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Last active October 10, 2017 07:16
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(* *)
(* Copyright 2017 OCamlPro *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the special *)
(* exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* This file contains a prototype implementation of, to help testing on different
systems. The intent is to integrate the results as opam variables that will
be used, typically, to select external dependencies.
This code is partially from
[opam-depext](, but this provides more
variables and differs in several aspects. This is for experimentation.
Run with 'ocaml unix.cma THIS_FILE [-d]'
let version = 4
let debug = Array.length Sys.argv > 1 && Sys.argv.(1) = "-d"
let lines_of_channel ic =
let rec aux acc =
let line = try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None in
match line with
| Some s -> aux (s::acc)
| None -> acc
List.rev (aux [])
let lines_of_command c =
if debug then Printf.eprintf "+ %s\n%!" c;
let ic = Unix.open_process_in c in
let lines = lines_of_channel ic in
match Unix.close_process_in ic with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 -> lines
| Unix.WEXITED 127 ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Command not found: %s" c
| Unix.WEXITED i ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Command failed: %s returned %d" c i
| Unix.WSIGNALED i ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Command failed: %s signal %d" c i
| Unix.WSTOPPED i ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Command failed: %s stopped %d" c i
let lines_of_file f =
let ic = open_in f in
let lines = lines_of_channel ic in
close_in ic;
let has_command c =
let cmd = Printf.sprintf "command -v %s >/dev/null" c in
try Sys.command cmd = 0 with Sys_error _ -> false
let command_output c =
match List.filter (fun s -> String.trim s <> "") (lines_of_command c) with
| [s] -> s
| _ -> Printf.ksprintf failwith "Output of command too long: %S" c
let has_prefix s pfx =
let pfxlen = String.length pfx in
pfxlen <= String.length s &&
try for i = 0 to pfxlen do
if pfx.[i] <> s.[i] then raise Exit
with Exit -> false
let arch =
let raw = match Sys.os_type with
| "Unix" | "Cygwin" -> command_output "uname -m"
| "Win32" ->
(match Sys.getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" with
| "X86" as a ->
(try Sys.getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" with Not_found -> a)
| arch -> arch)
| _ -> failwith "Bad Sys.os_type"
match String.lowercase_ascii raw with
| "x86" | "i386" | "i586" | "i686" -> "x86_32"
| "x86_64" | "amd64" -> "x86_64"
| "powerpc" | "ppc" | "ppcle" -> "ppc32"
| "ppc64" | "ppc64le" -> "ppc64"
| "aarch64_be" | "aarch64" | "armv8b" | "armv8l" -> "arm64"
| a when List.exists (has_prefix a)
["armv5"; "armv6"; "earmv6"; "armv7"; "earmv7"] -> "arm32"
| s -> s
let os =
match Sys.os_type with
| "Unix" -> (match String.lowercase_ascii (command_output "uname -s") with
| "darwin" -> "macos"
| s -> s)
| s -> String.lowercase_ascii s
let os_release_field: string -> string =
let os_release_file = lazy (
List.find Sys.file_exists ["/etc/os-release"; "/usr/lib/os-release"] |>
lines_of_file |> (fun s -> Scanf.sscanf s "%s@= %s" (fun x v ->
try Scanf.sscanf v "\"%s@\"" (fun s -> s)
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> v))
) in
fun f ->
List.assoc f (Lazy.force os_release_file)
let is_android, android_release =
let prop = lazy (
command_output "getprop 2>/dev/null"
) in
(fun () -> try ignore (Lazy.force prop); true with Failure _ -> false),
(fun () -> Lazy.force prop)
let distribution =
match os with
| "macos" ->
if has_command "brew" then "homebrew"
else if has_command "port" then "macports"
else os
| "linux" ->
(String.lowercase_ascii @@
if is_android () then "android" else
try os_release_field "ID" with Not_found ->
try command_output "lsb_release -i -s 2>/dev/null" with Failure _ ->
List.find Sys.file_exists ["/etc/redhat-release";
"/etc/issue"] |>
fun s -> Scanf.sscanf s " %s " (fun s -> s)
with Not_found -> os)
| _ -> os
let os_version =
match os with
| "linux" ->
(String.lowercase_ascii @@
try android_release () with Failure _ ->
try command_output "lsb_release -s -r" with Failure _ ->
try os_release_field "VERSION_ID" with Not_found ->
| "macos" ->
(String.lowercase_ascii @@
try command_output "sw_vers -productVersion" with Failure _ ->
| "win32" | "cygwin" ->
let s = command_output "cmd /C ver" in
Scanf.sscanf s "%_s@[ Version %s@]" String.lowercase_ascii
with Failure _ | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> "#undefined")
| "freebsd" ->
(String.lowercase_ascii @@
try command_output "uname -U" with Failure _ -> "#undefined")
| _ ->
(String.lowercase_ascii @@
try command_output "uname -r" with Failure _ -> "#undefined")
let family =
match os with
| "linux" ->
Scanf.sscanf (os_release_field "ID_LIKE")
"%s" String.lowercase_ascii (* first word *)
with Not_found -> distribution)
| "freebsd" | "openbsd" | "netbsd" | "dragonfly" -> "bsd"
| "win32" | "cygwin" -> "windows"
| _ -> os
let () =
Printf.printf " # opam-analyse v.%d\n" version;
Printf.printf " arch: %s\n" arch;
Printf.printf " os: %s\n" os;
Printf.printf " os-distribution: %s\n" distribution;
Printf.printf " os-version: %s\n" os_version;
Printf.printf " os-family: %s\n" family
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