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Last active November 27, 2018 14:22
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def encript(e_, n_, m_ ){
p 'm ^ e'
p m_ ** e_
p 'c_ (encripted message)'
p c_ = (m_ ** e_) % n_
p_ = 11
q_ = 13
n_ = p_ * q_
p 'n'
p n
e_ = 3
m_ = 26
encript(e_ , n_, m_)
# two chained exponentiatinons are equal to one exponentiation of the multiplication of the exponents
# (m_ ** e_) ** d_ = (m_ ** (e_ * d_))
# left side:
# (2 ** 3 ) ** 3
# (2 * 2 * 2 ) * (2 * 2 * 2) * (2 * 2 * 2)
# 2 ** 9
# right side
# (2 ** (3 * 3))
# 2 ** 9
# same result
p c
p 'knowing that p and q are primes'
p " number_of_numbers_that_dont_share_a_factor_with_p #{p_}"
p totient_of_p = p_ -1
p " number_of_numbers_that_dont_share_a_factor_with_q #{q_}"
p totient_of_q = q_ -1
p "since totient (p * q) = totient (p) * totient(q)"
p "totient of #{n} (n) = (number_of_numbers_that_dont_share_a_factor_with_n)"
p 'totient_of_p * totient_of_q'
p totient = totient_of_p * totient_of_q
# ((m_ ** e_ ) % n_ )** d_)) % n_ == m_
# (encripted )** d_)) % n_ == decripted
# d_ ????
# wich d will decript our encripted ?
# side note
# applying the module both times or just at the end gives equal results
# (m_ ** e_ ) % n_ ) ** d_ % n_ == decripted is equal to
# ((m_ ** e_ ))** d_)) % n_ == m_
# ( (A % C)**B ) % C == A**B % C (modular exponentiation property)
# (m_ ** e_ )** d_)) % n_ == m_ is equal to:
# (m_ ** (e_ * d_)) % n_ == m_
# Eulers theorem
# m ** (totient(n)) ==== 1 mod n
# given m and n dont share a common factor, ie: n is prime, ie n == 3
# m ** (totient(n)) ==== 1 mod n
# we are going to rearrange this equaliy to get what we need ! ........ :
# (m_ ** (e_ * d_)) % n_ == m_ # d ????
# Eulers theorem
# m ** (totient(n)) ==== 1 mod n
# exponentiate both sides by k (any number)
# ( m ** (totient(n)) ) ** k ==== (1 mod n ) ** k
# modular exponentiation property
# ( m ** (totient(n)) ) ** k ==== (1 ** k ) mod n
# 1 ** any number will always be equal to 1
# ( m ** (totient(n)) ) ** k ==== 1 mod n
# two chained exponentiatinons are equal to one exponentiation of the multiplication of the exponents
# m ** (totient(n) * k ) === 1 mod n
# multiply both sides by m
# (m ** (totient(n) * k )) * m === (1 mod n) * m
# multiplying an exponentiation by the number that is exponentiated is equal to just sum 1 to the exp
# m ** (totient(n) * k + 1) === (1 mod n) * m
# right side: 1 * m === m
# m ** (totient(n) * k + 1) === m mod n
# m_ ** ( e_ * d_ ) === m_ % n_
# then !
# totient(n) * k + 1 === e_ * d_
# (totient(n) * k + 1) / e_ === d_
# p * q = n
# the totient has a multiplication property ...... :
# totient (n) = totient (p) * totient (q)
# the totient is easy to calculate if a number is prime. totient(p) = p - 1
# the totient is hard to calculate if a number is not prime. totient(m) = ???
# we know n = p (prime) * q (prime) because we constructed n like that on porpouse
d_ = ( ((p_ - 1) * (q_ -1) * k_) + 1 ) / e
d_ = ( (totient(n) * k_) + 1 ) / e
# we dont know k_ yet
d_ * e = (totient(n) * k_) + 1
d_ = totient(n) * k_ : e + 1 : e
d_ = (p_ - 1) * (q_ -1) : e * k_ + 1 : e
d_ = tot : e * k + 1 : e
= 3016 : 3 *k + 1 : 3
k has to bu such that it decimal part of the first summed componen is equal to :
= 1 - 1 : e
= (e -1) / e
the decimal part of tot : e would be equal to :
if tot is a multiple of 3 there is no decimal part , so n is useless
tot / e =
4 / 3 => (4 mod 3) / 3 => 1/3
5 / 3 => (5 mod 3) / 3 => 2/3
siempre te va a quedar una fracción compatible, es solo multiplicar hasta que se encuentre
hay tantos casos como el modulo, en este caso, 3: 0, 1, 2
tot mod e = 0, 1 , 2
si tot mod e = 1 entonces d va a ser igual a e -1 # o en todos los casos?
: 1 2 3 4 5
1 / 5 = 0.2 => 0.4 => 0.6 => 0.8 => 1
2 / 5 = 0.4 => 0.8 => 1.2 => 1.6 => 2
3 / 5 = 0.6 => 1.2 => 1.8 => 2.4 => 3
4 / 5 = 0.8
5 / 5 = 1
tot : e * k + 1 : e
3016 : 5 * k + 1 : 5
k === e -1 ???
13 * 11
def encript(m_, e_, p_, q_ ){
n_ = p_ * q_
tot = (p_ -1) * (q_ -1)
s_ = (m_ ** e_ ) % n_
d_ = nil
possible_d = (1...e_).to_a
possible_d.each |pos| do
d_candidate = ((pos.to_f * tot) + 1) / e_
if d_ == d.floor
d_ = d_candidate
d_ = ((k_.to_f * tot) + 1) / e_
desen = (m_ ** d_ ) % n_
{"d"=> d_ , "e"=> e_ , "s_" => s_, 'k'=>k_,'m_' => m_, 'desen'=> desen }
require 'prime'
def prompt_number(*args)
result = gets.strip
def generateModuloAndPublicExponent(prime_a, prime_b )
# el móduo es:
modulo = prime_a * prime_b
# el totient del módulo es:
totient = (prime_a -1) * (prime_b -1)
public_exponent = nil
# e_has to be coprime to prime_a and prime_b
possible_e = (3...(30)).to_a
possible_e.each do |pos_e|
# candidato para el public exponent : + pos_e.to_s
count = 0
pos_e.prime_division.each do | div|
if((prime_a -1) % div[0] == 0)
if((prime_b -1) % div[0] == 0)
count += 1
if count == pos_e.prime_division.length
# encontrado un exponente público adecuado
public_exponent = pos_e
k_ = nil
possible_k = (1...(public_exponent )).to_a
# hay que buscar un k tal que el exponente privado sea un entero
possible_k.each do |pos_k|
# 'candidato :' + pos_k.to_s
# p 'el exponente privado sería : '
private_exponent_would_be = ((pos_k.to_f * totient) + 1) / public_exponent
if private_exponent_would_be == private_exponent_would_be.floor.to_f
# p 'k encontrado'
k_ = pos_k
# p 'el exponente privado es '
private_exponent = ((k_.to_f * totient) + 1) / public_exponent
{"private_exponent"=> private_exponent ,"public_module"=> modulo, "public_exponent"=> public_exponent , 'k'=>k_}
def modExponentiation(mod, exponent, number)
partial = number
(exponent - 1).times do |time|
partial = (partial * number) % mod
# p time
def encryptAMessage(public_module, public_exponent, message)
if (public_module - 1) < message
raise"el mensaje es muy grande, tiene que ser más chico que primoA * primoB ( #{modulo}). Usar primos más grandes o usar un mensaje mas corto ")
modExponentiation(public_module, public_exponent, message)
# equivalent to below but more efficient
# (message ** public_exponent ) % public_module
def decryptAMessage(prime_a, prime_b, encrypted_message)
p rsa = generateModuloAndPublicExponent(prime_a, prime_b)
modExponentiation(rsa['public_module'], rsa['private_exponent'].to_i, encrypted_message)
# equivalent to below but more efficient
# (encrypted_message ** rsa['private_exponent'].to_i ) % rsa['public_module']
action = prompt_number "1) generar claves a partir de primos \n2) encriptar \n3) desencriptar\n"
if action == 1
prime_example_a = prompt_number "ingresar un nro primo de no mas de 4 digitos: \n"
prime_example_b = prompt_number "ingresar otro nro primo de no mas de 4 digitos: \n"
rsa_data = generateModuloAndPublicExponent(prime_example_a, prime_example_b)
p rsa_data
elsif action == 2
public_exponent = prompt_number "ingresar el exponente pùblico\n"
public_module = prompt_number "ingresar el módulo pùblico\n"
message = prompt_number "ingresar un nro a encriptar (más pequeño que #{public_module})\n"
encrypted = encryptAMessage(public_module, public_exponent, message)
p 'encriptado'
p encrypted
elsif action == 3
private_exponent = prompt_number "ingresar el exponente privado\n"
public_module = prompt_number "ingresar el módulo público\n"
message = prompt_number "ingresar un nro a desencriptar\n"
decripted = modExponentiation(public_module, private_exponent, message)
p 'desencriptado'
p decripted
p 'eres una gran deshonra para tu familia'
require 'prime'
def encript(message, prime_a, prime_b )
p 'el móduo es:'
p modulo = prime_a * prime_b
if (modulo - 1) < message
raise"el mensaje es muy grande, tiene que ser más chico que primoA * primoB ( #{modulo}). Usar primos más grandes o usar un mensaje mas corto ")
p 'el totient del módulo es:'
p totient = (prime_a -1) * (prime_b -1)
public_exponent = nil
# e_has to be coprime to prime_a and prime_b
possible_e = (3...(30)).to_a
possible_e.each do |pos_e|
p 'candidato para el public exponent :' + pos_e.to_s
count = 0
pos_e.prime_division.each do | div|
if((prime_a -1) % div[0] == 0)
if((prime_b -1) % div[0] == 0)
count += 1
if count == pos_e.prime_division.length
p 'encontrado un exponente público adecuado'
p public_exponent = pos_e
p 'mensaje encriptado'
p encripted_message = (message ** public_exponent ) % modulo
k_ = nil
possible_k = (1...(public_exponent )).to_a
p 'hay que buscar un k tal que el exponente privado sea un entero'
possible_k.each do |pos_k|
p 'candidato :' + pos_k.to_s
p 'el exponente privado sería : '
p private_exponent_would_be = ((pos_k.to_f * totient) + 1) / public_exponent
if private_exponent_would_be == private_exponent_would_be.floor.to_f
p 'k encontrado'
k_ = pos_k
p 'k'
p k_
p 'el exponente privado es '
p private_exponent_ = ((k_.to_f * totient) + 1) / public_exponent
desen = (encripted_message ** private_exponent_.to_i ) % modulo
{"exponente privado"=> private_exponent_ ,"modulo_publico"=> modulo, "exponente_público"=> public_exponent , "encripted_message" => encripted_message, 'k'=>k_,'message' => message, 'desen'=> desen }
p encript(111, 197, 199)
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