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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are basic usings. Always let them be here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are RimWorld-specific usings. Activate/Deactivate what you need:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
using UnityEngine; // Always needed
//using VerseBase; // Material/Graphics handling functions are found here
using Verse; // RimWorld universal objects are here (like 'Building')
using Verse.AI;
//using Verse.Sound; // Needed when you do something with Sound
//using Verse.Noise; // Needed when you do something with Noises
using RimWorld; // RimWorld specific functions are found here (like 'Building_Battery')
//using RimWorld.Planet; // RimWorld specific functions for world creation
//using RimWorld.SquadAI; // RimWorld specific functions for squad brains
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hugslib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
using HugsLib;
using Harmony;
// using HugsLib.Source.Detour;
// Bad Things:
using System.Reflection;
namespace RePower
// Track the power users
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Building_WorkTable), "UsedThisTick", new Type[] { })]
public static class Building_WorkTable_UsedThisTick_Patch
public static void UsedThisTick(Building_WorkTable __instance)
// The Hook for tracking things used:
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_WatchBuilding), "WatchTickAction", new Type[] { })]
public static class JobDriver_WatchBuilding_WatchTickAction_Patch
public static void WatchTickAction(JobDriver_WatchBuilding __instance)
// The Hook for tracking things used:
RePower.AddBuildingUsed(__instance.job.targetA.Thing as Building);
static class RepowerHook
[DetourMethod(typeof(Building_WorkTable), "UsedThisTick")]
private static void _UsedThisTick(this Building_WorkTable self)
//RePower.Log ("Building Used Request");
// Rather inefficient, since we're getting it each Tick instead of caching, but the cached copy is inaccessible
// And quite frankly reflecting to it proved slower.
// Possibly staticly caching it may suffice
var refuelable = self.TryGetComp<CompRefuelable>();
if (refuelable != null)
// The Hook for tracking things used:
[DetourMethod(typeof(JobDriver_WatchBuilding), "WatchTickAction")]
private static void _WatchTickAction(this JobDriver_WatchBuilding self)
var targetA =;
float statValue = targetA.Thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.EntertainmentStrengthFactor, true);
float extraJoyGainFactor = statValue; // What the heck Tynan?
JoyUtility.JoyTickCheckEnd(self.pawn, JoyTickFullJoyAction.EndJob, extraJoyGainFactor);
RePower.AddBuildingUsed(targetA.Thing as Building);
public class RePower : ModBase
#region hugslib
public override string ModIdentifier
return "RePower";
// Track the number of buildings on the map
// When this changes, rescan now instead of delayed
// (This seems to be the best way of figuring out when a new building is placed)
// For simplicity, cheese it and only care about the visible map
int lastVisibleBuildings = 0;
int ticksToRescan = 0; // Tick tracker for rescanning
public override void Tick(int currentTick)
if (inUseTick != currentTick)
inUseTick = currentTick;
foreach (Thing thing in buildingsToModifyPowerOn)
if (thing == null)
Logger.Message("Tried to modify power level for thing which no longer exists");
var powerComp = thing.TryGetComp<CompPowerTrader>();
if (powerComp != null)
// Set the power requirement
powerComp.PowerOutput = powerLevels[thing.def.defName][0];
var visibleBuildings = Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap.listerBuildings.allBuildingsColonist.Count;
if (visibleBuildings != lastVisibleBuildings)
lastVisibleBuildings = visibleBuildings;
ticksToRescan = 0; // Rescan now
if (ticksToRescan < 0)
ticksToRescan = 2000;
// Destructively modifies the things to modify power on, do the state resetting first
foreach (Building building in buildingsThatWereUsedLastTick)
// Skip modifying power on things we're not supposed to modify power on
if (!buildingsToModifyPowerOn.Contains(building)) continue;
var powerComp = building.TryGetComp<CompPowerTrader>();
if (powerComp != null)
// Set the power requirement to high if the building is in use
powerComp.PowerOutput = powerLevels[building.def.defName][1];
public static RePower instance;
public static void Log(string log)
if (instance == null) return;
public override void DefsLoaded()
var defs = DefDatabase<RePowerDef>.AllDefs;
int num = 0, loaded = 0;
foreach (var def in defs)
var target = def.targetDef;
var namedDef = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamedSilentFail(target);
if (namedDef == null)
Logger.Message(string.Format("No def named {0} to load, skipping.", target));
Logger.Message(string.Format("Registering def named {0}", target));
if (def.poweredWorkbench)
RegisterWorkTable(namedDef.defName, def.lowPower, def.highPower);
if (def.poweredReservable)
RegisterExternalReservable(namedDef.defName, def.lowPower, def.highPower);
Logger.Message(string.Format("Loaded {1} of {0} mod support defs.", num, loaded));
medicalBedDef = ThingDef.Named("HospitalBed");
HiTechResearchBenchDef = ThingDef.Named("HiTechResearchBench");
AutodoorDef = ThingDef.Named("Autodoor");
DeepDrillDef = ThingDef.Named("DeepDrill");
public override void Initialize()
RegisterWorkTable("ElectricTailoringBench", -10, -500); // 10W Idle, 500W active
RegisterWorkTable("ElectricSmithy", -10, -1000); // 10W Idle, 1000W Active
RegisterWorkTable("TableMachining", -10, -1400); // 10W Idle, 1400W Active
RegisterWorkTable("ElectricStove", -10, -1000); // 10W Idle, 1000W Active
RegisterWorkTable("ElectricSmelter", -400, -4500); // 400W Idle, 4500W Active
RegisterWorkTable("BiofuelRefinery", -10, -1800); // 10W Idle, 1800W Active
RegisterWorkTable("FabricationBench", -10, -1800); // 10W Idle, 1800W Active
RegisterWorkTable("ElectricCrematorium", -200, -750); // 200W Idle, 750W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("MultiAnalyzer", -10, -600); // 10W Idle, 600W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("VitalsMonitor", -10, -1000); // 10W Idle, 1000W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("HiTechResearchBench", -100, -1000); // 100W Idle, 1000W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("Autodoor", -5, -500); // 5W Idle, 500W Active
// Televisions!
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("TubeTelevision", -10, -400); // 10W Idle, 400W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("FlatscreenTelevision", -10, -400); // 10W Idle, 400W Active
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("MegascreenTelevision", -10, -400); // 10W Idle, 400W Active
// Drill
RegisterSpecialPowerTrader("DeepDrill", -10, -500); // 10W Idle, 500W Active
Logger.Message("Initialized Components");
instance = this;
Logger.Message("Registered instance");
// Power levels pairs as Vector2's, X = Idling, Y = In Use
static Dictionary<string, Vector2> powerLevels = new Dictionary<string, Vector2>();
//static HashSet<ThingDef> workTablesRegistered = new HashSet<ThingDef> ();
static void RegisterWorkTable(string defName, float idlePower, float activePower)
powerLevels.Add(defName, new Vector2(idlePower, activePower));
//workTablesRegistered.Add (ThingDef.Named (defName));
static void RegisterSpecialPowerTrader(string defName, float idlePower, float activePower)
powerLevels.Add(defName, new Vector2(idlePower, activePower));
static public float PowerFactor(CompPowerTrader trader, Building building)
var defName = building.def.defName;
//instance.Logger.Message (defName + " checked for power factor");
if (powerLevels.ContainsKey(defName))
bool inUse = buildingsThatWereUsedLastTick.Contains(building);
instance.Logger.Message(string.Format("{0} ({1}) power adjusted", building.ThingID, defName));
// Return the idle power if not in use, otherwise, return the active power
return powerLevels[defName][inUse ? 1 : 0];
return 1;
#region tracking
public static int inUseTick = 0;
public static HashSet<Building> buildingsThatWereUsedLastTick = new HashSet<Building>();
public static HashSet<Building> buildingsInUseThisTick = new HashSet<Building>();
public static HashSet<Building> buildingsToModifyPowerOn = new HashSet<Building>();
public static HashSet<ThingDef> buildingDefsReservable = new HashSet<ThingDef>();
public static HashSet<Building> reservableBuildings = new HashSet<Building>();
public static HashSet<Building_Bed> MedicalBeds = new HashSet<Building_Bed>();
public static HashSet<Building> HiTechResearchBenches = new HashSet<Building>();
public static HashSet<Building_Door> Autodoors = new HashSet<Building_Door>();
public static HashSet<Building> DeepDrills = new HashSet<Building>();
private static ThingDef medicalBedDef;
private static ThingDef HiTechResearchBenchDef;
private static ThingDef AutodoorDef;
private static ThingDef DeepDrillDef;
public static void AddBuildingUsed(Building building)
public static void RegisterExternalReservable(string defName, int lowPower, int highPower)
var def = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamedSilentFail(defName);
if (defName == null)
instance.Logger.Message(string.Format("Def Named {0} could not be found, it's respective mod probably isn't loaded", defName));
instance.Logger.Message(string.Format("Attempting to register def named {0}", defName));
RegisterWorkTable(defName, lowPower, highPower);
catch (System.Exception e)
public static void ScanExternalReservable()
foreach (ThingDef def in buildingDefsReservable)
foreach (var map in Find.Maps)
if (map == null) continue;
var buildings = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(def);
foreach (var building in buildings)
if (building == null) continue;
public static void EvalExternalReservable()
foreach (var building in reservableBuildings)
// Cache misses
if (building == null) continue;
if (building.Map == null) continue;
if (building.Map.reservationManager.IsReservedByAnyoneOf(building, building.Faction))
// Evaluate medical beds for medical beds in use, to register that the vitals monitors should be in high power mode
public static void EvalBeds()
foreach (var mediBed in MedicalBeds)
if (mediBed == null) continue; // Skip null beds (out of date cache)
if (mediBed.Map == null) continue;
bool occupied = false;
foreach (var occupant in mediBed.CurOccupants)
occupied = true;
if (occupied)
var facilityAffector = mediBed.GetComp<CompAffectedByFacilities>();
foreach (var facility in facilityAffector.LinkedFacilitiesListForReading)
buildingsInUseThisTick.Add(facility as Building);
public static void EvalDeepDrills()
foreach (var deepDrill in DeepDrills)
if (deepDrill == null) continue;
if (deepDrill.Map == null) continue;
var inUse = deepDrill.Map.reservationManager.IsReservedByAnyoneOf(deepDrill, deepDrill.Faction);
if (!inUse) continue;
// How to tell if a research table is in use?
// I can't figure it out. Instead let's base it on being reserved for use
public static void EvalResearchTables()
foreach (var researchTable in HiTechResearchBenches)
if (researchTable == null) continue;
if (researchTable.Map == null) continue;
// Determine if we are reserved:
var inUse = researchTable.Map.reservationManager.IsReservedByAnyoneOf(researchTable, researchTable.Faction);
if (!inUse) continue;
var facilityAffector = researchTable.GetComp<CompAffectedByFacilities>();
foreach (var facility in facilityAffector.LinkedFacilitiesListForReading)
buildingsInUseThisTick.Add(facility as Building);
public static void EvalAutodoors()
foreach (var autodoor in Autodoors)
if (autodoor == null) continue;
if (autodoor.Map == null) continue;
// If the door allows passage and isn't blocked by an object
var inUse = autodoor.Open && (!autodoor.BlockedOpenMomentary);
if (inUse) buildingsInUseThisTick.Add(autodoor);
public static HashSet<ThingDef> thingDefsToLookFor;
public static void ScanForThings()
// Build the set of def names to look for if we don't have it
if (thingDefsToLookFor == null)
thingDefsToLookFor = new HashSet<ThingDef>();
var defNames = powerLevels.Keys;
foreach (var defName in defNames)
ScanExternalReservable(); // Handle the scanning of external reservable objects
var maps = Find.Maps;
foreach (Map map in maps)
foreach (ThingDef def in thingDefsToLookFor)
var matchingThings = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(def);
// Merge in all matching things
// Register the medical beds in the watch list
var mediBeds = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(medicalBedDef);
foreach (var mediBed in mediBeds)
var medicalBed = mediBed as Building_Bed;
// Register Hightech research tables too
var researchTables = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(HiTechResearchBenchDef);
var doors = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(AutodoorDef);
foreach (var door in doors)
var autodoor = door as Building_Door;
var deepDrills = map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(DeepDrillDef);
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