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Created April 10, 2015 05:43
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dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
title A股项目

section 基础
数据库设计 [元素,桢航]        :active,  base_db, 2015-04-11, 3d
前端调查选型[子龙,点圈] :active, base_front, 2015-04-11, 3d
行情图API设计[子龙,点圈] :active, base_chart, after base_front, 3d
App基础准备(建立仓库,注册登录)[巴掌、赵云] :active, base_mobile, 2015-04-11, 6d

section 投资组合
原型图 [路遥] :active, tz_wireframe , 2015-04-11, 3d
UI设计 [汪蓓]:active, tz_ui, after tz_wireframe, 3d
收益率记录及统计 [桢航] :active, tz_log, after base_db, 3d
API接口(组合列表、组合详情、组合配置) [桢航] :active, tz_api, after tz_log, 3d
API接口(收藏组合、调仓记录、当日热门) [桢航] :active, tz_api2, after tz_api, 3d
Wap页面(组合首页、组合单页、调仓)[子龙]: active, tz_wap, after tz_ui, 3d
Android [巴掌]:active, tz_android, after tz_api, 5d
iOS [赵云]:active, tz_ios, after tz_api, 5d
草根组合 :done, tz_cg, 5d

section 分析师后台
原型图 [路遥] :active, admin_wireframe , after tz_wireframe, 2d
UI设计 [汪蓓]:active, admin_ui, after tz_ui, 3d
前端(登录,列表,编辑,持仓调整)  [子龙]:active, admin_front, after admin_ui, 5d
后端(登录,列表,编辑,持仓调整) [桢航]:active, admin_back, after tz_api2, 3d

section 个股
查询匹配接口     :active,  stock_search, 0d
基础数据抓取准备[刘杨] :active,  stock_spider, 2015-04-11, 5d
原型图 [柴上杰] :active, stock_wireframe ,  2015-04-11, 3d
UI设计 [柴上杰]:active, stock_ui, after stock_wireframe, 3d
后端(个股接口,关联新闻,关联组合) [桢航]:active, stock_back, after admin_back, 3d
Wap页面(基础信息,关联新闻,关联研报)[点圈]:active, stock_wap, after stock_ui, 4d
Android [巴掌]:active, stock_android, after stock_ui, 5d
iOS [赵云]:active, stock_ios, after stock_ui, 5d

section 自选
原型图[路遥]:active, zx_wireframe, after admin_wireframe, 2d
UI设计[柴上杰]:active, zx_ui, after zx_wireframe, 2d
自选API  :done, zx, 0d
Android [巴掌]:active, zx_android, after stock_android, 5d
iOS [赵云]:active, zx_ios, after stock_ios, 5d

section 研报
数据对接[刘杨]: active,  yb_data, after stock_spider, 6d
研报分析产生股票组合[小皮、刘杨] :active, yb_digg, after yb_data, 4d
研报分析并对股票评分[小皮、刘杨] :active, yb_digg2, after yb_digg, 4d
人工对分析结果可编辑:done, , 0d

section 资讯+评论
原型图[路遥]:active, news_wireframe, after admin_wireframe, 4d
UI设计[汪蓓]:active, news_ui, after news_wireframe, 5d
新闻发布可关联股票(直接使用tag):done, ,0d
个股相关新闻抓取[刘杨]:active, news_spider, 2015-04-11, 3d
个股相关公告抓取[刘杨]:active, new_spider2, after yb_data, 3d
新闻公告API[桢航]:active, news_api, after stock_back, 2d
突发热点后台及API[桢航]:active, news_hot, after news_api, 4d
Android [巴掌]:active, news_android, after zx_android, 3d
iOS [赵云]:active, news_ios, after zx_ios, 3d

section 交易
原型图[柴上杰]:active, trade_wireframe, after zx_ui, 4d
UI设计(持仓,买入,卖出,诊断)[柴上杰]:active, trade_ui, after trade_wireframe, 5d
持仓诊断[小皮,刘杨]:active, trade_zd, after yb_digg2, 4d
净值计算[小皮,刘杨] :active, trade_caculate, after trade_zd, 4d
Android [巴掌]:active, trade_android, after news_android, 8d
iOS [赵云]:active, trade_ios, after news_ios, 8d

section 用户
原型图[路遥]:active, me_wireframe, after news_wireframe, 4d
UI设计[汪蓓]:active, me_ui, after me_wireframe, 6d
分析师资料,关注API[桢航]:active, me_api, after news_hot, 3d
Android [巴掌]:active, me_android, after trade_android, 5d
iOS [赵云]:active, me_ios, after trade_ios, 5d

section 测试上线
测试 :active,  test1, 2015-05-15,2015-05-17
上线 :active,  test1, 2015-05-17,2015-05-18
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