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Alpvax Alpvax

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LexManos / 1-THOUGHTS
Last active September 30, 2018 13:45
1.12 Recipe enhancements
Basic loading.
To be done on ServerInit. This means things will load multiple times on the client.
Allows us to just nuke the custom recipes every server init
Allows us to have save leve overrides.
Primes us for syncing recipe types/contents S->C {Not gunna happen in 1.12, but I expect Mojang to work twards this in 1.13+}
Increases single player server load time. No known stats at the moment but shouldn't be TO bad
Loading Process:
williewillus /
Last active April 22, 2024 15:29
1.13/1.14 update primer

This primer is licensed under CC0, do whatever you want.

BUT do note that this can be updated, so leave a link here so readers can see the updated information themselves.

1.13 and 1.14 are lumped together in this doc, you're on your own if you just want to go to 1.13 and not 1.14, for some reason.

1.15 stuff:

Things in Advance

  • ResourceLocation now throw on non-snake-case names instead of silently lowercasing for you, so you probably should go and change all those string constants now. More precisely, domains must only contain alphanumeric lowercase, underscore (_), dash (-), or dot (.). Paths have the same restrictions, but can also contain forward slashes (/).

Notes should be taken with a grain of salt as it's just notes I took during the livestream and since I'm no contributor to forge I cannot attest to the accuracy of facts.

1.13 General

  • cpw is rewriting the mod loader and it's going to be merged into 1.13 forge
  • 1.13 forge will have java 9 support. (May happen sooner rather than later)
  • The mod loader carries a lot of technical debt, which is the reason the load speed is a bit slow, they're working towards improving the performance of the loader.
  • Java 10 & 11 support depends on Mojang using it. Go yell at them for support.
  • Forge will receive a full audit for 1.13, going over all of the classes for redundancies. Stable 1.13 Forge might take months.
  • New coremod system for 1.13, coremods are necessary for forge, but people tend to overuse them right now.
  • JavaScript system to modify base classes.
SizableShrimp /
Last active January 20, 2023 04:19
Overview of Forge 1.18.2 registry and tag changes

Overview of Forge 1.18.2 registry and tag changes

Forge version 1.18.2-40.0.18 introduced some changes to how custom registries and tags work to support Mojang's new universal tag system. The differences between tags in 1.18.1 and 1.18.2 were great enough to warrant breaking changes in Forge where necessary.

Enabling tags for custom registries

For simplicity, custom Forge registries are opt-in for universal tags. To enable tags for a registry, call RegistryBuilder#hasTags(). This tells Forge to run the necessary setup to allow tags for a custom registry. Tag-enabled forge registries will be registered to the root registry in Registry to promote as much compatibility with vanilla systems as possible.