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Last active November 30, 2018 11:31
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Android File handling utils
android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<files-path name="my_docs" path="."/>
<cache-path name="my_cache" path="."/>
<external-path name="my_picture_temporary" path="." />
* <h1>FileUtil</h1>
* Utility class to handle disk file
* <p>
* @author Florian ALONSO
* @version 2.0
* @see Context
* @see File
* @since 2.0
public abstract class FileUtil {
* <h1>FileSaveAsynchronousCallback</h1>
* Utility class to handle disk file callback
* <p>
* @author Florian ALONSO (Neopixl)
* @version 2.0
* @see File
* @since 2.0
public interface FileSaveAsynchronousCallback {
void finish(File file);
* Return a file from the application file directory
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @param fileName the filename
* @return the file
* @since 2.0
public static File getCacheFile(Context context, String directoryName, String fileName) {
File directory = new File(context.getCacheDir(), directoryName);
return new File(directory, fileName);
* Return a file from the application file directory
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @param fileName the filename
* @return the file
* @since 2.0
public static File getDataFile(Context context, String directoryName, String fileName) {
File directory = new File(context.getFilesDir(), directoryName);
return new File(directory, fileName);
* Return the cache directory
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @return the file
* @since 2.0
public static File getCacheDir(Context context, String directoryName) {
return new File(context.getCacheDir(), directoryName);
* Return the file directory
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @return the file
* @since 2.0
public static File getDataDir(Context context, String directoryName) {
return new File(context.getFilesDir(), directoryName);
* Save an file in a specified file *ASYNCHRONOUS*
* @param context the context of the application
* @param fileBytes the byte to save
* @param outFile the file to write in
* @param callback the callback to call when finished
* @since 2.0
public static void saveFile(final Context context, final byte[] fileBytes, final File outFile, final FileSaveAsynchronousCallback callback) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final File savedFile = saveFile(fileBytes, outFile);
Handler mainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (callback != null) {
* Save an file in the application file directory *ASYNCHRONOUS*
* @param context the context of the application
* @param fileBytes the byte to save
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @param fileName the filename
* @param callback the callback to call when finished
* @since 2.0
public static void saveFile(final Context context, final byte[] fileBytes, final String directoryName, final String fileName, final boolean inCache, final FileSaveAsynchronousCallback callback) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final File outFile = saveFile(context, fileBytes, directoryName, fileName, inCache);
Handler mainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());
Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (callback != null) {
* Save an file in the application file directory *SYNCHRONOUS*
* @param context the context of the application
* @param fileBytes the byte to save
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @param fileName the filename
* @since 2.0
public static File saveFile(final Context context, final byte[] fileBytes, final String directoryName, final String fileName, final boolean inCache) {
final File outFile;
if (inCache) {
outFile = getCacheFile(context, directoryName, fileName);
} else {
outFile = getDataFile(context, directoryName, fileName);
return saveFile(fileBytes, outFile);
* Save an file in a specified file
* @param fileBytes the byte to save
* @param outFile the file to write in
* @since 2.0
private static File saveFile(final byte[] fileBytes, final File outFile) {
try {
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile));
} catch (IOException e) {
return outFile;
* Copy a file from an inputstream
* @param inputStream the input stream of the file
* @param outFile the destination
* @return the file to write in
public static File copyFile(@NonNull final InputStream inputStream, final File outFile) {
try {
OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4 * 1024];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
outStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} catch (IOException e) {
return outFile;
* Clear a specified folder in the cache
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @since 2.0
public static void removeAllFiles(final Context context, final String directoryName, final boolean inCache) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final File dir;
if (inCache) {
dir = getCacheDir(context, directoryName);
} else {
dir = getDataDir(context, directoryName);
* Remove the specified folder
* @param context the context of the application
* @param directoryName the directory name
* @since 2.0
public static void removeFolder(final Context context, final String directoryName, final boolean inCache) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final File dir;
if (inCache) {
dir = getCacheDir(context, directoryName);
} else {
dir = getDataDir(context, directoryName);
* Clear a specified folder
* @param directory the directory file
* @since 2.0
private static void removeFilesInDir(File directory) {
if (directory == null || !directory.isDirectory()) {
String[] children = directory.list();
for (String aChildren : children) {
File child = new File(directory, aChildren);
if (child.isDirectory()) {
} else {
* Get a intent chooser for a view file
* @param context the context of the application
* @param uri the file uri
* @since 2.0
* @return the intent
public static Intent getIntentForFileUri(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) {
String type = getMimeTypeForUri(context, uri);
if (type == null) {
return null;
try {
Intent openIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
openIntent.setDataAndType(uri, type);
return Intent.createChooser(openIntent, "");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Get the mimetype of an uri
* @param context the context of the application
* @param uri the file uri
* @since 2.0
* @return the mimetype
public static String getMimeTypeForUri(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) {
String mimeType = null;
if (Objects.equals(uri.getScheme(), ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)) {
ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
mimeType = cr.getType(uri);
} else {
String fileExtension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(uri
mimeType = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(
return mimeType;
* Get a public URI for a file
* @param context the context of the application
* @param file the file
* @return the uri
public static Uri getShareableUri(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull File file) {
if (!file.exists()) {
return null;
return FileProvider.getUriForFile(context.getApplicationContext(), BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".fileprovider", file);
* Create an temporary file in the public space
* @param context the context of the application
* @return the file
public static File getNewTemporaryPublicPictureFile(@NonNull Context context) {
// Create an image file name
String imageFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
File storageDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
File file = null;
try {
file = File.createTempFile(
imageFileName, /* prefix */
".jpg", /* suffix */
storageDir /* directory */
} catch (IOException e) {
return file;
* Create an temporary file in the public space for a document
* @param context the context of the application
* @return the file
public static File getNewTemporaryPublicDocumentFile(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String mimeType) {
String extension = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType);
String imageFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
File storageDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS);
File file = null;
try {
file = File.createTempFile(
imageFileName, /* prefix */
"."+ extension, /* suffix */
storageDir /* directory */
} catch (IOException e) {
return file;
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