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Last active May 25, 2020 20:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import stakerlib
import pdb
import time
import json
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from datetime import datetime
chain = 'DEX'
rpc = stakerlib.def_credentials(chain)
all_ntz = {}
count_ntz = []
start_hours = int(input('Amount of prev hours:'))
now = time.time()
top_of_hour = now-(now%3600)
start_time = int(top_of_hour - start_hours*3600)
blocks = rpc.getblockcount()
addresses = []
# might be more efficient to scrap RXL... txids depending on chain
while start_time < now:
ntz = rpc.scanNotarisationsDB(str(blocks), chain)
if ntz and ntz not in count_ntz:
tx = rpc.getrawtransaction(ntz['hash'], 2)
signers = {}
for vin in tx['vin']:
signers[vin['address']] = 1
if vin['address'] not in addresses:
hour = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx['time'] - (tx['time']%3600)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
now = tx['time']
if hour in all_ntz:
for i in signers:
if i in all_ntz[hour]:
all_ntz[hour][i] += 1
all_ntz[hour][i] = 1
all_ntz[hour] = signers
blocks -= 1
x_hours = []
for i in all_ntz:
hours = {}
for addr in addresses:
hours[addr] = [0]*len(x_hours)
count = 0
for i in all_ntz:
if addr in all_ntz[i]:
hours[addr][count] = all_ntz[i][addr]
count += 1
bars = []
for addr in addresses:
bars.append(go.Bar(name=addr, x=x_hours, y=hours[addr]))
fig = go.Figure(data=bars)
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