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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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DoctrineExtenstions: Sluggable: allow non-latin slugs

Allow non-latin slugs using DoctrineExtensions sluggable.


  1. add the slugger class (change the namespace of course)
  2. if you using symfony, add the missing lines to your sluggable service as described in symfony-services.yml
  3. if you using only with PHP, call the sluggable service method as described in call.php
/** @var \Gedmo\Sluggable\Util\Urlizer $sluggableListener **/
$sluggableListener->setTransliterator(array('GoDisco\GoDiscoBundle\Slug\Slugger', 'transliterate'));
$sluggableListener->setUrlizer(array('GoDisco\GoDiscoBundle\Slug\Slugger', 'urlize'));
* Authored by AlmogBaku
* 2/15/14 2:32 AM
namespace GoDisco\GoDiscoBundle\Slug;
use Gedmo\Sluggable\Util\Urlizer;
class Slugger {
* Disable the transliterate
* @param $text
* @param string $separator
* @return mixed
public static function transliterate($text, $separator = '-')
$text = self::slugify($text, $separator);
return $text;
* Slugify the given text
* @param $text
* @param string $separator
* @return string
public static function urlize($text, $separator = '-')
$text = Urlizer::unaccent($text);
$text = self::slugify($text, $separator);
return $text;
* Encode the Unicode values to be used in the URI.
* ported from wordpress
* @see
* @param string $utf8_string
* @param int $length Max length of the string
* @return string String with Unicode encoded for URI.
private static function utf8_uri_encode( $utf8_string, $length = 0 ) {
$unicode = '';
$values = array();
$num_octets = 1;
$unicode_length = 0;
$string_length = strlen( $utf8_string );
for ($i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++ ) {
$value = ord( $utf8_string[ $i ] );
if ( $value < 128 ) {
if ( $length && ( $unicode_length >= $length ) )
$unicode .= chr($value);
} else {
if ( count( $values ) == 0 ) $num_octets = ( $value < 224 ) ? 2 : 3;
$values[] = $value;
if ( $length && ( $unicode_length + ($num_octets * 3) ) > $length )
if ( count( $values ) == $num_octets ) {
if ($num_octets == 3) {
$unicode .= '%' . dechex($values[0]) . '%' . dechex($values[1]) . '%' . dechex($values[2]);
$unicode_length += 9;
} else {
$unicode .= '%' . dechex($values[0]) . '%' . dechex($values[1]);
$unicode_length += 6;
$values = array();
$num_octets = 1;
return $unicode;
* Make the string slug compatible
* ported from wordpress
* @see
* @param $text
* @param $separator
* @return string
private static function slugify($text, $separator)
$text = str_replace('%', '', $text);
if(Urlizer::seemsUtf8($text)) {
if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
$text = mb_strtolower($text, 'UTF-8');
$text = self::utf8_uri_encode($text, 200);
} else {
$text = strtolower($text);
$text = str_replace('.', $separator, $text);
// Convert nbsp, ndash and mdash to hyphens
$text = str_replace( array( '%c2%a0', '%e2%80%93', '%e2%80%94' ), $separator, $text );
// Strip these characters entirely
$text = str_replace( array(
// iexcl and iquest
'%c2%a1', '%c2%bf',
// angle quotes
'%c2%ab', '%c2%bb', '%e2%80%b9', '%e2%80%ba',
// curly quotes
'%e2%80%98', '%e2%80%99', '%e2%80%9c', '%e2%80%9d',
'%e2%80%9a', '%e2%80%9b', '%e2%80%9e', '%e2%80%9f',
// copy, reg, deg, hellip and trade
'%c2%a9', '%c2%ae', '%c2%b0', '%e2%80%a6', '%e2%84%a2',
), '', $text );
$text = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\s+/', $separator, $text);
$text = preg_replace('|-+|', $separator, $text);
$text = trim($text, $separator);
$text = urldecode($text);
return $text;
class: Gedmo\Sluggable\SluggableListener
- { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default }
- [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ]
- [ setTransliterator, [ [GoDisco\GoDiscoBundle\Slug\Slugger, transliterate]] ]
- [ setUrlizer, [ [GoDisco\GoDiscoBundle\Slug\Slugger, urlize]] ]
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Tired from error.

Invalid urlizer callable parameter given

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rmed19 commented Dec 4, 2014

probably you added a wrong namespce

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