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Last active June 19, 2023 13:22
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Prompts and responses

Prompt 1:

I am learning and revising ReactJS, I want you to tell me those 20% things that will teach me 80% of ReactJS

Response 1:

Certainly! Here are the 20% essential concepts and topics in React.js that can cover a significant portion of the framework's capabilities:

  1. JSX (JavaScript XML): Learn how to write JSX, which is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files.

  2. Components: Understand the concept of components in React, which are reusable building blocks that encapsulate the UI and logic.

  3. State and Props: Learn how to manage state within components using state and how to pass data from parent components to child components using props.

  4. Lifecycle Methods: Familiarize yourself with key lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate, which allow you to perform actions at different stages of a component's lifecycle.

  5. Virtual DOM: Understand the concept of the virtual DOM, which is a representation of the actual DOM in memory, used by React to efficiently update and render components.

  6. Conditional Rendering: Learn how to conditionally render components or elements based on certain conditions using if statements or conditional operators.

  7. Lists and Keys: Understand how to render lists of elements dynamically using the map function and assign unique keys to each item for efficient updates.

  8. Event Handling: Learn how to handle events, such as button clicks or form submissions, and update the component's state accordingly.

  9. Forms and Controlled Components: Understand how to work with form inputs in React, particularly the concept of controlled components, where the component's state is the single source of truth for the input's value.

  10. Component Composition: Learn how to compose multiple components together to build complex UIs, using parent-child relationships and passing data through props.

  11. React Hooks: Get familiar with React Hooks, introduced in React 16.8, which provide a way to use state and other React features in functional components without using class components.

  12. Context API: Understand the Context API, which allows you to share data between components without explicitly passing props through each level of the component tree.

  13. React Router: Learn how to set up client-side routing in your React application using React Router, enabling navigation between different views or pages.

  14. Error Handling: Familiarize yourself with error boundaries and how to handle and display errors in your React components.

  15. React DevTools: Explore and understand how to use React DevTools, a browser extension that helps you inspect and debug React components.

  16. PropTypes or TypeScript: Consider using PropTypes (a runtime type-checking library) or TypeScript (a statically typed superset of JavaScript) to enforce type safety and catch potential errors in your React code.

  17. Styling: Learn different approaches to styling React components, such as CSS modules, inline styles, or popular libraries like styled-components or tailwindcss.

  18. Optimizing Performance: Understand performance optimization techniques in React, such as using memoization, implementing shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo, and using key prop correctly.

  19. Testing: Explore testing frameworks and libraries like Jest and React Testing Library to write unit tests and integration tests for your React components.

  20. React Ecosystem: Stay updated with the evolving React ecosystem by exploring popular libraries and tools, such as Redux for state management, Axios for making HTTP requests, or React Query for data fetching.

Mastering these core concepts and topics will provide you with a strong foundation in React.js and enable you to build a wide range of applications. Remember to practice and build projects to solidify your understanding and gain hands-on experience.

Prompt 2:

Can you prepare me assignment based tasks to learn these things. Also please create these tasks such that it takes one week to do all of them. Make sure the difficulty and complexity increases gradually. Please add things as per your choice but make sure it helps me learn in the best possible way

Response 2:

Certainly! Here's a week-long assignment plan to help you learn React.js, with tasks that gradually increase in difficulty and complexity:

Day 1: Getting Started

  • Task: Set up a new React.js project using Create React App.
  • Description: Install Create React App and create a new project. Familiarize yourself with the project structure and available scripts. Render a simple "Hello, React!" message on the screen.

Day 2: Components and State

  • Task: Create a component that displays a counter and a button to increment the counter.
  • Description: Build a reusable counter component that maintains its own state. Implement the logic to increment the counter when the button is clicked. Test the component's functionality.

Day 3: Lists and Conditional Rendering

  • Task: Create a list of items and implement conditional rendering based on a certain condition.
  • Description: Render a list of items using the map function. Add a button that toggles the visibility of the items based on a condition. Ensure that the UI updates correctly when the button is clicked.

Day 4: Forms and Event Handling

  • Task: Build a form component that captures user input and displays it on submission.
  • Description: Create a form component with input fields for name, email, and message. Capture the values entered by the user and display them on form submission. Handle form validation and display appropriate error messages.

Day 5: Component Composition and Context API

  • Task: Create a parent component that renders multiple child components and shares data through the Context API.
  • Description: Build a parent component that renders multiple child components, each displaying a different color. Use the Context API to share the selected color between the parent and child components. Implement a feature to change the color from the parent component.

Day 6: Routing and Multiple Pages

  • Task: Implement routing and create multiple pages within your React application.
  • Description: Install React Router and set up routes for different pages within your application. Create multiple pages/components and navigate between them using links or programmatic navigation. Pass data between pages using URL parameters or state management.

Day 7: Testing and Deployment

  • Task: Write unit tests for your React components and deploy your application.
  • Description: Write unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library to cover the core functionalities of your components. Ensure that the tests pass successfully. Deploy your React application to a hosting platform of your choice (e.g., Netlify, Vercel) and make it publicly accessible.

Remember to break down each day's task into smaller subtasks as needed, and allocate time for learning and research throughout the week. Additionally, make use of documentation, tutorials, and online resources to deepen your understanding of the concepts and troubleshoot any issues you encounter along the way. Happy learning!

Prompt 3:

ok great, now can you map these tasks to a project so that I can make it while learning these concepts

Response 3:

Certainly! Here's a suggested project that encompasses the tasks mentioned earlier:

Project: "Task Manager"

Description: Create a task management application where users can add, update, and delete tasks. The application will have multiple pages, including a task list view, a task details view, and an add task form.


  1. Task List View:

    • Display a list of tasks with their titles and statuses.
    • Implement conditional rendering to display a "No tasks found" message when the task list is empty.
    • Add a button to toggle the completion status of each task.
  2. Task Details View:

    • Create a separate page to show the details of a specific task.
    • Display the task title, description, status, and other relevant information.
    • Implement a button to delete the task.
  3. Add Task Form:

    • Build a form to add new tasks with fields for title, description, and status.
    • Implement form validation to ensure all fields are filled out correctly.
    • On form submission, add the task to the task list and navigate back to the task list view.
  4. Edit Task Functionality:

    • Extend the task details view to allow users to edit the task details.
    • Implement a form with pre-filled values for each field, allowing users to update the task information.
    • Handle form validation and submit the updated task details.
  5. Routing and Navigation:

    • Implement React Router to enable navigation between the task list view, task details view, and add/edit task form.
    • Set up appropriate routes and handle navigation using links or programmatic navigation.
  6. Testing:

    • Write unit tests for critical components, such as the task list, task details, and add/edit task form.
    • Cover various scenarios, including rendering, event handling, and component state changes.
    • Ensure that the tests pass successfully.
  7. Deployment:

    • Deploy your Task Manager application to a hosting platform of your choice (e.g., Netlify, Vercel).
    • Make sure the deployed application is accessible and functional.

By working on this project, you'll have the opportunity to apply the concepts and tasks mentioned earlier in a practical setting. You'll learn about components, state management, forms, conditional rendering, routing, and testing, while building a fully functional task management application.

Feel free to adapt and customize the project as per your preferences and requirements. Enjoy learning and building your React skills!


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