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To illustrate what I did for outputting HEX from grabserial -- SEE MY COMMENTS BELOW THE CODE
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et :
# grabserial - program to read a serial port and send the data to stdout
# Copyright 2006,2020 Sony Corporation
# This program is provided under the Gnu General Public License (GPL)
# version 2 ONLY. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# See the LICENSE file, which should have accompanied this program,
# for the text of the license.
# 2020-02-08 by Tim Bird <>
# Started 2006-09-07 by Tim Bird
# To do:
# * support interrupting capture with Ctrl-C
# * somewhere along the line, this feature got lost
# * (maybe check the exception handler and threading in the main loop?)
# * buffer output chars??
# * add optional value to -a to limit number of restarts?
# * restart based on received bytes?
# 2020.05.22 - Version 2.1.3
# - remove delay_start feature (not needed by user using rotation rounding)
# 2020.05.14 - Version 2.1.2
# - add rotation time rounding feature. If a units suffix is added
# to the rotation time, then rotate on an even multiple of that time.
# 2020.05.04 - Version 2.1.1
# - add split-lines feature (-z)
# 2020.05.01 - Version 2.1.0
# - add explicit log rotation feature (-R). This should help
# avoid data loss when doing a log rotation. Previous method using
# a restart (e.g. 'e 3600 -a') closed and reopend the serial port.
# 2020.02.08 - Version 2.0.4
# - de-reference symlinks in device_exists()
# - use stderr for error output, handle more errors, don't show usage on
# errors (it's too big now)
# - fix byte-string conversion bug introduced by command_mode changes
# (Dang this unicode/bytecode handling in Python 3.0 is a pain!)
# - rename instantpat to inlinepat (all logic is the same)
# - preserve old --instantpat argument name for compatibility
# 2020.02.07 - Version 2.0.0
# - add command mode (-C) to support using grabserial for showing
# output from executing a single command over the serial port
# 2019.09.03 - Version 1.9.9
# - fixed a bunch of pylint errors, and disabled some false positives
# with inline pylint directives
# - this included replacing some bare exceptions with UnicodeEncodeError
# 2018.08.20 - Version 1.9.8
# - try to fix unicode handling (yet again)
# - some work based on pull request submitted by 'modbw' on github
# - handle EOFError during read_input, in case of pipe closure
# 2018.01.03 - Version 1.9.6
# - add patches from Ilya Kuzmich to fix python3 issues,
# - update with python linters and other improvements
# - fix code to remove flake8 and pylint issues
# 2017.06.13 - Version 1.9.5 - add -a to restart after time expired or
# pattern matched.
# - add strftime arguments to -o.
# - add -Q to silence stdout when -o is active.
# 2016.09.29 - Version 1.9.4 - add thread for sending user input to target
# by zqb-all on github
# 2016.09.06 - clean up tabs, and add vim modeline for 4-column tabs
# grabserial should always run with python -tt grabserial
# 2016.08.31 - add microsecond precision when using system Time (-T) option
# 2016.08.30 - Version 1.9.3 - allow forcing the baudrate with -B
# 2016.07.01 - Version 1.9.2 - change how version is stored
# 2016.05.10 - Version 1.9.1 - allow skipping the tty check with -S
# 2016.05.10 - Version 1.9.0 - support use as a python module
# Note that the main module routine will be grabserial.grab(args,[outputfd])
# where args is a list of command-line-style args
# as they would be passed using the standalone program. e.g.
# grabserial.grab(None, ["-d", "/dev/ttyUSB0", "-v"])
# output from the serial port (with timing data) is sent to outputfd
# 2015.04.23 - Version 1.8.1 - remove instructions for applying LICENSE text
# to new files, and add no-warranty language to grabserial.
# 2015.03.10 - Version 1.8.0 - add -o option for saving output to a file
# add -T option for absolute times. Both contributed by ramaxlo
# 2015.03.10 - Version 1.7.1 - add line feed to inlinepat result line
# 2014.09.28 - Version 1.7.0 - add option for force reset for USB serial
# contributed by John Mehaffey <>
# 2014.01.07 - Version 1.6.0 - add option for exiting based on a
# mid-line pattern (quitpat). Simeon Miteff <>
# 2013.12.19 - Version 1.5.2 - verify Windows ports w/
# (thanks to Yegor Yefromov for the idea and code)
# 2013.12.16 - Version 1.5.1 - Change my e-mail address
# 2011.12.19 - Version 1.5.0 - add options for mid-line time capture
# (inlinepat) and base time from launch of program instead of
# first char seen (launchtime) - contributed by Kent Borg
# 2011-09-24 - better time output and time delta
# Constantine Shulyupin <>
# 2008-06-02 - Version 1.1.0 add support for sending a command to
# the serial port before grabbing output
# Use the module docstring as the usage text for the program
"""Grabserial reads data from a serial port, processes it, and outputs it.
It is much more flexible than a simple 'cat' command.
It keeps track of timing data, and can record when a pattern is seen
in the data. It can show timing data for every line received.
It can save the data to a file and can quit or restart based on a
timeout or when a pattern is seen. It can split the data into multiple
files based on timeout or a pattern.
It supports interactive writing to the serial port during data collection.
It is useful for things like:
1. capturing and annotating data from a serial port
2. logging data to multiple files
3. timing events in a stream of data
(such as how long it takes a Linux kernel to boot)
4. executing commands to a serial console.
-h, --help Print this message
-d, --device=<devpath> Set the device to read (default '/dev/ttyS0')
-b, --baudrate=<val> Set the baudrate (default 115200)
-B <val> Force the baudrate to the indicated value
(grabserial won't check if the baudrate is legal)
-w, --width=<val> Set the data bit width (default 8)
-p, --parity=<val> Set the parity (default N)
-s, --stopbits=<val> Set the stopbits (default 1)
-x, --xonxoff Enable software flow control (default off)
-r, --rtscts Enable RTS/CTS flow control (default off)
--rts=<val> Explicitly set RTS to 'True' (default) or 'False'
--dtr=<val> Explicitly set DTR to 'True' (default) or 'False'
-f, --force-reset Force pyserial to reset device parameters
-e, --endtime=<secs> End the program after the specified seconds have
-c, --command=<cmd> Send a command to the port before reading
-t, --time Print time for each line received. The time is
when the first character of each line is
received by grabserial.
-a, --again Restart application after -e expires, -q is
triggered, or the serial device is disconnected.
-R, --rotate=<time> Rotate logs every <time> period. Time is in seconds.
If time is suffixed with 's', 'm', or 'h', then
value is in the indicated units (seconds, minutes
or hours), and the rotation time is rounded to the
nearest multiple of that time. eg '-R 30m' will
rotate the logs every half hour, at xx:00 and xx:30
-z, --split-lines Allow log rotation to split a line of input. By
default, program only rotates logs on line breaks.
-T, --systime Print system time for each line received. The time
is the absolute local time when the first character
of each line is received by grabserial.
-F, --timeformat=<val> Specifies system time format for each received line
e.g. -F \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\"
(default \"%H:%M:%S.%f\")
-m, --match=<pat> Specify a regular expression pattern to match to
set a base time. Time values for lines after the
line matching the pattern will be relative to
this base time.
-i, --inlinepat=<pat> Specify a regular expression pattern to have its
time reported at end of run. It works mid-line.
-q, --quitpat=<pat> Specify a regular expression pattern to end the
program. It works mid-line.
-l, --launchtime Set base time from launch of program.
-o, --output=<name> Output data to the named file. If name is
"%" it is replaced with %Y-%m_%dT%H-%M-%S.
(or with %Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S for Linux), otherwise
standard strftime() format strings can be used.
-H, --hex-output Output the hex values of the characters received
rather than the characters themselves
--outformat Hex Output format specifier, default is '02X'
-A, --append Append (rather than overwrite) output data to the
file specifed with -o option
-Q, --quiet Silent on stdout, serial port data is only written
to file, if specified.
-v, --verbose Show verbose runtime messages
-V, --version Show version number and exit
-S, --skip Skip sanity checking of the serial device.
May be needed for some devices.
This option is required if you want grabserial to
continue running and attemp re-connections after
the serial device has been disconnected.
-n, --nodelta Skip printing delta between read lines.
--crtonewline Promote a carriage return to be treated as a
-C, --command-mode Perform a single command on the serial port, and
omit command echo and shell prompt from output.
Must be used with -c and -q options, with the
argument to -q being interpreted as the prompt
returned after the command completes.
Ex: grabserial -e 30 -t -m "^Linux version.*"
This will grab serial input for 30 seconds, displaying the time for
each line, and re-setting the base time when the line starting with
"Linux version" is seen.
import os
import sys
import getopt
import time
import datetime
import re
import thread
except ImportError:
import _thread as thread
import serial
VERSION = (2, 1, 3)
verbose = 0 # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103
cmdinput = u"" # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103
def str_to_bool(value):
"""Convert string to python boolean type"""
if value.lower() == "false" or value == "0":
return False
return True
def vprint(message):
"""Print message if in verbose mode."""
if verbose:
def eprint(message):
"""Print message to standard error."""
def usage():
"""Show grabserial usage help."""
print("Usage: grabserial -d <device> [options]\n")
def device_exists(device):
"""Check that the specified serial device exists."""
if os.path.islink(device):
device = os.path.realpath(device)
from import list_ports
for port in list_ports.comports():
if port[0] == device:
return True
return False
except serial.SerialException:
return os.path.exists(device)
def read_input():
"""Read input from stdin in a thread separate from the grab routine."""
global cmdinput # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103,W0603
# NOTE: cmdinput is in unicode (to make handling similar between
# python2 and python3)
while 1:
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
# raw_input in python 2.x returns byte string
# decode to unicode
cmdinput = raw_input().decode(sys.stdin.encoding)
except EOFError:
# if we're piping input, we want to stop trying to read
# it when the pipe closes, or the file ends
# raw_input is gone in python3
# input() returns string in unicode already
cmdinput = input() # pylint: disable=I0011,W0141
except EOFError:
# OK - no more user input, just wait for program exit
while 1:
def round_time(timestamp, round_to=60):
"""Round a timestamp up to any time lapse in seconds
timestamp: time in seconds since the epoch
round_to: Closest number of seconds to round to, default 1 minute
based on code from:
Author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
seconds = (dt.replace(tzinfo=None) - dt.min).seconds
rounding = (seconds + round_to) // round_to * round_to
dt += datetime.timedelta(0, rounding - seconds, -dt.microsecond)
return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())
# grab - main routine to grab a serial port and time the output of each line
# takes a list of arguments, as they would have been passed in sys.argv
# that is, a list of strings.
# also can take an optional file descriptor for where to send the data
# by default, data read from the serial port is sent to sys.stdout, but
# you can specify your own (already open) file descriptor, or None. This
# would only make sense if you specified another out_filename with
# "-o","myoutputfilename"
# Return value: True if we should 'restart' the program
def grab(arglist, outputfd=sys.stdout):
"""Grab data from a serial port and produce formatted output.
arglist : the list of arguments to configure the serial
port and control output and processing
(see usage help).
outputfd (optional) : a file stream to which output should be sent.
Defaults to sys.stdout.
Returns True if the grab should be restarted. This may be the
case if the connection was broken due to a timeout or an error
on the serial port, and continuous recording is requested.
global verbose # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103,W0603
global cmdinput # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103,W0603
# parse the command line options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
"hli:d:b:B:w:p:s:xrfc:taTF:m:e:o:AR:QvVq:nSCzH", [
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print help info and exit
eprint("Error parsing command line options:")
eprint("Use 'grabserial -h' to get usage help")
sd = serial.Serial()
sd.port = ""
sd.baudrate = 115200
sd.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS
sd.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
sd.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE
sd.xonxoff = False
sd.rtscts = False
sd.dsrdtr = False
sd.rts = True
sd.dtr = True
# specify a read timeout of 4 milliseconds because 3.5 byte-seconds at 9600 baud = 4.011 milliseconds
sd.timeout = 0.004
force = False
show_time = 0
show_systime = 0
basepat = ""
inlinepat = ''
quitpat = ''
basetime = 0
inlinetime = None
endtime = 0
out_filename = None
out = None
out_permissions = "wb"
spit_hex = False
outformat = '02X'
append = False
command = ""
command_mode = False
skip_device_check = 0
cr_to_nl = 0
restart = False
rotate_interval = 0.0
rotate_time = 0.0
split_lines = False
quiet = False
systime_format = "%H:%M:%S.%f"
use_delta = True
out_filenamehasdate = 0
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
if opt in ["-d", "--device"]:
device = arg
if not skip_device_check and not device_exists(device):
eprint("""Error: serial device '%s' does not exist, aborting.
If you think this port really exists, then try using the -S option
to skip the serial device check. (put it before the -d argument)
Use 'grabserial -h' for usage help."""
% device)
sd.port = device
if opt in ["-b", "--baudrate"]:
baud = int(arg)
if baud not in sd.BAUDRATES:
eprint("Error: invalid baud rate '%d' specified" % baud)
eprint("Valid baud rates are: %s" % str(sd.BAUDRATES))
eprint("You can force the baud rate using the -B option")
sd.baudrate = baud
if opt == "-B":
sd.baudrate = int(arg)
if opt in ["-p", "--parity"]:
par = arg.upper()
if par not in sd.PARITIES:
eprint("Error: invalid parity '%s' specified" % par)
eprint("Valid parities are: %s" % str(sd.PARITIES))
sd.parity = par
if opt in ["-w", "--width"]:
width = int(arg)
if width not in sd.BYTESIZES:
eprint("Error: invalid data bit width '%d' specified" % width)
eprint("Valid data bit widths are: %s" % str(sd.BYTESIZES))
sd.bytesize = width
if opt in ["-s", "--stopbits"]:
stop = int(arg)
if stop not in sd.STOPBITS:
eprint("Error: invalid stopbits '%d' specified" % stop)
eprint("Valid stopbits are: %s" % str(sd.STOPBITS))
sd.stopbits = stop
if opt in ["-c", "--command"]:
command = arg
if opt in ["-C", "--command-mode"]:
command_mode = True
if opt in ["-x", "--xonxoff"]:
sd.xonxoff = True
if opt in ["-r", "--rtscts"]:
sd.rtscts = True
if opt in ["--rts"]:
sd.rts = str_to_bool(arg)
if opt in ["--dtr"]:
sd.dtr = str_to_bool(arg)
if opt in ["-f", "--force-set"]:
force = True
if opt in ["-t", "--time"]:
show_time = 1
show_systime = 0
if opt in ["-a", "--again"]:
restart = True
if opt in ["-T", "--systime"]:
show_time = 0
show_systime = 1
if opt in ["-F", "--timeformat"]:
systime_format = arg
if opt in ["-m", "--match"]:
basepat = arg
if opt in ["-i", "--inlinepat", "--instantpat"]:
# --instantpat is supported for backwards compatibility
inlinepat = arg
if opt in ["-q", "--quitpat"]:
quitpat = arg
if opt in ["-l", "--launchtime"]:
vprint('Setting basetime to time of program launch')
basetime = time.time()
if opt in ["-e", "--endtime"]:
endstr = arg
endtime = time.time()+float(endstr)
except ValueError:
eprint("Error: invalid endtime %s specified" % arg)
if opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
out_pattern = arg
if out_pattern == "%":
if == "posix":
out_pattern = "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
out_pattern = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
if "%d" in out_pattern or "%F" in out_pattern:
out_filenamehasdate = 1
out_filename =
if opt in ["-A", "--append"]:
out_permissions = "a+b"
append = True
if opt in ["-R", "--rotate"]:
round_rotate_time = False
rotate_interval_units = arg[-1]
if rotate_interval_units in ['s', 'm', 'h']:
arg = arg[:-1]
round_rotate_time = True
rotate_interval = float(arg)
except ValueError:
eprint("Error: invalid rotation time %s specified" % arg)
now = time.time()
rotate_time = now + rotate_interval
if round_rotate_time:
if rotate_interval_units == 's':
rotate_time = round_time(now, rotate_interval)
if rotate_interval_units == 'm':
rotate_interval = rotate_interval * 60
rotate_time = round_time(now, rotate_interval)
if rotate_interval_units == 'h':
rotate_interval = rotate_interval * 3600
rotate_time = round_time(now, rotate_interval)
if opt in ["-z", "--split-lines"]:
split_lines = True
if opt in ["-H", "--hex-output"]:
spit_hex = True
if opt in ["-Q", "--quiet"]:
quiet = True
if opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]:
verbose = 1
if opt in ["-V", "--version"]:
print("grabserial version %d.%d.%d" % VERSION)
if opt in ["-S", "--skip"]:
skip_device_check = 1
if opt in ["-n", "--nodelta"]:
use_delta = False
if opt in ["--crtonewline"]:
cr_to_nl = 1
if opt in ["--outformat"]:
outformat = arg
if args:
eprint("Error: unrecognized argument '%s'" % args[0])
eprint("Use 'grabserial -h' to get usage help")
if command_mode:
if not command:
eprint("Error: Must specify a command in command-mode")
if not quitpat:
eprint("Error: Must specify a quit pattern in command-mode")
cmd_index = 0
cmd_done = False
quit_index = 0
quit_done = False
vprint("Executing command '%s', and terminating on '%s'" %
(command, quitpat))
# if verbose, show what our settings are
if sd.port:
vprint("Opening serial port %s" % sd.port)
vprint("%d:%d%s%s:xonxoff=%d:rtscts=%d:rts=%d:dtr=%d" %
(sd.baudrate, sd.bytesize, sd.parity, sd.stopbits,
sd.xonxoff, sd.rtscts, sd.rts, sd.dtr))
eprint("Error: Missing serial port to read from.")
eprint("Use 'grabserial -h' to get usage help")
if endtime and not restart:
vprint("Program set to end in %s seconds" % endstr)
if endtime and restart:
vprint("Program set to restart after %s seconds." % endstr)
if show_time:
vprint("Printing timing information for each line")
if show_systime:
vprint("Printing absolute timing information for each line")
if basepat:
vprint("Using pattern '%s' to set base time" % basepat)
if inlinepat:
vprint("Using inline pattern '%s' to report time of at end of run"
% inlinepat)
if quitpat and not restart:
vprint("Using pattern '%s' to exit program" % quitpat)
if quitpat and restart:
vprint("Using pattern '%s' to restart program" % quitpat)
if skip_device_check:
vprint("Skipping check of serial device")
if out_filename:
# open in binary mode, to pass through data as unmodified
# as possible
out = open(out_filename, out_permissions)
if out_filenamehasdate:
out_opendate =
except IOError:
print("Can't open output file '%s'" % out_filename)
if append:
vprint("Appending data to '%s'" % out_filename)
vprint("Saving data to '%s'" % out_filename)
if rotate_time:
if out_filename:
vprint("Rotate output file every %s seconds" % rotate_interval)
eprint("Error: Missing output filename")
eprint("Must use -o if using a rotate interval (-R)")
eprint("Use 'grabserial -h' to get usage help")
if quiet:
vprint("Keeping quiet on stdout")
prev1 = 0
linetime = 0
newline = 1
curline = ""
xline = b""
vprint("Use Control-C to stop...")
# pyserial does not reconfigure the device if the settings
# don't change from the previous ones. This causes issues
# with (at least) some USB serial converters
# Allow user to force device reconfiguration
if force:
toggle = sd.xonxoff
sd.xonxoff = not toggle
sd.xonxoff = toggle
if command:
command += u"\n"
except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
# This is the exception which is raised when you unplug the USB UART.
# Applies to both python 2 and 3 on Linux and Windows.
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to a SerialException"
# capture stdin to send to serial port
thread.start_new_thread(read_input, ())
except thread.error:
print("Error starting thread for read input\n")
# use stdout encoding, or "utf8" for output
out_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding
if out_encoding is None:
out_encoding = "utf8" # pylint: disable=I0011,redefined-variable-type
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped for an unknown reason"
# read from the serial port until something stops the program
while 1:
if cmdinput:
sd.write((cmdinput + u"\n").encode("utf8"))
cmdinput = u""
# read exactly 1 byte (for up to one second, based on timeout set above)
# NOTE: x should be a byte string in both python 2 and 3
x =
# see if we're supposed to stop yet
if endtime and time.time() > endtime:
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to time expiration"
# check for log rotation
if split_lines and rotate_time and time.time() > rotate_time:
vprint("Time for log rotation at %s" %"%H:%M:%S.%f"))
vprint("Closing output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out_filename =
vprint("Opening new output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out = open(out_filename, out_permissions)
out_opendate =
except IOError:
print("Can't open output file '%s'" % out_filename)
# set up for next rotation
rotate_time += rotate_interval
# if we didn't read anything, loop
if len(x) == 0:
if not newline:
x = b"\n"
# convert carriage returns to newlines.
if x == b"\r":
if cr_to_nl:
x = b"\n"
# set basetime to when first char is received
if not basetime:
basetime = time.time()
# if outputting data to a file with a date in its name and the
# date has changed, then close it and open a new file.
if (out_filename
and out_filenamehasdate
and newline
and > out_opendate
and not endtime):
vprint("Closing output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out_filename =
vprint("Opening new output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out = open(out_filename, out_permissions)
out_opendate =
except IOError:
print("Can't open output file '%s'" % out_filename)
if show_time and newline:
linetime = time.time()
elapsed = linetime-basetime
delta = elapsed-prev1
msg = "[%4.6f %2.6f] " % (elapsed, delta)
if not quiet:
if outputfd:
if out:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
prev1 = elapsed
newline = 0
if show_systime and newline:
linetime = time.time()
linetimestr =
elapsed = linetime-basetime
if use_delta:
delta = elapsed-prev1
msg = "[%s %2.6f] " % (linetimestr, delta)
msg = "[%s] " % (linetimestr)
if not quiet:
if out:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
prev1 = elapsed
newline = 0
out_char = x.decode("utf8", "ignore")
# You sometimes get a decoding error if the serial port gives
# you garbage data. This can happen, for instance, when
# the uart changes line speed during bootup.
# NOTE: I chose 'ignore' for decoding errors
# because I believe the most common use case is
# a user watching stdout from grabserial in a terminal
# window. You don't want to emit weird characters
# in that case. However, this will end up losing
# characters that can't be decoded. Another option
# is 'replace', with its own set of issues.
# Note that the exact data from the serial port is
# preserved in an output file (specified with the -o
# parameter), so you can use that to diagnose weird
# uart problems, if needed.
# curline is in unicode
curline += out_char
xline += x
# this is tricky! Enjoy.
if command_mode:
# check for data to suppress
if not cmd_done and cmd_index == len(curline)-1:
if curline[cmd_index] == command[cmd_index]:
cmd_index += 1
out_char = None
if cmd_index >= len(command):
cmd_done = True
# mis-match, output partial match, if any
# FIXTHIS - only look at first line returned by port
# (maybe set cmd_done when first \n is detected??)
if cmd_index:
if not quiet:
if out:
# we just wrote it out, no need to do it later
out_char = None
cmd_index = 0
if not quit_done and quit_index == len(curline)-1:
if curline[quit_index] == quitpat[quit_index]:
quit_index += 1
out_char = None
if quit_index >= len(quitpat):
quit_done = True
# mis-match
if quit_index:
if not quiet:
if out:
out_char = None
quit_index = 0
# FIXTHIS - should I buffer the output here??
if not quiet and out_char:
# x is a bytestr
if spit_hex and x != b"\n":
outputfd.write(format(ord(out_char),outformat) + ' ')
if out and out_char:
# save bytestring data exactly as received from serial port
# (ie there is no 'decode' here)
if spit_hex and x != b"\n":
hex_str = format(ord(out_char),outformat) + ' '
# watch for patterns
if inlinepat and not inlinetime and \, curline):
# inlinepat is in curline:
inlinetime = time.time()
# Exit the loop if quitpat matches
if quitpat and, curline):
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped because quit pattern '" + \
quitpat + "' was found"
if x == b"\n":
newline = 1
if basepat and re.match(basepat, curline):
basetime = linetime
elapsed = 0
prev1 = 0
curline = ""
xline = b""
if out:
# check for log rotation
if newline and rotate_time and time.time() > rotate_time:
vprint("Time for log rotation at %s" %"%H:%M:%S.%f"))
vprint("Closing output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out_filename = \
vprint("Opening new output file: '%s'" % out_filename)
out = open(out_filename, out_permissions)
out_opendate =
except IOError:
print("Can't open output file '%s'" % out_filename)
# set up for next rotation
rotate_time += rotate_interval
except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
# This is the exception which is raised when you unplug the USB
# UART. Applies to both python 2 and 3 on Linux and Windows.
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to a SerialException"
# We might get a Ctrl+C while we are sleeping, so catch that
# Wait a second so we don't use excessive CPU to spin in a loop
# when the serial device is disconnected.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to keyboard interrupt"
# An actual error, don't restart.
restart = False
except EnvironmentError:
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to some external error"
# An actual error. We don't want to restart the program in this
# case, so this function will return false.
restart = False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
stop_reason = "grabserial stopped due to keyboard interrupt"
# An actual error, don't restart.
restart = False
if inlinetime:
inlinetime_str = '%4.6f' % (inlinetime-basetime)
msg = u'\nThe inlinepat: "%s" was matched at %s\n' % \
(inlinepat, inlinetime_str)
if not quiet:
if out:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
if out:
return restart
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
restart_requested = grab(sys.argv[1:]) # pylint: disable=I0011,C0103
if restart_requested:
"Restarting %s\n" %"%H:%M:%S.%f"))
# emacs custom variables for using tabs
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# tab-width: 4
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This gist is to illustrate what I did for outputting HEX data from grabserial, in response to tbird20d/grabserial#50.

The starting point for this gist is the current (as of Jan 9, 2021) commit for grabserial (tbird20d/grabserial@3f4f5b4). The changes made here, reflect what I did to try to use grabserial to dump HEX data while testing an RS485 interface using a custom Modbus RTU communication protocol. I mention the serial communication protocol because it uses timing (3.5 byte-seconds) to delineate packets of data rather than a newline or some other start/stop character(s). This specific protocol characteristic adds complexity that may not necessarily be otherwise considered.

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IMPORTANT: the code above does not correctly present all of the HEX codes received.
Do not use it for hex dumping serial port data

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