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Last active October 25, 2017 13:09
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tests for google map
var map,
EasingAnimator = function(opt){
opt = opt || {};
this.easingInterval = opt.easingInterval;
this.duration = opt.duration || 1000;
this.step = opt.step || 50;
this.easingFn = opt.easingFn || function easeInOutElastic(t, b, c, d) {
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b;
return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b;
this.callBack = opt.callBack || function(){};
data_options = {
generate_controls : false,
locations : [
lat : 56.13863363,
lon : 37.49602139,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Питомник Графство Багиры",
icon : "img/paw_main.png",
lat : 58.493333,
lon : 31.241667,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Новгород",
lat : 55.755826,
lon : 37.6173,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Москва",
lat : 51.533333,
lon : 46.016667,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Саратов",
lat : 45.05,
lon : 41.983333,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Ставрополь",
lat : 50.4501,
lon : 30.5234,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Киев",
lat : 43.133333,
lon : 131.9,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Владивосток",
lat : 56.8389261,
lon : 60.6057025,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Екатиринбург",
lat : 59.9342802,
lon : 30.3350986,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Санкт-Петербург",
lat : 45.033333,
lon : 38.966667,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Краснодар",
lat : 52.3702157,
lon : 4.8951679,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Амстердам",
lat : 40.2731911,
lon : -76.8867008,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Гаррисберг",
lat : 56.9496487,
lon : 24.1051864,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Рига",
lat : 60.1733244,
lon : 24.9410248,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Хельсинки",
lat : 56.2965039,
lon : 43.9360589,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Нижний Новгород",
lat : 44.716667,
lon : 37.75,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Новороссийск",
lat : 68.9585244,
lon : 33.0826598,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Мурманск",
lat : 55.790278,
lon : 49.134722,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Казань",
lat : 55.1644419,
lon : 61.4368431,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Челябинск",
lat : 48.5027313,
lon : 135.0662599,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Хабаровск",
lat : 46.886967,
lon : 142.71745,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Ю-Сахалинск",
lat : 43.585278,
lon : 39.720278,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Сочи",
lat : 57.6260744,
lon : 39.8844708,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Ярославль",
lat : 54.7903112,
lon : 32.0503663,
animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP,
html : "Смоленск",
map_options : {
center: { lat: 55.763585, lng: 37.560883 },
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
scrollwheel : false,
mapTypeControl : false,
streetViewControl : false,
zoomControlOptions : {
style : google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL,
zoom : 6,
disableDefaultUI: true,
EasingAnimator.makeFromCallback = function(callBack){
return new EasingAnimator({
callBack: callBack
EasingAnimator.prototype.easeProp = function(obj, propDict){
propDict = propDict || {};
var self = this,
t = 0,
out_vals = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
self.easingInterval = setInterval(function(){
t+= self.step;
if (t >= self.duration) {
var percent = self.easingFn(t, 0, 1, self.duration);
Object.keys(propDict).forEach(function(key, i) {
var old_val = obj[key];
out_vals[key] = old_val - percent*(old_val - propDict[key]);
}, self.step);
function initialize() {
var gmap_options = data_options;
var points = [],
sel_point = 0;
for (var marker in gmap_options.locations) {
var obj = gmap_options.locations[marker];
points.push({lat: , lng: obj.lon })
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), gmap_options.map_options);
var easingAnimator = EasingAnimator.makeFromCallback(function(latLng){
easingAnimator.duration = 3000;
var newMarkers = new Array;
newMarkers[0] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(55.763525,37.560893), map:, title: ''
for (var marker in gmap_options.locations) {
var obj = gmap_options.locations[marker];
newMarkers.push(new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng( ,obj.lon ),
title: obj.html
map.markers = newMarkers;
.map(function(dom_elem, i) {
dom_elem.addEventListener('click', function(event){
var point = map.getCenter();
lng: point.lng()
}, points[i]);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
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