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Created September 29, 2016 15:15
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An explanation of how to define a One-to-One relationship in Sequelize and different ways of create the linked objects
// Product Model definition, called 'product' and associated with table 'products'
var Product = this.sequelize.define('product', {
title: Sequelize.STRING
// User Model definition, called 'user' and associated with table 'users'
var User = this.sequelize.define('user', {
first_name: Sequelize.STRING,
last_name: Sequelize.STRING
// creates a 'userId' field in the Product model
// long way
//create a new User, saves it to the DB
first_name: 'Mick',
last_name: 'Broadstone'
.then(user => {
// once user is created, create a product, and fill in the userId field manually
title: 'Chair',
// nicer way
title: 'Desk',
// provide a 'user' field where you provide a user definition
user: {
first_name: 'Ben',
last_name: 'Cohen'
}, {
include: [ User ] // include a data dependency
// Product is created, but before it can fill in userId it creates a new User
// with the provided data and automatically adds that value into the Products
// userId column
// Note that both ways are really equivalent, so neither is truly nicer, its
// a matter of choice
/*-------------------------- The Database ---------------------------*
| ------------- |
| |
| products | users |
| -------- | ------ |
| id title userId | id first_name last_name |
| -- ----- ------ | -- ---------- --------- |
| 44 'Chair' 12 | 12 'Mick' 'Boradstone' |
| 56 'Desk' 32 | 32 'Ben' 'Cohen' |
| | |
| | |
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