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Last active January 16, 2018 13:14
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New files streaming

New files stream

This file creates a stream that will emit values for each new file created in the directory watching. It's only dependency is the RxJava library, and uses inside the java.nio2 watch service for new values.

import java.nio.file.*
import io.reactivex.*
Observable<Path> newFilesStream(Path path) {
Observable.create { emitter ->
println(">> Watching $path")
def parentWatchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()
def foldersWatching = [ "$path" : parentWatchService ]
path.register(parentWatchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE)
while(true) {
newFolders = [:]
foldersWatching.each { entry ->
def curPath = Paths.get(entry.key)
def watchService = entry.value
def key = watchService.poll()
if (key) {
key.pollEvents().each { ev ->
def eventPath = curPath.resolve("${ev.context()}")
if (Files.isDirectory(eventPath) && !foldersWatching.containsKey("$eventPath") && !newFolders.containsKey("$eventPath")) {
def newService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()
eventPath.register(newService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE)
newFolders["$eventPath"] = newService
println(">> Adding directory $eventPath to watch list")
foldersWatching << newFolders
newFilesStream(Paths.get("/tmp/watch")).take(10).forEach { Path path ->
println(">>> $path")
import java.nio.file.*
import io.reactivex.*
Observable<Path> newFilesStream(Path path) {
Observable.create { emitter ->
def observer = new FileAlterationObserver(path.toFile())
observer.addListener(new FileAlterationListenerAdaptor() {
public void onDirectoryCreate(File file) {
public void onFileCreate(File file) {
def monitor = new FileAlterationMonitor(1000, observer)
emitter.cancellable = {
newFilesStream(Paths.get("/mnt/shared")).take(5).forEach { Path path ->
println(">>> $path")
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