C*(this.v0.x + this.v2.x) + D*(this.v0.y + this.v2.y)
local G = 2.0*(A*(this.v2.y - this.v1.y)-B*(this.v2.x - this.v1.x))
local dx, dy
if math.abs(G) < EPSILON then
-- Collinear - find extremes and use the midpoint
local minx = math.min( this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x )
local miny = math.min( this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y )
local maxx = math.max( this.v0.x, this.v1.x, this.v2.x )
local maxy = math.max( this.v0.y, this.v1.y, this.v2.y ) = Vertex( ( minx + maxx ) / 2, ( miny + maxy ) / 2 )
dx = - minx
dy = - miny
local cx = (D*E - B*F) / G
local cy = (A*F - C*E) / G = Vertex( cx, cy )
dx = - this.v0.x
dy = - this.v0.y
this.radius_squared = dx * dx + dy * dy
this.radius = math.sqrt( this.radius_squared )
end -- CalcCircumcircle
function InCircumcircle( this, v )
local dx = - v.x
local dy = - v.y
local dist_squared = dx * dx + dy * dy
return ( dist_squared <= this.radius_squared )
end -- InCircumcircle
-- Edge class
local edge_mt = {__eq = function(a, b) return a.v0 and b.v0 and a.v1 and b.v1 and ((a.v0 == b.v0 and a.v1 == b.v1) or (a.v0 == b.v1 and a.v1 == b.v0)) end}
function Edge( v0, v1 )
local this = {}
if v0 > v1 then v0, v1 = v1, v0 end
this.v0 = v0
this.v1 = v1
setmetatable(this, edge_mt)
return this
end -- Edge
-- Triangulate
-- Perform the Delaunay Triangulation of a set of vertices.
-- vertices: Array of Vertex objects
-- returns: Array of Triangles
function Triangulate( vertices )
local triangles = {}
-- First, create a "supertriangle" that bounds all vertices
local st = CreateBoundingTriangle( vertices )
table.insert(triangles, st )
-- Next, begin the triangulation one vertex at a time
for _, vertex in ipairs(vertices) do
-- NOTE: This is O(n^2) - can be optimized by sorting vertices
-- along the x-axis and only considering triangles that have
-- potentially overlapping circumcircles
AddVertex( vertex, triangles )
-- Remove triangles that shared edges with "supertriangle"
for i = #triangles, 1, -1 do
local triangle = triangles[i]
if triangle.v0 == st.v0 or triangle.v0 == st.v1 or triangle.v0 == st.v2 or
triangle.v1 == st.v0 or triangle.v1 == st.v1 or triangle.v1 == st.v2 or
triangle.v2 == st.v0 or triangle.v2 == st.v1 or triangle.v2 == st.v2 then
table.remove(triangles, i)
return triangles
end -- Triangulate
-- Internal: create a triangle that bounds the given vertices, with room to spare
function CreateBoundingTriangle( vertices )
-- NOTE: There's a bit of a heuristic here. If the bounding triangle
-- is too large and you see overflow/underflow errors. If it is too small
-- you end up with a non-convex hull.
local minx, miny, maxx, maxy
for _, vertex in ipairs(vertices) do
--local vertex = vertices[i]
if not minx or vertex.x < minx then minx = vertex.x end
if not miny or vertex.y < miny then miny = vertex.y end
if not maxx or vertex.x > maxx then maxx = vertex.x end
if not maxy or vertex.y > maxy then maxy = vertex.y end
local dx = ( maxx - minx ) * 10
local dy = ( maxy - miny ) * 10
local stv0 = Vertex( minx - dx, miny - dy*3 )
local stv1 = Vertex( minx - dx, maxy + dy )
local stv2 = Vertex( maxx + dx*3, maxy + dy )
return Triangle( stv0, stv1, stv2 )
end -- CreateBoundingTriangle
-- Internal: update triangulation with a vertex
function AddVertex( vertex, triangles )
local edges = {}
-- Remove triangles with circumcircles containing the vertex
local i
for i = #triangles, 1, -1 do
local triangle = triangles[i]
if InCircumcircle( triangle, vertex ) then
table.insert(edges, Edge( triangle.v0, triangle.v1 ) )
table.insert(edges, Edge( triangle.v1, triangle.v2 ) )
table.insert(edges, Edge( triangle.v2, triangle.v0 ) )
table.remove(triangles, i)
edges = UniqueEdges( edges )
-- Create triangles from the unique edges and vertex
for _, edge in ipairs(edges) do
table.insert(triangles, Triangle( edge.v0, edge.v1, vertex ) )
end -- AddVertex
-- Internal: remove duplicate edges from an array
function UniqueEdges( edges )
-- TODO: This is O(n^2), make it O(n) with a hash or some such
local uniqueEdges = {}
for i, edge1 in ipairs(edges) do
local unique = true
for j, edge2 in ipairs(edges) do
if i ~= j and edge1 == edge2 then
unique = false
if unique then
table.insert(uniqueEdges, edge1 )
return uniqueEdges
end -- UniqueEdges
-- TODO: This is only relative network graph
function beta_skeleton(triangles, beta)
local edges = {}
for _, tri in ipairs(triangles) do
table.insert(edges, Edge(tri.v0, tri.v1))
table.insert(edges, Edge(tri.v1, tri.v2))
table.insert(edges, Edge(tri.v2, tri.v0))
for i, e1 in ipairs(edges) do
for j = #edges, i+1, -1 do
if e1 == edges[j] then table.remove(edges[j]) end
for _, tri in ipairs(triangles) do
local t = {tri.v0, tri.v1, tri.v2}
for i = 1, 3 do
local v1 = t[i]
local v2 = t[m_i(i+1, 3)]
local v3 = t[m_i(i+2, 3)]
local c = Vertex( (v1.x+v2.x)/2, (v1.y+v2.y)/2 )
local r = math.sqrt(dist_squared(v1, v2))/2 * beta
local dx, dy = (v1.x-v2.x)/2, (v1.y-v2.y)/2
local c1 = Vertex(c.x+dx*(beta-1), c.y+dy*(beta-1))
local c2 = Vertex(c.x-dx*(beta-1), c.y-dy*(beta-1))
if r > math.sqrt(dist_squared(c1, v3)) and r > math.sqrt(dist_squared(c2, v3)) then
local e = Edge(v1, v2)
for i = #edges, 1, -1 do
if edges[i] == e then table.remove(edges, i) end
return edges
function dist_squared(v0, v1)
local dx = v0.x - v1.x
local dy = v0.y - v1.y
return dx*dx + dy*dy
function m_i(i, n)
return (i+n-1)%n+1
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